Eastern Mojave Vegetation
Images -- Species - Fabaceae

By Tom Schweich

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Salvia dorrii
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Species - Asteraceae
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Acacia dealbata

Coll. No. 915, Acacia dealbata

Photographed 5 January 2013.

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Coll. No. 916, Acacia dealbata

Photographed 5 January 2013.

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Coll. No. 915, Acacia dealbata

Photographed 5 January 2013.

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Glands of Coll. No. 915, Acacia dealbata

Scanned 5 January 2013

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Leaf of Coll. No. 915, Acacia dealbata

Scanned 5 January 2013

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Acacia greggii

Close-up photograph of Acacia greggii with leaves and seed pods.

Notice also the prickles on the lower left corner. These prickles are what gives this plant its common name, "Cat Claw."

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Acmispon americanus americanus

Coll. No. 1001, Acmispon americanus var. americanus showing stipules

Scanned 18 July 2013.

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Coll. No. 1001, Acmispon americanus var. americanus

Scanned 17 July 2013.

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General appearance of Acmispon americanus var. americanus

Photographed 17 July 2013.

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Acmispon rigidus

Coll. No. 225, Acmispon rigidus

Scanned 18 May 2015.

Coll. No. 225, 27 Apr 2000, characters observed: Herbaceous perennial, woody at base, erect, to 20 cm., not gland-dotted; Leaves, compound, leaflets 3-4, subpalmate (axis apparent beyond lower-most leaflet), main axis extending as a leaflet, leaflets, ovate, 7 mm. × 3 mm. wide, length 2.3 × width, entire, flat, stipules, gland-like, black; Inflorescence, 1-2 flowered, peduncle (5)6-10 mm.; Flower bilateral; Corolla 10 mm.; Calyx, tube 3 mm. + lobes 2-3 mm. = 5-6 mm., tube ≥ lobes; Fruit, 9 mm., flat, curved 90°, beak, 2 mm., straight.

The various combinations of short peduncles, strigose caylx lobes, and curved fruit do not fit any of the taxa known to the eastern Mojave Desert very well. Therefore, A. ridigus is a compromise.

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Coll. No. 8.2, Acmispon rigidus

Photographed 29 November 2012.

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Amorpha fruticosa

Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1940, Amorpha fruticosa

Scanned 18 December 2018.

Coll. No. 1940, 14 June 2018, characters observed: Perennial shrub, to 1.5 m., erect; Stem, pubescent, hairs, simple, basifixed; Leaves, compound, stipules, free, 3 mm., petiole, 15 mm., leaflets, #15, 25-32 mm. × 9-15 mm. wide, mid-rib extended as a short mucro, pubescent, appressed short straight hairs; Inflorescence, raceme, 60 mm. × 18 mm. wide, many flowers, pedicels, 1.5 mm.; Calyx, tube 2.5 mm. + lobes 0.7 mm., increasingly pubescent distally; Flower, zygomorphic, banner, 4.0-4.5 mm., not reflexed, back, glabrous, wings, absent, keel, absent; Fruit, unknown (immature).

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1940, Amorpha fruticosa

Photographed 18 December 2018.

Coll. No. 1940, 14 June 2018, characters observed: Perennial shrub, to 1.5 m., erect; Stem, pubescent, hairs, simple, basifixed; Leaves, compound, stipules, free, 3 mm., petiole, 15 mm., leaflets, #15, 25-32 mm. × 9-15 mm. wide, mid-rib extended as a short mucro, pubescent, appressed short straight hairs; Inflorescence, raceme, 60 mm. × 18 mm. wide, many flowers, pedicels, 1.5 mm.; Calyx, tube 2.5 mm. + lobes 0.7 mm., increasingly pubescent distally; Flower, zygomorphic, banner, 4.0-4.5 mm., not reflexed, back, glabrous, wings, absent, keel, absent; Fruit, unknown (immature).

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Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1464, Amorpha fruticosa

Photographed 27 June 2016.

Determination tentative.

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Habitat of Coll. No. 1464, Amorpha fruticosa

Photographed 27 June 2016.

Determination tentative.

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Habit of Coll. No. 1464, Amorpha fruticosa

Photographed 27 June 2016.

Determination tentative.

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Amorpha nana

Habitat of Amorpha nana, seen in the center of the photograph.

Photographed 8 Sep 2016. The tall grass in the left-center is Sorghastrum nutans “Yellow Indian Grass.”

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Amorpha nana, leaves and inflorescence.

Photographed 8 Sep 2016.

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Locoweed in the Mid Hills Campground

Photograph taken April 21, 2004.

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Astragalus agrestis

Coll. No. 2989, Astragalus agrestis.

Photographed 30 November 2023.

Native and Naturalized Flora of the Golden Area, Jefferson County, Colorado

Astragalus agrestis Douglas ex G. Don.  Purple Milkvetch.

Colorado School of Mines Survey Field, Jefferson County, Colorado. Eastern, or lower, parcel of the survey field, within Golden city limits, 247 m. northwest of the Kinney Run Trail, 2.24 km. south of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.7355°N, 105.2186°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1806 m. Flowers and developing fruit. Mixed grass prairie, highest Great Plains at base of Rocky Mountain Front Range. Lower north-facing slope, with Achillea millefolium, Tragopogon dubius, Sphaeralcea coccinea, Linaria dalmatica, Bromus inermis, and Koeleria macrantha,

Collected by permit: City of Golden, 2023, issued: Mar 13, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2989. 19-Jun-2023

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Coll. No. 1402, Astragalus agrestis

Photographed 8 June 2016.

Determination tentative.

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Astragalus agrestis

Photographed 30 July 2015.

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Coll. No. 1398, Astragalus agrestis

Scanned 2 December 2016.

Coll. No. 1398, 8 June 2016, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 15 cm., caulescent, basifixed straight appressed hairy throughout; Leaves, cauline, alternate, stipules, 5 mm., connate opposite petiole, compound, odd-pinnate, leaflets, #13, 8 mm. × 2 mm. wide, straight hairy, tip round; Inflorescence, upright ovoid cluster; Calyx, tube 4.5 mm. + lobes 3.5 mm. = 8 mm., mix of white and black hairs; Flowers, zygomorphic, 11 mm., blue-purple; Style, 7 mm., persistent; Legume, immature, 5 mm. × 1.7 mm. wide, stipe very short (0.4 mm.?), dense long straight soft hairy.

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Astragalus alpinus

Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1991, Astragalus alpinus

Photographed 19 January 2019.

Coll. No. 1991, 24 July 2018, characters observed: Perennial herb, 15 cm., caulescent, sprawling; Leaves, compound, stipules, free, 4.5 mm. × 2 mm. wide, petiole, 35 mm., blade, 70 mm. × 10 mm. wide, leaflets, #23, 9.2 mm. × 4.5 mm. wide, sparse white basifixed hairs; Inflorescence, raceme, #10 flowers, pedicels, 1 mm.; Calyx, tube 2.5 mm. + lobes 1.5 mm., hairs basifixed black appressed; Flower, zygomorphic, banner, 8 mm., white to blue, with prominent white and blue stripes in middle, reflexed at middle, back glabrous, wings, 7 mm., <keel, keel, 8 mm., tip blunt, glabrous throughout; Style, persistent, Stigma, round, glabrous; Fruit, 11 mm. × 2.3 mm. wide, stipitate, 2 mm., pendulous, hairs, basifixed black appressed.

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Coll. No. 3131, Astragalus alpinus.

Photographed 15 January 2024.

Plants of Colorado

Astragalus alpinus L.  Alpine Milkvetch.

Unnamed Gulch, Lake County, Colorado. Along Forest Road 189, about 1 km. east of County Road 18 “East Tennessee Road,” 5.69 km. (geodesic) north northwest of the GNIS location of Leadville. 39.2981°N, 106.31693°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3093 m. Tiny little Astragalus in sunny opening of willow thicket, beside game trail; between the road and the creek to the south.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2023, issued: Jul 1, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3131. 19-Jul-2023

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2603, Astragalus alpinus

Photographed 16 December 2021.

Plants of Colorado

Astragalus alpinus L.  Alpine Milkvetch.

Unnamed meadow on Forest Road 109, Lake County, Colorado. Southern part of the ridge that includes Mount Zion and Buckeye Peak, about 2.7 road miles north of Leadville, access to Forest Road 109 from US Highway 24, 140 km. southwest of Golden. 39.2788°N, 106.312°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3131 m. Flowers blue. East end of meadow, near road, on top of a turnout road drainage berm, also collected here: Vicia americana, Leptosiphon nuttallii, nearby: Campanula parryi, and Collomia linearis.

Collected by permit: Pike - San Isabel National Forest, 2021, issued: Mar 29, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2603. 15-Jul-2021

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1991, Astragalus alpinus

Photographed 19 January 2019.

Coll. No. 1991, 24 July 2018, characters observed: Perennial herb, 15 cm., caulescent, sprawling; Leaves, compound, stipules, free, 4.5 mm. × 2 mm. wide, petiole, 35 mm., blade, 70 mm. × 10 mm. wide, leaflets, #23, 9.2 mm. × 4.5 mm. wide, sparse white basifixed hairs; Inflorescence, raceme, #10 flowers, pedicels, 1 mm.; Calyx, tube 2.5 mm. + lobes 1.5 mm., hairs basifixed black appressed; Flower, zygomorphic, banner, 8 mm., white to blue, with prominent white and blue stripes in middle, reflexed at middle, back glabrous, wings, 7 mm., <keel, keel, 8 mm., tip blunt, glabrous throughout; Style, persistent, Stigma, round, glabrous; Fruit, 11 mm. × 2.3 mm. wide, stipitate, 2 mm., pendulous, hairs, basifixed black appressed.

Article records that use this photograph:


Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1471, Astragalus alpinus

Scanned 30 December 2016.

Coll. No 1471, 29 June 2016, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 12 cm., caulescent, hairs basifixed; Leaves, cauline, stipules, 5 mm., connate opposite petiole, alternate, to 80 mm., compound, leaflets, #21, 5 mm. × 3 mm. wide, ovate; Calyx, tube 2 mm. + lobes 1 mm. mostly black hairy, few white hairs; Flowers, spreading to deflexed; Banner, 5 mm + 4 mm. reflexed, blue; Wings, 8 mm. yellowish-white, apex obtuse; Keel, 8.5 mm., > wings, blue distally; Fruit, unknown.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1471, Astragalus alpinus

Scanned 30 December 2016.

Coll. No 1471, 29 June 2016, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 12 cm., caulescent, hairs basifixed; Leaves, cauline, stipules, 5 mm., connate opposite petiole, alternate, to 80 mm., compound, leaflets, #21, 5 mm. × 3 mm. wide, ovate; Calyx, tube 2 mm. + lobes 1 mm. mostly black hairy, few white hairs; Flowers, spreading to deflexed; Banner, 5 mm + 4 mm. reflexed, blue; Wings, 8 mm. yellowish-white, apex obtuse; Keel, 8.5 mm., > wings, blue distally; Fruit, unknown.

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Astragalus canadensis brevidens

Coll. No. 1021, Astragalus canadensis var. brevidens

Scanned 3 January 2015.

Coll. No. 1021, 24 Jul 2013, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb to 35 cm., from rhizome, not gland-dotted; Stipules, surrounding stem forming a sheath; Leaves, compound, odd pinnate, hairs branched (appearance is more like double-ended and anchored in middle); Leaflets, 17-21, tip without gland; Inflorescence, many flowers in a head-like spike; Flowers, 13 mm., greenish; Keel, 10 mm., tip purple-tinged, rounded.

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Habitat of Coll. No. 1021, Astragalus canadensis var. brevidens

Photographed 24 July 2013.

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Astragalus casei

Coll. No. 614, Astragalus casei

Scanned 3 Oct 2011. Shows that the stipules, while enlarged are not conate into a sheath.

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Coll. No. 614, Astragalus casei

Scanned 3 Oct 2011.

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Are the pods stipitate? I think not.

Scanned 3 Oct 2011. Coll. No. 614, Astragalus casei

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Coll. No. 400, Astragalus casei

Scanned 30 November 2012.

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Astragalus cimae cimae

Coll. No. 154.2, Astragalus cimae var. cimae

Scanned 22 November 2012.

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Coll. No. 282, Astragalus cimae var. cimae

Scanned 19 May 2015.

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Astragalus crassicarpus

Astragalus crassicarpus seen in the Survey Field.

Phototographed 20 June 2020.

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Coll. No. 1943, Astragalus crassicarpus

Photographed 20 December 2018.

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Eleven seeds that may be viable found in 3 fruits of Astragalus crassicarpus.

Scanned 25 August 2019.

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Astragalus crassicarpus “Groundplum Milkvetch”

Photographed 12 May 2020.

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Coll. No. 1851, Astragalus crassicarpus

Scanned 4 November 2018.

Coll. No. 1851, 18 May 2018, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 15 cm., Leaves, compound, stipules free, petiole, 15 mm., blade, 85 mm. × 22 mm. wide, leaflets, #23, 11 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide, terminal leaflet, not a tendril, hairs, simple, appressed, straight, Calyx, tube 8 mm. + lobes 3 mm., hairs, simple, some light and some dark, Flower, zygomorphic, white to blue, banner, 24 mm., glabrous, wings, claw, 10 mm., blade, 10 mm., keel, 20 mm., tip, obtuse; Style, persistent, 8 mm.; Fruit, 17 mm. × 7.3 mm. wide, oblong, glabrous.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1624, Astragalus crassicarpus

Scanned 3 December 2017.

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Coll. No. 1943, Astragalus crassicarpus

Photographed 15 June 2018.

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Fruit of Astragalus crassicarpus

Photographed 22 May 2017.

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Habitat of Astragalus crassicarpus on North Table Mountain.

Photographed 22 May 2017.

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Astragalus drummondii

Flower of Coll. No. 1141, Astragalus drummondii

Scanned 16 October 2015.

This flower has been partially dissected.

  1. The calyx has been split and peeled back to the upper right.
  2. The banner has been lifted up to reveal the wings and keel.
  3. The wing on the front side has been removed and placed below the keel.
  4. The ovary, fused filaments, and anthers have been lifted out of the keel and placed in from of it.

Coll. No. 1141, 9 Jun 2015, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 35 cm., caulescent; Stem, rachis, abaxial leaf surfaces, and calyx spreading hairy, hairs basifixed; Leaves, cauline, compound, odd-pinnate, stipules, 9 mm., free, entire, leaflets, 23-27, 19 mm. × 5.5 mm. wide, wavy hairy abaxially and marginally, ±glabrous adaxially; Calyx, tube 6 mm. + lobes 3 mm. = 9 mm., green at base to cream color at tube and lobes, few dark wavy hairs, persistent; Corolla, 17 mm., color cream, banner, 17 mm., wings, claw 6 mm. + blade 9 mm., tip obtuse, keel, 14 mm., tip purple, Ovary, 9 mm.; Style, 4 mm., glabrous, persistent; Fruit, stalked 12 mm. + body 26 mm. × 4 mm. Wide, pendant, smooth, glabrous, not inflated.

Article records that use this photograph:


Fruit of Coll. No. 1141, Astragalus drummondii

Scanned 16 October 2015.

Coll. No. 1141, 9 Jun 2015, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 35 cm., caulescent; Stem, rachis, abaxial leaf surfaces, and calyx spreading hairy, hairs basifixed; Leaves, cauline, compound, odd-pinnate, stipules, 9 mm., free, entire, leaflets, 23-27, 19 mm. × 5.5 mm. wide, wavy hairy abaxially and marginally, ±glabrous adaxially; Calyx, tube 6 mm. + lobes 3 mm. = 9 mm., green at base to cream color at tube and lobes, few dark wavy hairs, persistent; Corolla, 17 mm., color cream, banner, 17 mm., wings, claw 6 mm. + blade 9 mm., tip obtuse, keel, 14 mm., tip purple, Ovary, 9 mm.; Style, 4 mm., glabrous, persistent; Fruit, stalked 12 mm. + body 26 mm. × 4 mm. wide, pendant, smooth, glabrous, not inflated.

Article records that use this photograph:


Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1141, Astragalus drummondii

Scanned 16 October 2015.

Coll. No. 1141, 9 Jun 2015, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 35 cm., caulescent; Stem, rachis, abaxial leaf surfaces, and calyx spreading hairy, hairs basifixed; Leaves, cauline, compound, odd-pinnate, stipules, 9 mm., free, entire, leaflets, 23-27, 19 mm. × 5.5 mm. wide, wavy hairy abaxially and marginally, ±glabrous adaxially; Calyx, tube 6 mm. + lobes 3 mm. = 9 mm., green at base to cream color at tube and lobes, few dark wavy hairs, persistent; Corolla, 17 mm., color cream, banner, 17 mm., wings, claw 6 mm. + blade 9 mm., tip obtuse, keel, 14 mm., tip purple, Ovary, 9 mm.; Style, 4 mm., glabrous, persistent; Fruit, stalked 12 mm. + body 26 mm. × 4 mm. wide, pendant, smooth, glabrous, not inflated.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1141, Astragalus drummondii

Photographed 9 June 2015.

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Astragalus euscosmus

Coll. No. 1415, Astragalus eucosmus

Photographed 5 December 2016.

Coll. No. 1415, 10 June 2016, characters observed: Perennial, caulescent, to 40 cm., hairs basifixed throughout; Stem, not flexuous or zigzag distally, light brown above, purplish at base; Stipules, 6 mm., connate opposite petiole proximally; Leaves, cauline, alternate, compound, leaflets, #15, 15 mm. × 3.3 mm. wide, glabrous adaxially, hairy abaxially; Inflorescence, axillary racemes, flowers, #21; Calyx, tubes 3 mm. + lobes 1 mm. = 4 mm.; Flowers, spreading, 10 mm., ochroleucous proximally, blue distally, banner, 9.5 mm., wings, 8 mm., keel, 6 mm.; Fruit, unknown, immature, developing short stipitate and hairy.

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Astragalus flexuosus

Coll. No. 1949, Astragalus flexuosus

Scanned 22 December 2018.

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Habitat of Coll. No. 1148, Astragalus flexuosus

Photographed 15 June 2015.

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Coll. No. 1148, Astragalus flexuosus

Scanned 22 October 2015.

Coll. No. 1148, 15 Jun 2015, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 50 cm., not vine-like, caulescent, hairs basifixed; Leaves, cauline, compound, odd pinnate, leaflets ±15, terminal leaflet not modified into tendril, stipules, entire, not lobed at base, not connate, leaflets, 12 mm. × 4 mm. wide, oblong, notched, terminal leaflet 7 mm. < uppermost pair 8 mm.; Inflorescence, raceme; Calyx, 4 mm., not inflated in fruit; Flower, zygomorphic, banner, 9 mm., wings (2), 9 mm., keel, 5.5 mm., <wings, not beaked; Style, 3 mm., glabrous, persistent; Fruit, 9 mm. × 4.5 mm., substipitate 1 mm., not inflated, compression lateral sparse appressed hairs.

Article records that use this photograph:


Flowers of Coll. No. 1148, Astragalus flexuosus

Scanned 22 October 2015.

Coll. No. 1148, 15 Jun 2015, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 50 cm., not vine-like, caulescent, hairs basifixed; Leaves, cauline, compound, odd pinnate, leaflets ±15, terminal leaflet not modified into tendril, stipules, entire, not lobed at base, not connate, leaflets, 12 mm. × 4 mm. wide, oblong, notched, terminal leaflet 7 mm. < uppermost pair 8 mm.; Inflorescence, raceme; Calyx, 4 mm., not inflated in fruit; Flower, zygomorphic, banner, 9 mm., wings (2), 9 mm., keel, 5.5 mm., <wings, not beaked; Style, 3 mm., glabrous, persistent; Fruit, 9 mm. × 4.5 mm., substipitate 1 mm., not inflated, compression lateral sparse appressed hairs.

Article records that use this photograph:


Fruit of Coll. No. 1148, Astragalus flexuosus

Scanned 22 October 2015.

Coll. No. 1148, 15 Jun 2015, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 50 cm., not vine-like, caulescent, hairs basifixed; Leaves, cauline, compound, odd pinnate, leaflets ±15, terminal leaflet not modified into tendril, stipules, entire, not lobed at base, not connate, leaflets, 12 mm. × 4 mm. wide, oblong, notched, terminal leaflet 7 mm. < uppermost pair 8 mm.; Inflorescence, raceme; Calyx, 4 mm., not inflated in fruit; Flower, zygomorphic, banner, 9 mm., wings (2), 9 mm., keel, 5.5 mm., <wings, not beaked; Style, 3 mm., glabrous, persistent; Fruit, 9 mm. × 4.5 mm., substipitate 1 mm., not inflated, compression lateral sparse appressed hairs.

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Astragalus hallii hallii

Coll. No. 2696, Astragalus hallii var. hallii.

Photographed 6 February 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Astragalus hallii A. Gray var. hallii.  Hall's Milkvetch.

Salt Creek, Park County, Colorado. Small valley between two ridges, just north of Salt Creek and Pike-San Isabel National Forest Road 435 "Salt Creek Road," 3.1 mi. by road west of US Highway 285, 145 km. southwest of the GNIS location of Golden 38.9596°N, 106.0125°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2871 m. Open grassland with a few down trees; also collected here: Artemisia frigida.

Collected by permit: Pike - San Isabel National Forest, 2021, issued: Mar 29, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2696. 16-Aug-2021

Decumbent-spreading, hairs basifixed, 17 lflts, calyx not inflated 5+1, banner 15, fruit stipitate, somewhat inflated, dorso-ventral compressed, glabrate.

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Astragalus kentrophyta

Collection No. 542, Astragalus kentrophyta, on Wimmer Flat, San Rafael Swell, Utah.

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection No. 542, Astragalus kentrophyta, on Wimmer Flat, San Rafael Swell, Utah.

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection No. 542, Astragalus kentrophyta, on Wimmer Flat, San Rafael Swell, Utah.

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

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Astragalus laxmannii robustior

Coll. No. 3160, Astragalus laxmannii var. robustior.

Photographed 20 January 2024.

Plants of the Douglas Mountain Study Area
Jefferson County Open Space, Colorado, USA

Astragalus laxmannii Jacq. var. robustior (Hook.) Barneby & S. L. Welsh.  Prairie Milkvetch.

Guy Gulch, Jefferson County, Colorado. North of Guy Gulch, accessed by a ranch road off of Pyrenees Lane, 80 m. east northeast of the line shack, 1.04 km. west southwest of Mt. Tom, 13.7 km. (geodesic) northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.81298°N, 105.36265°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2623 m. Woody taproot, caulescent, sprawling, dolabriform hairs, large leaves and ochroleucous flowers. Beside an old road through forest of aspen, spruce and ponderosa pine, with Packera fendleri, Sedum lanceolatum, Oxytropis lambertii, Penstemon glaber var. alpinus, and Koeleria macrantha.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2023, issued: Apr 10, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3160. 26-Jul-2023

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2809, Astragalus laxmannii var. robustior.

Photographed 1 September 2022.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Astragalus laxmannii Jacq. var. robustior (Hook.) Barneby & S. L. Welsh.  Prairie Milkvetch.

Ranson/Edwards Homestead Open Space Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Approximately 1.6 mi. west on CO Highway 72 from CO Highway 93 to Plainview Road, 0.8 mi. generally north on Plainview Road to a high pressure gas line service road, about 215 m. east on the pipeline road. 39.8842°N, 105.2605°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1939 m. Caulescent, 23-24 cm., hairs dolibriform, leaflets #17, 19 mm., terminal lflt jointed, calyx tube 5 mm., flowers 17 mm. Dry terrace above Coal Creek, with Koeleria macrantha.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2022, issued: Apr 5, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2809. 15-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2809, Astragalus laxmannii var. robustior.

Photographed 15 June 2022.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Astragalus laxmannii Jacq. var. robustior (Hook.) Barneby & S. L. Welsh.  Prairie Milkvetch.

Ranson/Edwards Homestead Open Space Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Approximately 1.6 mi. west on CO Highway 72 from CO Highway 93 to Plainview Road, 0.8 mi. generally north on Plainview Road to a high pressure gas line service road, about 215 m. east on the pipeline road. 39.8842°N, 105.2605°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1939 m. Caulescent, 23-24 cm., hairs dolibriform, leaflets #17, 19 mm., terminal lflt jointed, calyx tube 5 mm., flowers 17 mm. Dry terrace above Coal Creek, with Koeleria macrantha.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2022, issued: Apr 5, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2809. 15-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1400, Astragalus laxmannii var. robustior

Scanned 2 December 2016.

Coll. No. 1400, 8 June 2016, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 40 cm., caulescent, hairs dolabriform; Leaves, cauline, compound, leaflets, #17, 17 mm. × 5 mm. wide, elliptic, tip cuspidate, terminal leaflet jointed to rachis; Calyx, tube 6 mm. + lobes 5 mm. = 11 mm.; Flowers, 14 mm., whitish; Legume, more erect than flower.

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus lentiginosus floribundus

Coll. No. 578 Astragalus lentiginosus var. floribundus

Scanned May 6, 2010, grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection #578 Astragalus lentiginosus var. flloribundus

Scanned May 6, 2010, grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection #581 Astragalus lentiginosus var. floribundus near Adobe Hills Spillway.

Scanned May 4, 2010, grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection No. 619, Astragalus lentiginosus var. floribundus

Scanned 27 Sep 2011. Collection locality is Adobe Hills Spillway, Mono County, California.

Coll. No. 619, 29 Jun 2013, characters observed: Perennial subshrub of Great Basin sagebrush desert (Mono Lake basin is in nSNE); Hairs basifixed, simple; Root crown, at ground surface; Leaves, 1-pinnate, odd-pinnate, main axis extending as a leaflet; Leaflets >> 7, typically 23, mid leaflets 5 mm. × 2.2 mm. wide, spaced 2 mm., tip rounded, sparsely hairy, green (not ashy-gray or silvery), both surfaces ±equal in appearance; Stipules, 3 mm., not connate, sheaths 0; Calyx conspicuous, base ±symmetric; Sepals, fused 3.5 mm. + free 2 mm.; Flowers, bilateral, 18-20 in a spike, not head-like; Corolla conspicuous; Petals ochroleucus (not pink-purple); Banner 8 mm. when dry; Wings 8 mm.; Keel 6 mm.; Stamens, 9 fused, 1 free; Style tip and stigma glabrous; Fruit, 12 mm. long, stipe 0, glabrous, 2-chambered; Seeds, several.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection No. 619, Astragalus lentiginosus var. floribundus

Scanned 27 Sep 2011. Collection locality is Adobe Hills Spillway, Mono County, California.

Coll. No. 619, 29 Jun 2013, characters observed: Perennial subshrub of Great Basin sagebrush desert (Mono Lake basin is in nSNE); Hairs basifixed, simple; Root crown, at ground surface; Leaves, 1-pinnate, odd-pinnate, main axis extending as a leaflet; Leaflets >> 7, typically 23, mid leaflets 5 mm. × 2.2 mm. wide, spaced 2 mm., tip rounded, sparsely hairy, green (not ashy-gray or silvery), both surfaces ±equal in appearance; Stipules, 3 mm., not connate, sheaths 0; Calyx conspicuous, base ±symmetric; Sepals, fused 3.5 mm. + free 2 mm.; Flowers, bilateral, 18-20 in a spike, not head-like; Corolla conspicuous; Petals ochroleucus (not pink-purple); Banner 8 mm. when dry; Wings 8 mm.; Keel 6 mm.; Stamens, 9 fused, 1 free; Style tip and stigma glabrous; Fruit, 12 mm. long, stipe 0, glabrous, 2-chambered; Seeds, several.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 578, Astragalus lentiginosus var. floribundus beside the road.

Photograph taken July 7, 2009.

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection #581 Astragalus lentiginosus var. floribundus near Adobe Hills Spillway.

Scanned May 4, 2010, grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus lentiginosus fremontii

Coll. No. 418, Astragalus lentiginosus var. fremontii

Scanned 29 November 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 418, Astragalus lentiginosus var. fremontii

Photographed 29 November 2012. Smallest scale marks are 1 mm. Photograph is intended to show the fruit is two-chambered.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 419, Astragalus lentiginosus var. fremontii

Photographed 29 November 2012. Smallest scale marks are 1 mm. Photograph is intended to show the fruit is two-chambered.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 419, Astragalus lentiginosus var. fremontii

Scanned 29 November 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 282, Astragalus lentiginosus var. fremontii

Scanned 19 May 2015.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 419, Astragalus lentiginosus var. fremontii

Scanned 29 November 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 418, Astragalus lentiginosus var. fremontii

Scanned 29 November 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus miser oblongifolius

Coll. No. 3155, Astragalus miser var. oblongifolius.

Photographed 19 January 2024.

Plants of the Douglas Mountain Study Area
Jefferson County Open Space, Colorado, USA

Astragalus miser Douglas ex. Hook. var. oblongifolius (Rydb.) Cronquist.  Timber Milkvetch.

Guy Gulch, Jefferson County, Colorado. North of Guy Gulch, accessed by a ranch road off of Pyrenees Lane, 61 m. east northeast of the line shack, 1.05 km. west southwest of Mt. Tom, 13.7 km. (geodesic) northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.81308°N, 105.36293°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2619 m. On an old road through forest of aspen, spruce and ponderosa pine, with Oxytropis lambertii and Packera fendleri.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2023, issued: Apr 10, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3155. 26-Jul-2023

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus monoensis

Habitat of Astragalus monoensis in Big Sand Flat

Photograph taken 5 July 2010 in Big Sand Flat.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Forest Road 01S27K, Mono County, California: 74000.
  • Field Notes: 5 Jul 2010.


Astragalus monoensis as found in Airfield Flat.

Photographed 30 May 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Habitat of Astragalus monoensis in Airfield Flat.

Photographed 30 May 2012.

The plants were found in the brownish area outlined in dashes.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus monoensis in Big Sand Flat

Photograph taken 5 July 2010 in Big Sand Flat.

Article records that use this photograph:


Caudex of Astragalus monoensis

Photograph taken 2 September 2010.

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus monoensis in Big Sand Flat

Photograph taken 5 July 2010 in Big Sand Flat.

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus monoensis in Big Sand Flat

Photograph taken 5 July 2010 in Big Sand Flat.

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus monoensis

Photographed 22 June 2015.

Article records that use this photograph:


Habitat of Astragalus monoensis

Photographed 22 June 2015.

Article records that use this photograph:


One of the larger Astragalus monoensis

Photographed 23 June 2015.

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus newberryi newberryi

Collection No. 768, Astragalus newberryi

Photograph taken 20 June 2011 at a location high on the Horseshoe Canyon Moraine.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 768, Astragalus newberryi var. newberryi

Scanned 22 Jan 2012.

Coll. No. 768, 22 Jan 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial to 5 cm, generally of GB, rather than D, or CA-FP; Caudex base beset with old leaf bases; Pubesence simple, attached at basal end (rather than middle); Leaves bases persistent; Stipules not connate into a sheath; Leaflets 5, 3 mm wide, not spine-tipped, terminal leaflet jounted to mid-rib; Flowers pink-purple; Pods pubescent, obscuring pod surface, trichomes long wavy (maybe varying in length, but unable to distinguish separate short and long hairs).

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 768, Astragalus newberryi var. newberryi

Scanned 22 Jan 2012.

Coll. No. 768, 22 Jan 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial to 5 cm, generally of GB, rather than D, or CA-FP; Caudex base beset with old leaf bases; Pubesence simple, attached at basal end (rather than middle); Leaves bases persistent; Stipules not connate into a sheath; Leaflets 5, 3 mm wide, not spine-tipped, terminal leaflet jounted to mid-rib; Flowers pink-purple; Pods pubescent, obscuring pod surface, trichomes long wavy (maybe varying in length, but unable to distinguish separate short and long hairs).

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus parryi

Coll. No. 2970, Astragalus parryi

Photographed 27 November 2023.

Plants of the Douglas Mountain Study Area
Jefferson County Open Space, Colorado, USA

Astragalus parryi A. Gray.  Parry's Milkvetch.

Guy Gulch, Jefferson County, Colorado. Steep slope above Guy Gulch, southwest side of the creek and County Road 70, 490 m. south southeast of the ranch house, 15.5 km. northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.7917°N, 105.3522°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2339 m. Developing fruit is sickle-shaped, villous. Steep slope, sunny, southeast aspect.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2023, issued: Apr 10, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vikery 2970. 14-Jun-2023

Coll. No. 2970, 14 June 2023, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 20 cm., caulescent, hairs basifixed; Stem, distal spreading hairs; Stipules, free; Leaf, compound, leaflets, 19#; Calyx, not inflated in fruit; Flowers, white; Fruit,, in a loose raceme, stipe, 0.3 mm., 14 mm. × 5.5 mm. wide, arcuate, obcompressed ?? (not seen in dried specimen), white villous.

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus serenoi shockleyi

Coll. No. 407, Astragalus serenoi var. shockleyi

Scanned 22 November 2012.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus shortianus

Pieces of Coll. No. 1826, Astragalus shortianus

Scanned 17 October 2018.

Coll. No. 1826, 16 May 2018, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 10 cm., acaulescent; Leaves, compound, petiole, 50 mm., blade, 90 mm. × 37 mm. wide, leaflets, #13, 17 mm. × 10 mm. wide, terminal leaflet not a tendril, petiole, rachis, and leaflets with appressed stiff straight hairs; Inflorescence, not an umbel; Calyx, tube 6 mm. + lobes 4 mm., hairs similar; Flower, zygomorphic, banner 22 mm., wings 18 mm., clawed, keel, 22 mm., tip obtuse; Fruit, 35 mm. × 10 mm. wide, falcate, appressed stiff basifixed straight hairs.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1405, fragments of an Astragalus, maybe A. shortianus

Scanned 3 December 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus tenellus

Coll. No. 2577, Astragalus tenellus

Scanned 7 December 2021.

Plants of Colorado

Oxytropis sericea Torr. & A. Gray.  White Locoweed.

Salt Creek, Park County, Colorado. Small valley between two ridges, just north of Salt Creek and Pike-San Isabel National Forest Road 435 "Salt Creek Road," 3.1 mi. by road west of US Highway 285, 145 km. southwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 38.9591°N, 106.0121°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2858 m. Flowers white. Valley bottom, around a small grove of aspens, also collected here: Oenothera coronopifolia, Penstemon virgatus var. asa-grayi and Artemisia frigida. Variety sericea if infraspecific names are to be applied.

Collected by permit: Pike - San Isabel National Forest, 2021, issued: Mar 29, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2576. 12-Jul-2021

Coll. No. 2577, 12 July 2021, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 35 cm., caulescent, weak; Stem, strigose; Leaves, compound, stipules, free, leaflets, #15, 12 mm. × 2 mm. wide, linear-oblong, strigose; Calyx, tube 2 mm. + lobes 1.8 mm., black strigose, not inflated in fruit; Flowers, 6.5 mm., white(ish), keel, 5 mm., purple-spotted; Fruit, spreading, short stipitate, 5.5 mm., laterally compressed, strigose with black and few white hairs.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2577, Astragalus tenellus

Photographed 7 December 2021.

Plants of Colorado

Oxytropis sericea Torr. & A. Gray.  White Locoweed.

Salt Creek, Park County, Colorado. Small valley between two ridges, just north of Salt Creek and Pike-San Isabel National Forest Road 435 "Salt Creek Road," 3.1 mi. by road west of US Highway 285, 145 km. southwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 38.9591°N, 106.0121°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2858 m. Flowers white. Valley bottom, around a small grove of aspens, also collected here: Oenothera coronopifolia, Penstemon virgatus var. asa-grayi and Artemisia frigida. Variety sericea if infraspecific names are to be applied.

Collected by permit: Pike - San Isabel National Forest, 2021, issued: Mar 29, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2576. 12-Jul-2021

Coll. No. 2577, 12 July 2021, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 35 cm., caulescent, weak; Stem, strigose; Leaves, compound, stipules, free, leaflets, #15, 12 mm. × 2 mm. wide, linear-oblong, strigose; Calyx, tube 2 mm. + lobes 1.8 mm., black strigose, not inflated in fruit; Flowers, 6.5 mm., white(ish), keel, 5 mm., purple-spotted; Fruit, spreading, short stipitate, 5.5 mm., laterally compressed, strigose with black and few white hairs.

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus whitneyi

Coll. No. 767, Astragalus whitneyi

Scanned 20 Jan 2012.

Coll. No. 767, 20 Jan 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial not densely hairy; Stipules connate into a sheath; Leaf hairs simple, appressed; Leaflets of mid-cauline leaves < 23 (Obs: 11, 13, 17), not spiny; Pedicel 1 mm; Calyx 5 mm, base symmetric, pedicel attached ±middle; Fruit young glabrous and stipitate (has a stalk), red mottling visible on very young pods.

Article records that use this photograph:


Astragalus whitneyi whitneyi

Collection No. 767, Astragalus whitneyi var. whitneyi

Photograph taken 20 June 2011 at a location high on the Horseshoe Canyon Moraine.

Coll. No. 767, 20 Jan 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial not densely hairy; Stipules connate into a sheath; Leaf hairs simple, appressed; Leaflets of mid-cauline leaves < 23 (Obs: 11, 13, 17), not spiny; Pedicel 1 mm; Calyx 5 mm, base symmetric, pedicel attached ±middle; Fruit young glabrous and stipitate (has a stalk), red mottling visible on very young pods.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 783, Astragalus whitneyi var. whitneyi

Photograph taken 22 June 2011.

The water was flowing down one tread of the road.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 783, Astragalus whitneyi var. whitneyi

Scanned 8 November 2013.

Coll. No. 783, 22 June 2011, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb, of Great Basin, to 30 cm., not obviously gland-dotted, sparse hairs of one kind; Leaf, 1-pinnate, leaflets 11-17, largest 18 mm. × 3 mm. wide, leaf main axis extending as a leaflet, terminal leaflet jointed to midrib, hairs simple, tip without gland; Stipules, free, not spiny, lower stipule sheaths fused around stem; Inflorescence, calyx and corolla conspicuous, flowers many (±12) in a head-like raceme; Calyx, base asymmetric but not strongly so, upper side not pouched; Sepals, fused 5 mm. + free 2 mm. = 7 mm.; Flowers, bilateral; Corolla, 13 mm., white to pink, banner 10 mm., wings ±=keel, keel lip rounded; Style tip and stigma glabrous; Fruit, not available.

Article records that use this photograph:


Cercis occidentalis

Cercis, probably C. occidentalis at Willow Spring.

Photographed 13 April 2017.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Cercis, probably C. occidentalis at Willow Spring.

Photographed 13 April 2017.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Colutea arborescens

Coll. No. 1066, Colutea arborescens

Scanned 6 October 2014.

Collection No. 1066, 6 October 2014, characters observed: Perennial shrub, to 2 m., woody below; Stem erect, unarmed; Leaves compound, odd-pinnate (with terminal leaflet); Leaflets, 11, 16 mm. × 12 mm. wide, notched at tip, glabrous above, sparsely appressed hairy below; Inflorescence a raceme, axillary, 9± flowers; Calyx, 5-merous, 5 mm. × 6 mm. dia., appressed hairy; Flowers, 19 mm., yellow, with dark markings; Banner, 10 mm.; Wings, 10 mm. × 4 mm., reduced in comparison to Lupinus; Keel, fully enclosing stamens and pistil, glabrous; Stamens, 10; Filaments, 9 fused, 1 free; Style, recurved; Fruit, inflated, bladder-like, 50 mm. × 22 mm., walls papery, color reddish fading to brown, base stalk-like; Seeds, reniform, flattened, 6 mm. × 4 mm. × 2 mm., brown, surface smooth; native to southern Europe.

Article records that use this photograph:


Location of Coll. No. 1066, Colutea arborescens, mature plants alongside trail.

Photographed 6 October 2014.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1066, Colutea arborescens

Photographed 6 October 2014.

Collection No. 1066, 6 October 2014, characters observed: Perennial shrub, to 2 m., woody below; Stem erect, unarmed; Leaves compound, odd-pinnate (with terminal leaflet); Leaflets, 11, 16 mm. × 12 mm. wide, notched at tip, glabrous above, sparsely appressed hairy below; Inflorescence a raceme, axillary, 9± flowers; Calyx, 5-merous, 5 mm. × 6 mm. dia., appressed hairy; Flowers, 19 mm., yellow, with dark markings; Banner, 10 mm.; Wings, 10 mm. × 4 mm., reduced in comparison to Lupinus; Keel, fully enclosing stamens and pistil, glabrous; Stamens, 10; Filaments, 9 fused, 1 free; Style, recurved; Fruit, inflated, bladder-like, 50 mm. × 22 mm., walls papery, color reddish fading to brown, base stalk-like; Seeds, reniform, flattened, 6 mm. × 4 mm. × 2 mm., brown, surface smooth; native to southern Europe.

Article records that use this photograph:


Flower of Colutea arborescens

Photographed 14 June 2019.

Article records that use this photograph:


Colutea arborescens along Cressman Gulch trail near Wyoming St.

Photographed 14 June 2019.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Checklist Flora of Native and Naturalized Vascular Plants of Golden and Vicinity, Jefferson County, Colorado: Colutea arborescens.
  • Wyoming Street, Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado: at N trail.
  • Field Notes: 14 Jun 2019.


Coll. No. 1066, Colutea arborescens, mature plants alongside trail.

Photographed 6 October 2014.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Colutea arborescens in winter

Photographed on Winter Solstice, 21 December 2014.

Article records that use this photograph:


Dalea candida oligophylla

Coll. No. 2544, Dalea candida var. oligophylla

Photographed 22 November 2021.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Dalea candida Willd. var. oligophylla (Torr.) Shinners.  White Prairie Clover.

Lippincott Ranch, Jefferson County, Colorado. Southern "panhandle" part of the ranch, about in the middle, on a southeast-facing slope up to the ridge from the ephemeral stream, 21.8 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.9013°N, 105.2694°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1950 m. Large woody caudex, growing in short grasses. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2021, issued: Apr 1, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2544. 29-Jun-2021

Article records that use this photograph:


Dalea formosa

Coll. No. 737, Dalea formosa

Scanned 5 Jan 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 737, Dalea formosa

Photograph taken 26 April 2011.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 737, Dalea formosa

Scanned 5 Jan 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Dalea mollis

Coll. No. 350, Dalea mollis

Scanned 23 October 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 350, Dalea mollis

Scanned 23 October 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Dalea purpurea

Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1197, Dalea purpurea

Photographed 12 July 2015.

Article records that use this photograph:


Habitat of Coll. No. 1197, Dalea purpurea

Photographed 12 July 2015.

Article records that use this photograph:


Genista monspessulana

French Broom (Genista monspessulana) in southwest quadrant of the preserve.

Photographed 17 July 2013.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Glycyrrhiza lepidota

Habitat of Coll. No. 1222, Glycyrrhiza lepidota

Photographed 17 July 2015.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1222, Glycyrrhiza lepidota

Scanned 14 December 2015.

Article records that use this photograph:


Lathyrus lanszwertii laetivirens

Coll. No. 2503, Lathyrus lanszwertii var. laetivirens

Photographed 29 October 2021.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Lathyrus lanszwertii Kellogg var. laetivirens (Greene ex Rydb.) S. L. Welsh.  Aspen Pea.

Lippincott Ranch, Jefferson County, Colorado. Southwest corner of the ranch, on the bank of an unnamed intermittent stream tributary to Bull Gulch, 22.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.9058°N, 105.2787°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1990 m. Flowers white with purple veins, tendrils variously coiled. In grasses, also collected nearby: Actaea rubra, Barbarea vulgaris, and Gratiola neglecta. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2021, issued: Apr 1, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2503. 4-Jun-2021

Coll. No. 2503, 4 June 2021, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 40 cm.; Leaves, pinnately compound with tendrils, leaflets, 6 (3 pair), tendril, to 40 mm., some forked, most coiled; Calyx, fused 3.5 mm., free 2 mm.; Flowers, zygomorphic, petals, white, banner, 12 mm., flexed at middle, veins purple; Style, flattened.

In Ackerfield (2015), Lathyrus lanszwertii Kellogg var. laetivirens (Greene ex Rydb.) S. L. Welsh. In Weber & Wittmann (2012), Lathyrus leucanthus Rydb. In Plants of the World (2021), Lathyrus laetivirens Greene ex Rydb.

Article records that use this photograph:


Lathyrus latifolia

Coll. No. 3212, Lathyrus latifolia.

Photographed 2 February 2024.

Plants of the Douglas Mountain Study Area
Jefferson County Open Space, Colorado, USA

Lathyrus latifolius L.  Perennial Pea Vine.

Guy Gulch, Jefferson County, Colorado. In the gulch about 45 m. behind and northwest of the Centennial Ranch house, 12.2 km. (geodesic) northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.79512°N, 105.35383°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2364 m. In the open beside stream, also here: Cirsium arvense, Campanula rapunculoides, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, and Agrostis stolonifera.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2023, issued: Apr 10, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3212. 8-Sep-2023

Article records that use this photograph:


Lathyrus latifolius

Coll. No. 3009, Lathyrus latifolius.

Photographed 11 December 2023.

Native and Naturalized Flora of the Golden Area, Jefferson County, Colorado

Lathyrus latifolius L.  Perennial Pea Vine.

DeLong Park (City of Golden), Jefferson County, Colorado. In the natural area, up on the slope above Welch Ditch and sidewalk, aligned with extension of 24th Street, 1.39 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.748°N, 105.2081°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1770 m. Flower color varies from pink to vivid magenta. Full sun on southwest slope. EDDSMapS Record Id 11652895.

Collected by permit: City of Golden, 2023, issued: Mar 13, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3009. 29-Jun-2023

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 884, Lathyrus latifolius

Photographed 17 August 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Habitat of Coll. No. 884, Lathyrus latifolius

Photographed 17 August 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Lotus corniculatus

Coll. No. 820, Lotus corniculatus

Scanned 26 January 2013.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • North Loop Road, Harbor Business Park, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California: 47000.
  • Field Notes: Coll. No. 820.



Habitat of Coll. No. 1081, Lupinus

Photographed 25 June 2015.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Habitat of Coll. No. 1081, Lupinus

Photographed 25 June 2015.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Spur Road to Lee Vining Creek Delta, Inyo National Forest, Mono County, California: at lake side.


Lupinus arbustus

Coll. No. 298, Lupinus arbustus

Scanned 1 December 2012.

Coll. No. 298, keyed 1 Dec 2012, characters observed: Perennial of Great Basin, to 45 cm.; Leaf palmate; Leaflets 12-14, 35 mm. x 7 mm. wide, strigose; Calyx 6 mm., hairy, spur 1 mm. +, lower lip folded down; Bract 4-5 mm.; Corolla yellow; Banner 9 mm., back hairy, else glabrous; Wings 10 mm., dense patch of hair near tip; Keel ciliate in distal half.

Article records that use this photograph:


Lupinus argenteus argenteus

Coll. No. 3246, Lupinus argenteus var. argenteus, showing gibbous calyx tube.

Photographed 7 November 2024.

Native and Naturalized Flora of the Golden Area, Jefferson County, Colorado

Lupinus argenteus Pursh var. argenteus.  Loosely Flowered Silver Lupine.

Tripp Ranch Meadow, Jefferson County, Colorado. Very small (1.67 ac.) City of Golden-owned open space, adjacent to Jefferson County Open Space (Apex Park) and Stonebridge HOA common area, accessed by narrow passage from Crawford Street, 3.44 km. south of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.72573°N, 105.21574°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1849 m. Dry (-ish) northeast-facing slope. Also here: Artemisia ludoviciana, Helianthus pumilis, Heterotheca villosa, Linaria dalmatica, Eriogonum umbellatum, Rosa arkansana, and Koeleria macrantha. High mixed-grass prairie at base of Rocky Mountain Front Range.

Collected by permit: City of Golden, 2024, issued: Mar 29, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3246. 8-Jun-2024

Coll. No. 3246, 8 June 2024, characters observed: Perennial, of dry mixed-grass prairie, to 60 cm., caulescent, hairy but not densely villous; Leaves, cauline, palmate; Leaflets, #9, lance-linear, 56 mm. × 7 mm. wide, many folded, more hairy adaxial, less hairy abaxial; Calyx, tube 2.5 mm. + lobes 3 mm., tube gibbous; Corolla, 8 mm., closed appearance, blue, banner, recurved 3 mm. below apex, back glabrous, eyespot pale.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 3246, Lupinus argenteus var. argenteus.

Photographed 7 November 2024.

Native and Naturalized Flora of the Golden Area, Jefferson County, Colorado

Lupinus argenteus Pursh var. argenteus.  Loosely Flowered Silver Lupine.

Tripp Ranch Meadow, Jefferson County, Colorado. Very small (1.67 ac.) City of Golden-owned open space, adjacent to Jefferson County Open Space (Apex Park) and Stonebridge HOA common area, accessed by narrow passage from Crawford Street, 3.44 km. south of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.72573°N, 105.21574°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1849 m. Dry (-ish) northeast-facing slope. Also here: Artemisia ludoviciana, Helianthus pumilis, Heterotheca villosa, Linaria dalmatica, Eriogonum umbellatum, Rosa arkansana, and Koeleria macrantha. High mixed-grass prairie at base of Rocky Mountain Front Range.

Collected by permit: City of Golden, 2024, issued: Mar 29, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3246. 8-Jun-2024

Coll. No. 3246, 8 June 2024, characters observed: Perennial, of dry mixed-grass prairie, to 60 cm., caulescent, hairy but not densely villous; Leaves, cauline, palmate; Leaflets, #9, lance-linear, 56 mm. × 7 mm. wide, many folded, more hairy adaxial, less hairy abaxial; Calyx, tube 2.5 mm. + lobes 3 mm., tube gibbous; Corolla, 8 mm., closed appearance, blue, banner, recurved 3 mm. below apex, back glabrous, eyespot pale.

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Coll. No. 3246, Lupinus argenteus var. argenteus.

Photographed 8 June 2024.

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Lupinus argenteus var. argenteus.

Photograph taken 15 Jul 2010 northeast of the house in Sagehen Meadow.

The purpose of this photo is to illustrate that the banner backs are hairy. You car see the hairs on the proximal blue portion of the banner. There are also hairs in the white patch in the mid-banner.


Habitat of Lupinus argenteus near Sagehen Meadow.

Photograph taken 15 Jul 2010 northeast of the house in Sagehen Meadow.

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Flower of Collection No. 659

Scanned 17 May 2011.

Detail showing small spur.

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Detail of Collection No. 659

Scanned 17 May 2011.

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Overview of Collection No. 658

Scanned 17 May 2011.

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Coll. No. 1137, Lupinus argenteus var. argenteus

Scanned 14 October 2015.

Coll. No. 1137, 9 Jun 2015, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 50 cm., caulescent, generally appressed hairy, except as noted; Leaves, cauline, petiole 25 mm., appressed hairy, blade, palmately compound, leaflets, 7, 40 mm. × 6 mm. wide, lanceolate, glabrous adaxially, appressed hairy abaxially; Inflorescence, 15-20 cm., elongating as it matures; Pedicel, 3 mm., densely spreading hairs; Calyx, 5 mm., hairy, persistent; Flowers, spur, <1 mm., corolla, white with blue-lavender stripes, banner, 11 mm., recurved from a point 4 mm. below apex, back lightly hairy, wings, 12 mm., keel, shallow, glabrous except few small hairs below, pouched down mid-keel; Style, 9 mm., persistent; Fruit, 10 mm. × 3 mm. high, shaggy hairy.

Weber & Wittmann (2012) use “keel glabrous” as a key character. Harrington (1954) and Ackerfield (2015) neither use keel decoration as a key character nor do they describe the decoration of the keel. California floras, e.g., Munz (1965) and Baldwin (2012), use a ciliate keel, as a key character to identify L. argenteus. Welch, et al. (1993) note that the keel can be glabrous or variously ciliate.

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Habitat of Coll. No. 1137, Lupinus argenteus

Photographed 9 June 2015.

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Coll. No. 1208, Lupinus argenteus var. argenteus

Scanned 6 December 2015.

Coll. No. 1208, 13 Jul 2015, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 40 cm.; Leaves, cauline, leaflets, adaxial glabrous; Calyx, spur <1 mm.; Banner, recurved from >mid-point (3.0-3.5 mm.), back hairy at middle; Keel, ciliate distally above. Unclear as to variety of L. argenteus or possible hybrid with L. caudatus.

Article records that use this photograph:


Flower of Coll. No. 1137, Lupinus argenteus var. argenteus

Scanned 14 October 2015.

Coll. No. 1137, 9 Jun 2015, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 50 cm., caulescent, generally appressed hairy, except as noted; Leaves, cauline, petiole 25 mm., appressed hairy, blade, palmately compound, leaflets, 7, 40 mm. × 6 mm. wide, lanceolate, glabrous adaxially, appressed hairy abaxially; Inflorescence, 15-20 cm., elongating as it matures; Pedicel, 3 mm., densely spreading hairs; Calyx, 5 mm., hairy, persistent; Flowers, spur, <1 mm., corolla, white with blue-lavender stripes, banner, 11 mm., recurved from a point 4 mm. below apex, back lightly hairy, wings, 12 mm., keel, shallow, glabrous except few small hairs below, pouched down mid-keel; Style, 9 mm., persistent; Fruit, 10 mm. × 3 mm. high, shaggy hairy.

Weber & Wittmann (2012) use “keel glabrous” as a key character. Harrington (1954) and Ackerfield (2015) neither use keel decoration as a key character nor do they describe the decoration of the keel. California floras, e.g., Munz (1965) and Baldwin (2012), use a ciliate keel, as a key character to identify L. argenteus. Welch, et al. (1993) note that the keel can be glabrous or variously ciliate.

Article records that use this photograph:


Detail of Coll. No. 675, Lupinus argenteus var. argenteus

Scanned 26 Oct 2011.

This was an attempt to visualize the stem hairs. The question is: are they appressed? The scan makes it look like the stem hairs are spreading, but under the microscope, about 2/3 of the hairs are appressed, and 1/3 spreading.

Characters observed while keying: Perennial > 1 dm, stem hairs appressed, leaves cauline, petioles 4-4.5mm, calyx spurred <= 1 mm, banner back hairy, keel upper margin ciliate distal half.

Article records that use this photograph:


Fruit of Coll. No. 1137, Lupinus argenteus var. argenteus

Scanned 14 October 2015.

Coll. No. 1137, 9 Jun 2015, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 50 cm., caulescent, generally appressed hairy, except as noted; Leaves, cauline, petiole 25 mm., appressed hairy, blade, palmately compound, leaflets, 7, 40 mm. × 6 mm. wide, lanceolate, glabrous adaxially, appressed hairy abaxially; Inflorescence, 15-20 cm., elongating as it matures; Pedicel, 3 mm., densely spreading hairs; Calyx, 5 mm., hairy, persistent; Flowers, spur, <1 mm., corolla, white with blue-lavender stripes, banner, 11 mm., recurved from a point 4 mm. below apex, back lightly hairy, wings, 12 mm., keel, shallow, glabrous except few small hairs below, pouched down mid-keel; Style, 9 mm., persistent; Fruit, 10 mm. × 3 mm. high, shaggy hairy.

Weber & Wittmann (2012) use “keel glabrous” as a key character. Harrington (1954) and Ackerfield (2015) neither use keel decoration as a key character nor do they describe the decoration of the keel. California floras, e.g., Munz (1965) and Baldwin (2012), use a ciliate keel, as a key character to identify L. argenteus. Welch, et al. (1993) note that the keel can be glabrous or variously ciliate.

Article records that use this photograph:


Lupinus argenteus meionanthus

Coll. No. 679, Lupinus argenteus var. meionanthus

Scanned 5 Nov 2011

Coll. No. 679, 5 Nov 2011, Characters observed while keying: Perennial, herb, >= 3 dm tall (obs: 4.5-5 dm); Leaves cauline, spread along stem; Leaflets 22-38 mm, upper surface appressed hairy, not wooly; Infloresence open; Pedicels slender, 4-5 mm; Calyx spur mere bulge; Bracts persistent; Flower white, 10-11 mm; Banner base lightly hairy, back glabrous; Keel upper margin ciliate claw to tip not uniform, cilia density increases claw to tip.

Keys to Lupinus holmgrenanus in TJM1, L. gracilentus in TJM2, L. argenteus var. meionanthus in TJDM, and L. pratensis var. eriostachyus in Taylor (2010). The larger flower size of 10-11 mm is usually what gets one off track while keying. Also, the persistence of the bracts can be a problem.

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Lupinus argenteus montigenus

Coll. No. 770, Lupinus argenteus var. montigenus

Scanned 22 Jan 2012.

Coll. No. 770, 22 Jan 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb; Leaves basal ?, cauline leaves plentiful, petioles 5-8 cm; Leaflets 7 to 3 cm x 1 cm wide, hairs straight appressed, Calyx definitely bulged, but <= 1 mm; Flower to 10 mm; Banner back hairy; Keel strongly ciliate distal end, few cilia proximal end; Style persistent; Pods hairy, 1 cm (but may not be mature).

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 770, Lupinus argenteus var. montigenus

Scanned 22 Jan 2012.

Coll. No. 770, 22 Jan 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb; Leaves basal ?, cauline leaves plentiful, petioles 5-8 cm; Leaflets 7 to 3 cm x 1 cm wide, hairs straight appressed, Calyx definitely bulged, but <= 1 mm; Flower to 10 mm; Banner back hairy; Keel strongly ciliate distal end, few cilia proximal end; Style persistent; Pods hairy, 1 cm (but may not be mature).

Article records that use this photograph:


Lupinus argenteus rubricaulis

Coll. No. 1984, Lupinus argenteus var. rubricaulis

Photographed 15 January 2019.

Coll. No. 1984, 23 July 2018, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 65 cm., caulescent, erect; Stem, not winged, Leaves, compound, stipules, free, 7 mm., linear, petiole, 30-32 mm., sparsely appressed hairy, blade, 65 mm. × 67 mm. wide, reduced above, leaflets, #7, 40 mm. × 11 mm. wide, oblanceolate, leaflets generally flat, some younger leaflets folded, adaxial sparse appressed hairy, more dense on mid-rib, abaxial glabrous; Inflorescence, raceme, 133 mm. × 23 mm. wide, many flowers (#34 observed), pedicels, 1.5-2.5 mm.; Calyx, asymmetric, tube 1.5 mm. + lobes 2.0 & 4.5 mm., gibbous rather than spurred; Flower, zygomorphic, banner, 7.5 mm., blue, without yellow spot, reflexed at 2/3, back, glabrous, wings, claw 2 mm. + blade 6.5 mm., white to blue, keel, 8 mm., glabrous, white to purple-black, tip, prominent erect; Ovary, 3 mm. × 0.6 mm. wide, glabrous; Style, persistent; Stigma, simple, glabrous; Fruit, 22 mm. × 6.5 mm. wide, flat, hairs, soft spreading. While this keys fairly easily to var. rubricaulis in Ackerfield (2015) and Welsh et al. (1993), neither mention red stems and petioles in Greene's (1901) original description. Rather they distinguish by the (lack of) folding of the leaflets and the habitat. Weber & Wittman (2012) do not treat varieties of L. argenteus.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1954, Lupinus argenteus rubricaulis

Photographed 26 December 2018.

Coll. No. 1954, 20 June 2018, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 70 cm., caulescent, erect; Stem, not winged, hairs basifixed; Leaves, compound, palmate, stipules, free, 4 mm., petiole, 25-60 mm., blade, largest, 60 mm. × 100 mm. wide, leaflets, #7, largest, 57 mm. × 17 mm. wide, margin, entire, petiole and abaxial surface short straight appressed hairs, adaxial glabrous; Inflorescence, raceme, 30+ flowers, bract, 4 mm., pedicels, 0-4.5 mm. as flowers mature, Calyx, asymmetric, 4.5 mm., hairs simple; Flower, zygomorphic, banner, 8 mm., reflexed distal ⅔ (±3 mm. from tip), giving shallowly gaping appearance, back has a few hairs, wings, claw, 2.5 mm., + blade 8 mm. = 10.5 mm., keel, 9.6 mm., glabrous throughout, white to dark blue, tip erect; Ovary, 4 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, glabrous.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 3128, Lupinus argenteus var. rubricaulis.

Photographed 14 January 2024.

Plants of Colorado

Lupinus argenteus Pursh var. rubricaulis (Greene) S.L. Welsh.  Silvery Lupine.

Unnamed Gulch, Lake County, Colorado. Along Forest Road 189, about 1 km. east of County Road 18 “East Tennessee Road,” 5.69 km. (geodesic) north northwest of the GNIS location of Leadville. 39.29742°N, 106.31655°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3097 m. South side of the gulch on the edges of an open aspen forest.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2023, issued: Jul 1, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3128. 19-Jul-2023

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 3276, Lupinus argenteus var. rubricaulis.

Photographed 24 Novenber 2024.

Plants of the Coal Creek Canyon Study Area
Jefferson County Open Space, Colorado, USA

Lupinus argenteus Pursh var. rubricaulis (Greene) S.L. Welsh.  Silvery Lupine.

Coal Creek Canyon Study Area, Lacey Parcel, Jefferson County, Colorado. Opening in forest on right bank of creek, 105 m. southwest of Coal Creek,1.55 km. west northwest of Coal Creek Fire Station #3, 15.0 km. north northwest of Golden. 39.878°N, 105.29458°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2076 m. Tall, lacking basal leaves, petals mostly white, blue-tinged wings.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2024, issued: Mar 6, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3276. 21-Jun-2024

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Lupinus caespitosus utahensis

Coll. No. 2872, Lupinus caespitosus var. utahensis

Photographed 27 November 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Lupinus caespitosus Nutt. var. utahensis (S. Watson) B. J. Cox.  Utah Lupine.

West Tennessee Creek, Lake County, Colorado. Along an old, closed forest road on the north side of West Tennessee Creek, 0.94 km. southeast of Lily Lake, 15.9 km. north northwest of Leadville. 39.3475°N, 106.3613°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3170 m. Common on forest floor.

Collected by permit: Pike - San Isabel National Forest, 2022, issued: Mar 29, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2872. 19-Jul-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Lupinus caudatus argophyllus

Coll. No. 1675, Lupinus caudatus var. argophyllus

Photographed 26 December 2017.

Coll. No. 1675, 19 Jun 2018, characters observed: Perennial, to 1 m.; Leaves, cauline, petiole 35-40 mm., palmately compound, 44 mm. × 70 mm. wide, leaflets, 7-9, 36 mm. × 9 mm. wide, oblanceolate, veins 1, adaxial glabrate, abaxial appressed hairy; Inflorescence, well above the leaves, 25 cm. × 3.5 mm. wide; Pedicel, 3.5 mm., recurved, silky hairy; Calyx, silky hairy, lower lobe, 9 mm., upper lobe, 6 mm., spur, more a bump, ≤1 mm.; Banner, 9 mm., reflexed 2.5 mm from tip, folded tightly over wings, back hairy inside folds; Wing, 10 mm. × 5.5 mm. wide, claw, 1.5 mm. × 1 mm. wide; Keel, 10 mm., hairy on bottom, tip dark, recurved <3 mm. giving closed appearance; Style, glabrous; Stigma, small, 4-lobed.

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Lupinus duranii

A pink Mono Lake lupine

Photograph taken 15 June 2011.

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Detail of Collection No. 555

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Overview of Collection No. 555

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Coll. No. 461, Lupinus duranii

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Coll. No. 461, Lupinus duranii

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Coll. No. 461, Lupinus duranii

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Coll. No. 751, Lupinus duranii

Scanned 17 Jan 2012.

Coll. No. 751, 17 Jan 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb from woody caudex, to 10 cm. tall; Leaves cauline, clustered near base; Stipules 3 mm.; Petioles 3-4 cm.; Leaflets 7, 8-9 mm.; Bracts deciduous; Pedicels 2.5-3.0 mm.; Flower 7(8) mm.; Banner back glabrous; Keel margins glabrous;

Originally assumed to be L. duranii when collected. Could be determined as L. breweri on the basis of smaller stipules, petioles, pedicels and flowers than typically seen in L. duranii. However, given the west-facing sand slope on which this collection was made, I am assuming it is just a small L. duranii.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 751, Lupinus duranii

Scanned 17 Jan 2012.

Coll. No. 751, 17 Jan 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial herb from woody caudex, to 10 cm. tall; Leaves cauline, clustered near base; Stipules 3 mm.; Petioles 3-4 cm.; Leaflets 7, 8-9 mm.; Bracts deciduous; Pedicels 2.5-3.0 mm.; Flower 7(8) mm.; Banner back glabrous; Keel margins glabrous;

Originally assumed to be L. duranii when collected. Could be determined as L. breweri on the basis of smaller stipules, petioles, pedicels and flowers than typically seen in L. duranii. However, given the west-facing sand slope on which this collection was made, I am assuming it is just a small L. duranii.

Article records that use this photograph:


Mono Lake Lupine (Lupinus duranii) in Big Sand Flat

Photographed 22 June 2015.

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Lupinus flavoculatus

Coll. No. 344, Lupinus flavoculatus

Scanned 1 December 2012.

Coll. No. 344, keyed 6 Dec 2012, characters observed: Annual 3.5 - 5.5 cm.; Cotyledons sessile, persistent, disk-like; Leaves cauline, crowded near base, free blades of stipules 2 mm., palmate, sparse long hairy at flowering; Leaflet 8-9 mm.; Peduncle 11-22 mm.; Inflorescence 25-30 mm., not distinctly whorled, many-flowered; Pedicel 2 mm.; Calyx appendages 0; Banner blue-violet with prominent yellow spot, back glabrous; Wings; Keel glabrous.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 344, Lupinus flavoculatus

Scanned 1 December 2012.

Coll. No. 344, keyed 6 Dec 2012, characters observed: Annual 3.5 - 5.5 cm.; Cotyledons sessile, persistent, disk-like; Leaves cauline, crowded near base, free blades of stipules 2 mm., palmate, sparse long hairy at flowering; Leaflet 8-9 mm.; Peduncle 11-22 mm.; Inflorescence 25-30 mm., not distinctly whorled, many-flowered; Pedicel 2 mm.; Calyx appendages 0; Banner blue-violet with prominent yellow spot, back glabrous; Wings; Keel glabrous.

Article records that use this photograph:


Lupinus holmgrenanus

Coll. No. 387, Lupinus holmgrenanus

Scanned 7 December 2012.

Coll. No. 387, keyed 7 Dec 2012, characters observed: Perennial to 40 cm.; Leaf basal ?, cauline, palmate; Petiole 9-12 cm.; Leaflet 25-45 mm. x 7 mm. wide, equally strigose top and bottom; Inflorescence open (i.e., not crowded), many flowered (18-20+); Bracts persistent; Petiole 6-7 mm.; Calyx strigose 6 mm., spur 0; Banner 8 mm., back glabrous; Wings glabrous; Keel 10 mm., ciliate distal half.

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Lupinus lepidus confertus

Coll. No. 683, Lupinus lepidus var. confertus

Scanned 30 Oct 2011.

30 Oct 2011: Characters observed while keying: Perennial herb; Leaves mostly cauline, spread along stems, upper and lower surfaces hairy; Leaflets largest < 40 mm (obs: 10-12 mm); Infloresence > leaves, dense, whorls > 7 (obs: 8-10); Calyx spur 0-1 mm; Banner back glabrous, spot yellow; Keel ciliate on distal half, color white to dark red-purple.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1047, Lupinus lepidus var. confertus

Photographed 29 April 2015.

Coll. No. 1047, 5 Oct 2013 (late in season!), characters observed while keying: Perennial herb, erect, to 50 cm., not woody except possibly at base; Leaf, basal and cauline, ±along stem, palmate compound, leaflets #±7, 11-27 mm. × 3-5 mm. wide, tips acuminate, hairy, more so abaxially than adaxially, petiole 30-60 mm.; Inflorescence, >leaves, whorls of mature inflorescence ±12; Bracts persistent; Calyx spur 0; Flowers, Banner, 10 mm., blue with white patch, back glabrous; Wing, 10 mm. including claw 2 mm., blue; Keel, ciliate distal half, blue, darkening distally.

Keys easily to Lupinus pratensis A. A. Heller var. eriostachyus C. P. Small in Taylor (2010). Keys easily to L. lepidus Douglas ex Lindl. var. confertus (Kellogg) C. P. Small in TJM2. The Plant List, which takes its names for Lupinus from ILDIS (International Legume Database & Information Service), elevates L. lepidus var. confertus to species rank as L. confertus Kellogg. The Plant List also submerges all of L. pratensis A. A. Heller, including var. eriostachyus C. P. Small, in synonomy with L. confertus Kellogg. The family Fabaceae is not published in FNANM (as of 4/27/2015).

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1047, Lupinus lepidus var. confertus

Photographed 29 April 2015.

The thing to see in this photo is the intense sprouting of small leaves from woody tissue very late in the growing season.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 683, Lupinus lepidus var. confertus

Scanned 30 Oct 2011.

30 Oct 2011: Characters observed while keying: Perennial herb; Leaves mostly cauline, spread along stems, upper and lower surfaces hairy; Leaflets largest < 40 mm (obs: 10-12 mm); Infloresence > leaves, dense, whorls > 7 (obs: 8-10); Calyx spur 0-1 mm; Banner back glabrous, spot yellow; Keel ciliate on distal half, color white to dark red-purple.

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Lupinus lepidus lobbii

Habitat of Collection No. 487, Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii

Photograph taken 26-Jun-07.

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Collection No. 686 of Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii

Photograph taken 25 July 2010 in the Bodie Hills, north of Mt. Biedeman and south of California Highway 270.

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Mats of Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii

Photograph taken 25 July 2010.

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Coll. No. 487, Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii

The grid spacing is 1/4 inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 487, Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii

The grid spacing is 1/4 inch.

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Collection No. 487, Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii

Photograph taken 26-Jun-07.

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Coll. No. 686, Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii

Scanned 6 Nov 2011.

This scan is intended to show that the sepals and petals are persistent.

Coll. No. 686: 6 Nov 2011, Characters observed while keying: Perennial, montane, <= 1 dm, matted, hairy throughout; Leaves cauline appearing basal; Infloresence dense or head-like, base sometimes <= leaves, top >= leaves; Pedicel 2 mm; Flower 7 mm; Calyx spur 0; Sepals persistent; Petals blue, persistent; Banner back glabrous, patch white with blue spots; Keel upper margin glabrous.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 686, Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii

Scanned 6 Nov 2011.

Coll. No. 686: 6 Nov 2011, Characters observed while keying: Perennial, montane, <= 1 dm, matted, hairy throughout; Leaves cauline appearing basal; Infloresence dense or head-like, base sometimes <= leaves, top >= leaves; Pedicel 2 mm; Flower 7 mm; Calyx spur 0; Sepals persistent; Petals blue, persistent; Banner back glabrous, patch white with blue spots; Keel upper margin glabrous.

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Lupinus microcarpus densiflorus

Habit of White-Whorl Lupine (Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus)

Photographed 17 July 2013.

Coll. No. 1004, 17 July 2013, rekeyed 28 December 2014, characters observed while keying: Most likely an Annual, ascending to erect, to 50 cm., generally hairy with hairs sloughing off; Cotyledons unknown; Stipules 7 mm.; Petioles 4 cm.; Leaves cauline; Leaflets (6)7, 25 mm. x 10 mm. wide, oblanceolate, adaxial surface finely tomentose, abaxial surface finely tomentose and ±appressed hairy; Inflorescence 15-18 cm., whorled, i.e. not one-sided; Peduncle 8 cm.; Pedicel 2.5 mm.; Bracts reflexed, sparsely hairy; Calyx, upper 5 mm., notched, lower 8 mm., long-hairy but not shaggy; Spur 0; Corolla 14 mm.; Banner, yellowish white with six purple spots, back glabrous; Wings sparsely ciliate upper margin near claw; Keel upper margin ciliate 2.5 mm. + glabrous 6 mm., lower margin glabrous; Fruit, young 13 mm., more round than elongate. The bract and calyx hairs are long but not long-shaggy as described for var. microcarpus. On the other hand, the inflorescence does not have the pronounced one-sidedness as described for var. densiflorus.

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Coll. No. 1004, Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus

Scanned 18 July 2013.

Coll. No. 1004, 17 July 2013, rekeyed 28 December 2014, characters observed while keying: Most likely an Annual, ascending to erect, to 50 cm., generally hairy with hairs sloughing off; Cotyledons unknown; Stipules 7 mm.; Petioles 4 cm.; Leaves cauline; Leaflets (6)7, 25 mm. x 10 mm. wide, oblanceolate, adaxial surface finely tomentose, abaxial surface finely tomentose and ±appressed hairy; Inflorescence 15-18 cm., whorled, i.e. not one-sided; Peduncle 8 cm.; Pedicel 2.5 mm.; Bracts reflexed, sparsely hairy; Calyx, upper 5 mm., notched, lower 8 mm., long-hairy but not shaggy; Spur 0; Corolla 14 mm.; Banner, yellowish white with six purple spots, back glabrous; Wings sparsely ciliate upper margin near claw; Keel upper margin ciliate 2.5 mm. + glabrous 6 mm., lower margin glabrous; Fruit, young 13 mm., more round than elongate. The bract and calyx hairs are long but not long-shaggy as described for var. microcarpus. On the other hand, the inflorescence does not have the pronounced one-sidedness as described for var. densiflorus.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Medicago lupulina

Coll. No. 1803, Medicago lupulina

Photographed 10 July 2018.

Coll. No. 1803, 7 May 2018, characters observed: Annual herb, prostrate, to 1 cm. × 50 cm. wide; Leaves, compound, stipules, leaf-like, 6.5 mm., petioles, 11 mm., leaflets, #3, obovate, 5 mm. × 5-6 mm. wide, margin denticulate, middle leaflet extended beyond lateral leaflet on a petiolule; Inflorescence, compact axillary raceme, 8 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide; Sepals, 1 mm.; Flowers, 2 mm., color yellow; Fruit, unknown -- should be curved.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1803, Medicago lupulina.

Photographed 7 May 2018.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1803, Medicago lupulina

Photographed 10 July 2018.

Coll. No. 1803, 7 May 2018, characters observed: Annual herb, prostrate, to 1 cm. × 50 cm. wide; Leaves, compound, stipules, leaf-like, 6.5 mm., petioles, 11 mm., leaflets, #3, obovate, 5 mm. × 5-6 mm. wide, margin denticulate, middle leaflet extended beyond lateral leaflet on a petiolule; Inflorescence, compact axillary raceme, 8 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide; Sepals, 1 mm.; Flowers, 2 mm., color yellow; Fruit, unknown -- should be curved.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1803, Medicago lupulina

Photographed 10 July 2018.

The thing to see here is that the terminal leaflet is separated from the two lateral leaflets on a short stalk or some sort. Ackerfield (2015) calls this a petiolule and Weber & Wittmann (2012) call this a rachis.

Coll. No. 1803, 7 May 2018, characters observed: Annual herb, prostrate, to 1 cm. × 50 cm. wide; Leaves, compound, stipules, leaf-like, 6.5 mm., petioles, 11 mm., leaflets, #3, obovate, 5 mm. × 5-6 mm. wide, margin denticulate, middle leaflet extended beyond lateral leaflet on a petiolule; Inflorescence, compact axillary raceme, 8 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide; Sepals, 1 mm.; Flowers, 2 mm., color yellow; Fruit, unknown -- should be curved.

Article records that use this photograph:


Medicago polymorpha

Coll. No. 803, Medicago polymorpha

Scanned 24 January 2013.

Article records that use this photograph:


Melilotus albus

Page from Medikus (1786) publishing Melilotus albus.

Note species #4 of Melilotus albus referring to Linnaeus as "Trifolium M. officinalis c L.

Article records that use this photograph:


Melilotus officinalis

Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1687, Melilotus officinalis

Scanned 21 December 2017.

Article records that use this photograph:


Oxytropis deflexa sericea

Inflorescences of Coll. No. 3316, Oxytropis deflexa var. sericea.

Scanned 18 December 2024.

Plants of Colorado

Oxytropis deflexa (Pall.) DC. var. sericea Torr. & A. Gray.  Nodding Locoweed.

Salt Creek, Park County, Colorado. Right bank of Salt Creek, just west of the place it is first crossed by FR 435 “Salt Creek Road,” 3.0 miles generally west of US Highway 285, 111 km. southwest of Golden. 38.95715°N, 106.00826°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2834 m. Edge of aspen and spruce filling in meadow that appears to be a former beaver pond.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2024, issued: Jun 1, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3316. 22-Jul-2024

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 3316, Oxytropis deflexa var. sericea.

Photographed 18 December 2024.

Plants of Colorado

Oxytropis deflexa (Pall.) DC. var. sericea Torr. & A. Gray.  Nodding Locoweed.

Salt Creek, Park County, Colorado. Right bank of Salt Creek, just west of the place it is first crossed by FR 435 “Salt Creek Road,” 3.0 miles generally west of US Highway 285, 111 km. southwest of Golden. 38.95715°N, 106.00826°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2834 m. Edge of aspen and spruce filling in meadow that appears to be a former beaver pond.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2024, issued: Jun 1, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3316. 22-Jul-2024

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 3129, Oxytropis deflexa var. sericea.

Photographed 15 January 2024.

Plants of Colorado

Oxytropis deflexa (Pall.) DC. var. sericea Torr. & A. Gray.  Nodding Locoweed.

Unnamed Gulch, Lake County, Colorado. Along Forest Road 189, about 1 km. east of County Road 18 “East Tennessee Road,” 5.69 km. (geodesic) north northwest of the GNIS location of Leadville. 39.29775°N, 106.3168°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3094 m. Plants shortly caulescent, 1-3 nodes; tiny magenta flowers; peduncle elongating in fruit; mature fruit pendulous. Full sun, openings in willow thicket just south of the creek.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2023, issued: Jul 1, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3129. 19-Jul-2023

Article records that use this photograph:


Oxytropis lambertii

Coll. No. 1385, Oxytropis lambertii

Photographed 28 November 2016.

Coll. No. 1385, 1 June 2016, characters observed: Perennial herb, acaulescent, mostly dolabriform hairs (one arm much shorter than the other); Leaves, basal, pinnately compound, leaflets #17, terminal leaflet present; Inflorescence, raceme, peduncle 30 cm., pedicels very short; Bracts, 7 mm. × 1.6 mm. wide, green, lanceolate; Calyx, tube 7 mm. + lobes 4 mm. = 11 mm.; Flower, zygomorphic, various shades of magenta to purple, banner, 17 mm., wings, 16 mm., keel, 13 mm., blades united enclosing stamens, recurved beak; Stamens, #10, diadelphous.

Article records that use this photograph:


Purple Locoweed (Oxytropis lambertii) on top of North Table Mountain.

Photographed 2 June 2016.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Oxytropis multiceps

Coll. No. 2470, Oxytropis multiceps

Photographed 23 May 2021.

Plants of Colorado

Oxytropis multiceps Nuttall.  Southwestern Locoweed.

Goose Creek, Jefferson County, Colorado. Just north of and above Goose Creek on the east side of Forest Road 211, 85 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.1748°N, 105.3611°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2437 m. Very dense population on the cut bank above the road.

Collected by permit: Pike - San Isabel National Forest, 2021, issued: Mar 29, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with Bob Legier & Matt Schweich 2470. 23-May-2021

Article records that use this photograph:


Oxytropis sericea sericea

Coll. No. 2576, Oxytropis sericea

Photographed 7 December 2021.

Plants of Colorado

Oxytropis sericea Torr. & A. Gray.  White Locoweed.

Salt Creek, Park County, Colorado. Small valley between two ridges, just north of Salt Creek and Pike-San Isabel National Forest Road 435 "Salt Creek Road," 3.1 mi. by road west of US Highway 285, 145 km. southwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 38.9591°N, 106.0121°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2858 m. Flowers white. Valley bottom, around a small grove of aspens, also collected here: Oenothera coronopifolia, Penstemon virgatus var. asa-grayi and Artemisia frigida. Variety sericea if infraspecific names are to be applied.

Collected by permit: Pike - San Isabel National Forest, 2021, issued: Mar 29, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2576. 12-Jul-2021

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 3242, Oxytropis sericea var. sericea.

Photographed 6 November 2024.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Oxytropis sericea Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray var. sericea.  White Locoweed.

Hildebrand Ranch Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Lower northeast slope of small hogback, near where the Two Brands Trail crosses through the hogback, 914 m. west southwest of parking lot, 24.5 km. south southeast of Golden. 39.549°N, 105.12029°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1760 m. Also here: Juniperus scopulorum, Musineon divaricatum, Cercocarpus montanus, Castilleja integra, Gutierrezia sarothrae, and Leucocrinum montanum.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2024, issued: Mar 6, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3242. 14-May-2024

Coll. No. 3242, 14 May 2024: Perennial, to 35 cm., hairs soft, often wavy, not wart-like; Leaves, basal, compound, 170 mm. × 36 mm. wide; Leaflets, #17±, 29 mm. × 7 mm. wide, hairy both sides; Bracts, 11 mm., lanceolate; Calyx, tube 10 mm. + lobes 4 mm., hairs white, wavy; Flowers, ascending, 20-24 mm., banner, 19 mm., white with purple guides, wings, 19 mm. (unable to see distinctive flexure of wings in dried specimens), keel, 17 mm., purple distally, trip porrect; Fruit, last year's persistent, 20 mm. × 7 mm. wide, ascending;

Article records that use this photograph:


Oxytropis splendens

Coll. No. 3137, Oxytropis splendens.

Photographed 16 January 2024.

Plants of Colorado

Oxytropis splendens Douglas ex Hook.  Showy Locoweed.

Evans Gulch, Lake County, Colorado. Middle section of Evans Gulch, near Conley Lakes and the Diamond Mine, 4.6 mi. by road east of the GNIS location of Leadville. 39.26067°N, 106.22028°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3450 m. Sunny open southeast-facing slope.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2023, issued: Jul 1, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3137. 20-Jul-2023

Article records that use this photograph:



Coll. No. 3129, Oxytropis sp., maybe.

Photographed 20 July 2023.

Article records that use this photograph:


Parkinsonia aculeata

Coll. No. 216, Parkinsonia aculeata

Scanned 19 May 2015.

This poor, dried-out collection was consigned to the compost pile.

Article records that use this photograph:


Pediomelum tenuiflorum

Pediomelum tenuiflorum

Photographed 25 May 2021.

Article records that use this photograph:


Pediomelum tenuiflorum

Photographed 25 May 2021.

Article records that use this photograph:


Prosopis velutina

Coll. No. 736, Prosopis velutina

Scanned 5 Jan 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Psoralidium lanceolatum

Collection #576 Psoralidium lanceolatum alongside Adobe Meadows Road.

Scanned May 6, 2010, grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection #576 Psoralidium lanceolatum alongside Adobe Meadows Road.

Scanned May 6, 2010, grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Psoralidium tenuiflorum

Coll. No. 1509, Psoralidium tenuiflorum

Photographed 10 January 2017.

North Table Mountain Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Near the top of several small hills (toe of landslide?) on the lower north slope of North Table Mountain, 0.7 km. southeast of the Mesa Spur Trailhead on 58th Avenue, 4.8 km. north northeast of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.7972°N, 105.2071°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1851 m. Also at this location: Thelesperma megapotamicum, Eriogonum alatum, and E. effusum.

Article records that use this photograph:


Fruit of Coll. No. 1509, Psoralidium tenuiflorum

Scanned 10 January 2017.

North Table Mountain Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Near the top of several small hills (toe of landslide?) on the lower north slope of North Table Mountain, 0.7 km. southeast of the Mesa Spur Trailhead on 58th Avenue, 4.8 km. north northeast of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.7972°N, 105.2071°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1851 m. Also at this location: Thelesperma megapotamicum, Eriogonum alatum, and E. effusum.

Article records that use this photograph:



Scan of a portion of Collection No. 366.

Scanned at 1200 dpi. Area shown is 17.00 mm by 12.75 mm. Sterile collection. Probably P. emoryi or P. fremontii.

Article records that use this photograph:


Psorothamnus fremontii fremontii

Coll. No. 352, Psorothamnus fremontii var. fremontii

Scanned 1 December 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Psorothamnus polydenius polydenius

Coll. No. 1150, Psorothamnus polydenius var. polydenius

Scanned 26 October 2015.

Coll. No. 1150, 22 Jun 2015, characters observed: Perennial shrub, to 40 cm., unarmed; Stem, short soft hairy with dense hemispherical glands, 0.4 mm., the hairs and glands becoming hardened with age; Leaves, compound, 10 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide, odd-pinnate, leaflets 7-11, 2 mm. × 1 mm. wide, ovate, terminal leaflet ±=lateral, hairy, few reddish-brown glands; Inflorescence, crowded at tops of stems, 12 mm. × 8 mm. dia.; Pedicel, 0.5 mm., bractlets 0; Calyx, tube, 1.8 mm., green, glabrous with rows of red-brown glands, lobes, 2 mm., spreading hairy with red-brown gland at tip; Flower, bilateral, 4.5 mm., corolla purple; Fruit, unknown.

Location records that use this photograph:

  • The Gap, Esmeralda County, Nevada

Article records that use this photograph:


Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1150, Psorothamnus polydenius var. polydenius

Scanned 26 October 2015.

Coll. No. 1150, 22 Jun 2015, characters observed: Perennial shrub, to 40 cm., unarmed; Stem, short soft hairy with dense hemispherical glands, 0.4 mm., the hairs and glands becoming hardened with age; Leaves, compound, 10 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide, odd-pinnate, leaflets 7-11, 2 mm. × 1 mm. wide, ovate, terminal leaflet ±=lateral, hairy, few reddish-brown glands; Inflorescence, crowded at tops of stems, 12 mm. × 8 mm. dia.; Pedicel, 0.5 mm., bractlets 0; Calyx, tube, 1.8 mm., green, glabrous with rows of red-brown glands, lobes, 2 mm., spreading hairy with red-brown gland at tip; Flower, bilateral, 4.5 mm., corolla purple; Fruit, unknown.

Article records that use this photograph:


Securigera varia

Coll. No. 3008, Securigera varia.

Photographed 11 December 2023.

Native and Naturalized Flora of the Golden Area, Jefferson County, Colorado

Securigera varia (L.) Lassen.  Purple Crownvetch.

DeLong Park (City of Golden), Jefferson County, Colorado. On the bank of the Welch Ditch near the south bridge and stairs down to 24th Street, 1.39 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.7479°N, 105.2083°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1768 m. With Bromus inermis and Fraxinus pensylvanica. There is also a dense infestation in the watercourse parallel to 23rd Street. EDDMapS Record ID 11652866.

Collected by permit: City of Golden, 2023, issued: Mar 13, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3008. 29-Jun-2023

Article records that use this photograph:


Location of Coll. No. 1526, Securigera varia

Note the game trails that appear to radiate from the patch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1526, Securigera varia

Scanned 14 January 2017.

North Table Mountain, Jefferson County, Colorado. Lower slopes on the south side of North Table Mountain, 330 m. south southeast of the USBR monument designated “North Table,” 1.22 km. north northeast of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.7663°N, 105.2181°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1819 m. Barely identifiable fragments from a very heavily browsed patch approximately 3 m. × 5 m. in size. Aerial photography shows multiple game trails oriented toward this patch. Introduced.

Coll. No. 1526, 5 August 2016, characters observed: Perennial shrub, to 1 m. × 3 m. dia.; Leaves, cauline, alternate, stipules, 3 mm. × 0.6 mm., strap-shaped, sessile or nearly so, compound, leaflets, #21, 9 mm. × 2.7 mm. wide, oblong, tip mucronate; Inflorescence, axillary umbellate clusters, peduncles, 25 mm., Pedicels, 2.5 mm., Calyx, conical, tube 2.5 mm. + lobes 0.5 mm.; Flowers, white to pink, banner 4 mm. + 2 mm., wings, 6 mm., keel, 9 mm.; Fruit, erect, 19 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, ridged.

Article records that use this photograph:


Thermopsis rhombifolia divaricarpa

Coll. No. 2475, Thermopsis rhombifolia var. divaricarpa

Photographed 15 October 2021.

Native and Naturalized Flora of the Golden Area, Jefferson County, Colorado

Thermopsis rhombifolia (Nutt. ex Pursh) Nutt. ex Richardson var. divaricarpa (A. Nelson) Isely.  Spreadfruit Goldenbanner.

Dakota Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado. Northwestern corner of Golden, south end of Dakota Ridge, a hogback that is structurally a continuation of Dinosaur Ridge, west limb at the south end on a small parcel owned by the City of Golden, 4.32 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.7823°N, 105.2381°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1893 m. Mostly mixed grasses and forbs below the Cercocarpus montanus belt, with Celtis reticulata, Rhus trilobata, Potentilla fissa, Grindelia squarrosa, and Gutierrezia sarothrae.

Collected by permit: City of Golden, 2021, issued: Jan 27, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2475. 25-May-2021

Article records that use this photograph:


Thermopsis rhombifolia var. divaricarpa, in flower, no fruit yet.

Photographed 12 April 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Patch of Thermopsis rhombifolia var. divaricarpa, Coll. No. 1347.

Photographed 20 May 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Thermopsis rhombifolia var. divaricarpa on the southeast side of North Table Mountain.

Photographed 12 April 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1360, Thermopsis rhombifolia var. divaricarpa on Tin Cup Ridge.

Photographed 21 May 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:



Coll. No. 2561.4, Trifolium sp.

Scanned 29 November 2021.

Article records that use this photograph:


Trifolium andersonii beatleyae

Inflorescence of Coll. No. 962, Trifolium andersonii var. beatleyae

Scanned on 7 Feb 2014.

Coll. No. 962, 22 May 2013, characters observed: Perennial, short-tufted, from very tough! roots, to 6 cm., soft hairy throughout; Leaf, petioles 2 cm., palmately compound, leaflets 5, not gland-dotted, Inflorescence, peduncled 6 cm., >> leaves, 2.0-2.5 cm.; Involucre, vestigal ring; Sepals, fused 4 mm. + free 8 mm. = 12 mm., plumose, lobe hairs ±1 mm; Flower, bilateral; Corolla, purple.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 962, Trifolium andersonii var. beatleyae

Scanned on 7 Feb 2014.

Coll. No. 962, 22 May 2013, characters observed: Perennial, short-tufted, from very tough! roots, to 6 cm., soft hairy throughout; Leaf, petioles 2 cm., palmately compound, leaflets 5, not gland-dotted, Inflorescence, peduncled 6 cm., >> leaves, 2.0-2.5 cm.; Involucre, vestigal ring; Sepals, fused 4 mm. + free 8 mm. = 12 mm., plumose, lobe hairs ±1 mm; Flower, bilateral; Corolla, purple.

Article records that use this photograph:


Trifolium fragiferum

Coll. No. 2651, Trifolium fragiferum

Photographed 27 January 2022.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Trifolium fragiferum L.  Strawberry Clover.

Bull Gulch, Jefferson County, Colorado. Lippincott Ranch, crossed west to east by Bull Gulch, 84 m. west from the eastern boundary, 1.32 km. north northwest of the main gate, and 23.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.908°N, 105.2771°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1966 m. Sunny, muddy banks of Bull Gulch. Lippincott Ranch is jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2021, issued: Apr 1, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2651. 7-Aug-2021

Article records that use this photograph:


Trifolium hybridum

Coll. No. 1683, Trifolium hybridum

Scanned 21 December 2017.

Coll. No. 1683, 28 Jun 2017, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 50 cm., sprawling-ascending; Leaves, cauline, petiole to 90+ mm., stipules, to 25 mm., entire, acute, leaf compound, ternate, leaflets, 3, 20 mm. × 16 mm. wide, attached at a single point, margin serrate, generally glabrous, scant hairs along distal margins; Inflorescence, flowers in heads, peduncles, 55-95 mm., heads 22 mm. diameter, many flowers, bracts inconspicuous (1 mm.); Calyx, tube 1 mm. + lobes 2 mm.; Corolla, 7 mm.

Article records that use this photograph:


Trifolium parryi

Coll. No. 2586, Trifolium parryi

Photographed 10 December 2021.

Plants of Colorado

Trifolium parryi A. Gray.  Parry's Clover.

Lily Lake, Lake County, Colorado. Northeast of Lily Lake, near the (current) end of the Pike-San Isabel Forest Road 131, 2.7 road miles west of US Highway 24, 140 km. southwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.352°N, 106.3663°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3232 m. Lodgepole pine forest, also collected here, Penstemon whippleanus.

Collected by permit: Pike - San Isabel National Forest, 2021, issued: Mar 29, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2586. 13-Jul-2021

Article records that use this photograph:


Trifolium pratense

Inflorescence of Coll. No. 2122, Trifolium pratense

Photographed 11 November 2019.

When collected, the flowers were more red than purple. The stipules are large, ovate-acuminate, scarious with several green nerves, heads solitary at the ends of each stem.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2122, Trifolium pratense

Photographed 11 November 2019.

When collected, the flowers were more red than purple.

Article records that use this photograph:


Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1458, Trifolium pratense

Scanned 18 December 2016.

Coll. No. 1458, 27 June 2016, characters observed: Perennial herb, erect, to 50 cm., hairs not hooked at tips; Stem, spreading hairy; Stipules, 21 mm. × 5 mm. wide, connate, scarious with several green nerves; Leaves, ternately compound, leaflets, 38 mm. × 20 mm. wide, margins slightly wavy tip short mucronate (easier to see on young leaves), both sides long wavy hairy; Heads, sessile, subtended by stipules and a pair of leaves, many flowers; Fruit, unknown. Introduced.

Article records that use this photograph:


Trifolium repens

Head of Coll. No. 2143, Trifolium repens

Scanned 4 December 2019.

As described in Ackerfield (2015), the thing to see here is the “ … calyx with a whitish-green tube with a purple spot below each sinus, and green teeth …”

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Trifolium repens L.  White Clover.

Lippincott Property, Jefferson County, Colorado. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, muddy places beside flowing water diverted through former clay pit, 22.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.903°N, 105.2748°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2005 m. Also collected here: Juncus bufonius, Prunella vulgaris, and Alopecurus carolinianus.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2019, issued: Mar 1, 2019, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2143. 13-Jul-2019

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2705, Trifolium repens

Scanned 11 February 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Trifolium repens L.  White Clover.

North Fork West Tennessee Creek, Lake County, Colorado. About 125 m. east of Lily Lake, at the current end of Pike-San Isabel Forest Road 131, 2.6 road miles west of US Highway 24, 140 km. southwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.3517°N, 106.3669°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3242 m. Flowers pink. Right along the road in partial shade of subalpine forest; soil here is probably glacial till.

Collected by permit: Pike - San Isabel National Forest, 2021, issued: Mar 29, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2705. 17-Aug-2021

Plant, creeping and rooting at the nodes; Leaves, glabrous, leaflets 8 mm. × 10 mm. wide; Heads, pedunculate; Calys, whitish-greenish tube, purple spot below each sinus, teeth green, not inflated or papery; Flowers, many, pink.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2705, Trifolium repens

Photographed 11 February 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Trifolium repens L.  White Clover.

North Fork West Tennessee Creek, Lake County, Colorado. About 125 m. east of Lily Lake, at the current end of Pike-San Isabel Forest Road 131, 2.6 road miles west of US Highway 24, 140 km. southwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.3517°N, 106.3669°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3242 m. Flowers pink. Right along the road in partial shade of subalpine forest; soil here is probably glacial till.

Collected by permit: Pike - San Isabel National Forest, 2021, issued: Mar 29, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2705. 17-Aug-2021

Plant, creeping and rooting at the nodes; Leaves, glabrous, leaflets 8 mm. × 10 mm. wide; Heads, pedunculate; Calys, whitish-greenish tube, purple spot below each sinus, teeth green, not inflated or papery; Flowers, many, pink.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2143, Trifolium repens

Photographed 4 December 2019.

As described in Ackerfield (2015), the thing to see here is the “ … calyx with a whitish-green tube with a purple spot below each sinus, and green teeth …”

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Trifolium repens L.  White Clover.

Lippincott Property, Jefferson County, Colorado. Northernmost Jefferson County, parcel jointly owned by Jefferson County Open Space and City of Boulder OSMP, muddy places beside flowing water diverted through former clay pit, 22.0 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.903°N, 105.2748°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2005 m. Also collected here: Juncus bufonius, Prunella vulgaris, and Alopecurus carolinianus.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2019, issued: Mar 1, 2019, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2143. 13-Jul-2019

Article records that use this photograph:


Trifolium wormskioldii

Collection No. 507, Trifolium wormskioldii

Determination tentative.

Scanned 16 March 2011. Background grid is 10 x 10 to the inch.

Coll. No. 507, 2 Aug 2007, characters observed: Herbaceous perennial, to 40 cm.; Roots and rhizomes unknown; Stem ascending; Leaves, petiole to 40 mm., palmately compound; Leaflets 3, not gland dotted, toothed-serrate as extensions of veins, tip acute; Involucre, conspicuous, when pressed hiding only bases of flowers, fused 2 mm. + free 3.5 mm., tip acute, Calyx not inflated in fruit; Sepals fused ≥½, tube = lobes, glabrous; Flower bilateral, 12 mm.; Corolla not inflated in fruit.

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Vicia americana

Coll. No. 1857, Vicia americana var. minor

Scanned 8 November 2018.

Coll. No. 1857, 23 May 2018, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 30 cm., sprawling; Stem, not winged, hairs, simple, basifixed; Leaves, compound, stipules, free, 7 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide, leaflets, #10, 22 mm. × 3.7 mm. wide, oblong, terminal leaflet, a tendril, variously forked or not, hairs, simple, basifixed; Inflorescence, raceme, 3-4 flowers, pedicels 22-28 mm.; Calyx, tube 4-5 mm. + lobes 2 mm., longer abaxially, simple basifixed hairs; Flower, zygomorphic, banner, 18 mm., reflexed at middle, back glabrous, blade, 17 mm., keel, 13 mm., tip obtuse; Stigma, round, ring of hairs below stigma.

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Coll. No. 1394, Vicia americana

Photographed 8 June 2016.

Variety minor if infraspecific names are to be applied.

Coll. No. 1394, 1 June 2016, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 30 cm.; Stem, not winged; Leaves, stipules, 4 mm. × 15 mm. wide, reduced above, lobed, not connate, nectary 0; cauline, compound, odd-pinnate, leaflets #6-8, + simple tendril; Inflorescence, raceme, 4-5 flowered, pedicel 17 mm.; Flowers, zygomorphic, 14 mm., smaller than var. americana; petals, ±white, banner pink at point of inflection; Style, round, abaxially hairy below stigma; Legume, stipe ? mm. (indistinct) + body 32 mm. × 4 mm. wide + persistent style 2 mm.

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Coll. No. 1394, Vicia americana

Scanned 1 December 2016.

Variety minor if infraspecific names are to be applied.

Coll. No. 1394, 1 June 2016, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 30 cm.; Stem, not winged; Leaves, stipules, 4 mm. × 15 mm. wide, reduced above, lobed, not connate, nectary 0; cauline, compound, odd-pinnate, leaflets #6-8, + simple tendril; Inflorescence, raceme, 4-5 flowered, pedicel 17 mm.; Flowers, zygomorphic, 14 mm., smaller than var. americana; petals, ±white, banner pink at point of inflection; Style, round, abaxially hairy below stigma; Legume, stipe ? mm. (indistinct) + body 32 mm. × 4 mm. wide + persistent style 2 mm.

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Vicia americana americana

Coll. No. 3339, Vicia americana var. americana.

Photographed 22 December 2024.

Plants of Colorado

Vicia americana Willd. var. americana.  American Vetch.

Unnamed Gulch on Forest Road 189, Lake County, Colorado. Along Forest Road 189, about 1 km. west of County Road 18 “East Tennessee Road,” 7.37 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Leadville. Openings in aspen forest, mixed with patches of big sagebrush and willows. 39.29889°N, 106.31706°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3100 m. Twining on small willow stems and aspen branches, with Agoseris aurantica, Orthocarpus luteus, Pedicularis parryi, Androsace septentrionalis, and Anticlea elegans. Infraspecific names are not accepted by current Colorado florae.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2024, issued: Jun 1, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3339. 24-Jul-2024

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Vicia villosa

Coll. No. 1875, Vicia villosa

Photographed 13 November 2018.

Coll. No. 1875, 24 May 2018, characters observed: Perennial, herb, sprawling through the smooth brome, to 50 cm.; Leaves, compound, stipules, 13 mm. × 3 mm. wide, 2-lobed, petiole, 0, blade, 75 mm. × 28 mm. wide, leaflets, #13-15, 20 mm. × 4 mm. wide, linear-elliptic, terminal leaflet a tendril, forked, #3-4, hairs, straight; Inflorescence, raceme, secund, flowers, #±20; Calyx, tube 3 mm. + lobes 4 mm., narrow, hairs simple; Flower, zygomorphic, white to dark blue, banner, 16 mm., reflexed ¾, wings, 14 mm., clawed, dark blue, keel, 11 mm., tip obtuse; Style, ring of hairs below stigma, 0.6 mm.; Fruit, (immature) 5 mm. × 0.8 mm wide, lanceolate, glabrous.

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Date and time this article was prepared: 2/22/2025 5:10:59 PM