Eastern Mojave Vegetation
Images -- Zoology

By Tom Schweich

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Geography - Idaho
Geography - Park County, CO
Geography - Summit County, CO
Geography - Arizona
Geography - British Columbia
Geography - California
Geography - California's Colorado Desert
Geography - Mono Lake Basin, California
Geography - Mono County, California
Geography - San Luis Obispo County, California
Geography - Marin County, California
Geography - Santa Clara County
Geography - Central Mojave
Geography - New Mexico
Geography - Eastern Mojave
Geography - Northern Mojave
Geography - Colorado
Geography - Alamosa County, CO
Geography - Boulder County, CO
Geography - Clear Creek County, CO
Geography - Chaffee County, CO
Geography - Douglas County, CO
Geography - Gilpin County, CO
Geography - Golden, Colorado
Geography - Weld County, CO
Geography - Hinsdale County, CO
Geography - Jefferson County, CO
Geography - North Table Mountain, Jefferson Cty, CO
Geography - Lake County, CO
Geography - Larimer County, CO
Geography - Nevada
Geography - Oregon
Geography - South Dakota
Geography - Utah
Geography - Virginia
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Geography - Wyoming
Spain - Andalucia
Spain - Castilla y Leon
Spain - Castilla-La Mancha
Spain - Extremadura
Spain - Galicia
Spain - Madrid
Economic Geology
Salvia dorrii
Frasera albomarginata
Species - Polygonaceae
Species - Brassicaceae
Species - Brassicaceae, Physaria vitulifera
Species - Rosaceae
Species - Fabaceae
Species - Onagraceae
Species - Polemoniaceae
Species - Boraginaceae
Species - Plantaginaceae
Species - Asteraceae
Species - Poaceae
Customer Satisfaction
New York
Christmas 2002
Family Photos
Family Documents
Family Photos 2003
Art of Lydia Schweich
Geography - Germany

Images are organized by the topics listed at left. Click on a topic name to see images with that topic.

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"Photograph ©1999 Tom Schweich. Used by permission, http://www.schweich.com"

If you have a comment or a question about a photograph you may write to me at tomas@schweich.com I will answer you as soon as I can. I sometimes post interesting questions in my FAQ, but I will not disclose your full name or address.


Red-spotted toad (Bufo punctatus)

The Red-spotted toad is found at Rock Spring. Confined to the deserts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico (Jaeger, 1965). Spawning occurred the last week in April, 1996, when this picture was taken.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Cedar Canyon Road - Mojave National Preserve: 44000.


Birds, NOIBN

Nest beside Cottonwood Canyon Road

Photographed 20 June 2012. This nest was under a small rabbitbrush on the edge of a wetland, just outside the road berm.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coluber constictor mormon

Coluber constrictor mormon “Western yellow-bellied racer” on North Table Mountain

Photographed 8 May 2017.

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Coluber constrictor mormon “Western yellow-bellied racer” on North Table Mountain

Photographed 8 May 2017.

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Crotalus viridis

Little rattlesnake seen along Dakota Ridge Trail.

Photographed 29 May 2020.

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Beetles on the Eureka Dunes

Photograph taken October 7, 2000.

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Insect larvae in running water, Black Canyon, May 29, 2005

Photograph taken May 29, 2005.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Black Canyon Road - Mojave National Preserve: 17500.
  • Field Notes: 29 May 2005.



Two burros (Equus assinus) along Cedar Canyon Road

Under a Utah Juniper (Juniperus osteosperma). Round Valley is in the background.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Cedar Canyon Road - Mojave National Preserve: 26000.


Two burros in the Whipple Mountains.

Photograph taken September 23, 2000.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Power Line Road: 70000.


Two more burros seen along Cedar Canyon Road.

Photograph taken September 22, 2000.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Cedar Canyon Road - Mojave National Preserve: 35000.


Bear finishing lunch.

The Pumice Flat campground is along the San Joaquin river. Nice place for lunch. This bear had Bisquick and Wesson Oil.

Article records that use this photograph:


Phrynosoma platyrhinos

Southern Desert Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos) at Gilbert Summit.

Photograph taken 11-May-07.

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Pituophis catenefir

Gopher Snake (Pituophis catenefir) on the floor of the canyon.

Photographed 27 April 2021.

Location records that use this photograph:

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Reptilia Crotales

Rattlesnake on Cedar Canyon Road.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Cedar Canyon Road - Mojave National Preserve: 34000.


Rattlesnake on Cedar Canyon Road.

Photograph taken in May, 1999. This snake coiled and began to rattle when it saw my truck coming. It remained in this pose, and continue to rattle for a long time while I watched and photographed it.

Article records that use this photograph:



Photographed April 1983, scanned from a print 6 February 2018.

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Reptilia Gopherus

Tortoise in Macedonia Canyon.

This one was sitting in the road, and seemed to be most interested in watching me. My choices were to pick it up and put it beside the road, or to straddle it with my wheels.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Macedonia Canyon Road - Mojave National Preserve: 32000.


Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizi) along Essex Road.

Article records that use this photograph:


Tortoise along Cima Road

Photograph taken April 21, 2004.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Kelso Cima Road - Mojave National Preserve: 15000.


Reptilia Pituophis catenifer

Gopher snake on Wild Horse Canyon Road.

Photograph taken May 29, 2005.

We came upon this snake sunning itself on Wild Horse Canyon Road. It was very docile, and did not want to move. In the end, we backed up and drove around it.

Article records that use this photograph:


Reptilia, Callisaurus

Zebra-tailed lizard in The Gap.

Photographed 21 June 2015.

Location records that use this photograph:

  • The Gap, Esmeralda County, Nevada

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Reptilia, Phrynosoma

Horned Lizard near Connors Pass, Nevada

Photograph taken June 10, 2008.

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Sceloporus cowlesi

Southwestern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus cowlesi) warming up on a rock.

Photographed 27 April 2021.

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Date and time this article was prepared: 2/22/2025 5:11:22 PM