Eastern Mojave Vegetation
Images -- Species - Brassicaceae

By Tom Schweich

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Alliaria petiolata

Coll. No. 2481, Alliaria petiolata

Photographed 17 October 2021.

Native and Naturalized Flora of the Golden Area, Jefferson County, Colorado

Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara & Grande.  Garlic Mustard.

Tucker Gulch (lower), Jefferson County, Colorado. On east bank of Tucker Gulch near the City of Golden Tucker Gulch Trail between 1st Street and 7th Place, 1.49 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.7653°N, 105.2255°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1763 m. Also collected nearby: Lithospermum arvense, Lunaria annua, Fumaria vaillantii, and Veronica biloba. Colorado Noxious Weed Watch List.

Collected by permit: City of Golden, 2021, issued: Jan 27, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo 2481. 27-May-2021

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Alyssum alyssoides

Coll. No. 2063.2, Alyssum alyssoides

Scanned 5 October 2019.

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Arabis pycnocarpa pycnocarpa

Coll. No. 2935, Arabis pycnocarpa var. pcynocarpa.

Photographed 1 November 2023.

Plants of the Douglas Mountain Study Area
Jefferson County Open Space, Colorado, USA

Arabis pycnocarpa M. Hopkins var. pycnocarpa.  Cream Flower Rockcress.

Guy Gulch, Jefferson County, Colorado. Douglas Mountain Study Area, area along Guy Gulch, north side of Jefferson County Road 70 and near western boundary, 17.6 km. northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.803°N, 105.3671°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2437 m. South-facing slope, with Artemisia frigida, Cirsium undulatum, and Ribes cereum.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2023, issued: Apr 10, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2935. 6-Jun-2023

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Coll. No. 2802, Arabis pycnocarpa var. pycnocarpa.

Photographed 15 August 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Arabis pycnocarpa M. Hopkins var. pycnocarpa.  Cream Flower Rockcress.

Edgar Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado. 187 m. west northwest of the portal, 1.69 km. west northwest of the GNIS location of Idaho Springs 39.748°N, 105.527°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2450 m. Basal leaves not withered, hairs simple, flowers light yellow. In the bank of a road below Ponderosa pines. Collected while collecting approximate topotypes of Physaria vitulifera (P. A. Rydberg, s.n., 26 Aug 1895, NY185631, NY185632, RM1987).

Collected by permit: Colorado School of Mines, Edgar Mine 2022, issued: May 31, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2802. 13-Jun-2022

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Barbarea vulgaris

Coll. No. 2502, Barbarea vulgaris

Photographed 26 October 2021.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Barbarea vulgaris R. Br.  Garden Yellowrocket.

Lippincott Ranch, Jefferson County, Colorado. Southwest corner of the ranch, along an unnamed intermittent stream tributary to Bull Gulch, in the stream bed, 22.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.9058°N, 105.2787°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1988 m. Also seen or collected here, Actaea rubra, Lathryrus sp., and Gratiola neglecta. Jointly owned by City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks and Jefferson County Open Space.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2021, issued: Apr 1, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2502. 4-Jun-2021

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Habitat of Coll. No. 2802, Arabis pycnocarpa var. pycnocarpa.

Photographed 13 June 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Arabis pycnocarpa M. Hopkins var. pycnocarpa.  Cream Flower Rockcress.

Edgar Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado. 187 m. west northwest of the portal, 1.69 km. west northwest of the GNIS location of Idaho Springs 39.748°N, 105.527°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2450 m. Basal leaves not withered, hairs simple, flowers light yellow. In the bank of a road below Ponderosa pines. Collected while collecting approximate topotypes of Physaria vitulifera (P. A. Rydberg, s.n., 26 Aug 1895, NY185631, NY185632, RM1987).

Collected by permit: Colorado School of Mines, Edgar Mine 2022, issued: May 31, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2802. 13-Jun-2022

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Boechera grahamii

Coll. No. 3104, Boechera grahamii.

Photographed 9 January 2024.

Plants of Colorado

Boechera grahamii (Lehm.) Windham & Al-Shehbaz.  Graham's Rockcress.

West Tennessee Creek, Lake County, Colorado. Lowest terrace above West Tennessee Creek, 588 m. (geodesic) southeast of Lily Lake, 12.3 km. (geodesic) north northwest of Leadville. 39.3459°N, 106.3653°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3168 m. First terrace above creek, sunny and dry, with Arenaria sp. and Erigeron sp.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2023, issued: Jul 1, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3104. 18-Jul-2023

Coll. No. 3104, 18 July 2023, characters observed: Perennial herb, terrestrial, to 35 cm., hairs, sessile, forked, 3-5 branches; Stem, erect, leafy, glabrous (even at base); Leaves, basal, petiole 6 mm., blade 14 mm. × 2.8 mm. wide, oblanceolate, margin, entire, hairy, cauline, #33, sessile, auriculate, lanceolate, entire, few dolabriform hairs; Inflorescence, raceme, 140 mm. × 45 mm. wide, not bracted, not one-sided; Flowers, radial; Sepals, #4, 4 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, elliptic, green, glabrous; Petals, claw 1.5 mm., blade 5.5 mm. × 1.2 mm. wide, entire, lavender; Filaments, 3.5 mm., plain; Anthers, 1.2 mm.; Stigma, capitate; Fruit, pedicels, 7 mm., longest somewhat sigmoid, glabrous, body, 19 mm. × 1-0.5 mm. wide, spreading, slightly ascending to slightly descending, firm, glabrous; Ovules, ±biseriate.

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Boechera spatifolia

Coll. No. 3042, Boechera spatifolia.

Photographed 22 December 2023.

Plants of the Douglas Mountain Study Area
Jefferson County Open Space, Colorado, USA

Boechera spatifolia (Rydb.) Windham & Al-Shebaz.  Spoonleaf Rockcress.

Guy Gulch, Jefferson County, Colorado. Open forest slope above Guy Gulch, 130 m. southwest of County Road 70, 1.09 km. (geodesic) northwest of Centennial Ranch house, 13.3 km. (geodesic) northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.8°N, 105.3649°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2442 m.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2023, issued: Apr 10, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3042. 3-Jul-2023

Coll. No. 3042, 3 July 2023, characters observed: Perennial herb, 45 cm. to 50 cm., hairs, simple, occasional forked hairs at base of stem; Leaves, basal, simple, petiole, 15 mm., blade 18 mm. × 5.5 mm. wide, margin, toothed, ciliate, tip, acute, cauline, 18 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, auriculate, 1+mm., linear, entire; Inflorescence, elongating; Sepals, 1 row; Petals, 3 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, color, white; Fruit, pedicels, 10 mm., spreading, body, 45 mm., × 1.3 mm. wide, descending or pendant; Ovules, biseriate.

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Boechera stricta

Coll. No. 2608, Boechera stricta

Photographed 18 December 2021.

Plants of Colorado

Boechera stricta (Graham) Al-Shebaz.  Drummond's Rockcress.

Unnamed meadow on Forest Road 109, Lake County, Colorado. Southern part of the ridge that includes Mount Zion and Buckeye Peak, about 2.7 road miles north of Leadville, access to Forest Road 109 from US Highway 24, 140 km. southwest of Golden. 39.2789°N, 106.3123°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3906 m. Flowers white. Toward the northeast edge of meadow, also collected hearby: Ranunculus cardiophylla, Geum triflorum, Astragalus alpinus, Vicia americana, and Leptosiphon nuttallii.

Collected by permit: Pike - San Isabel National Forest, 2021, issued: Mar 29, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2608. 15-Jul-2021

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1952, Boechera stricta

Photographed 24 December 2018.

Coll. No. 1952, 20 June 2018, characters observed: Perennial herb, 40 cm. to 55 cm., glabrous except basal leaves; Stem, single, erect, leafy, glabrous; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal, simple, petiole, 10 mm., transition unclear, blade, 23 mm. × 3 mm. wide, oblanceolate, hairs, dolabriform, cauline, sessile, basally lobed, 0.8-1.5 mm., 23 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide, lanceolate, margin entire; Inflorescence, raceme, 25 mm. × 12.5 mm. wide, elongating in fruit; Flowers, radial; Sepals, #4, 1 row, 5 mm. × 1 mm. wide, elliptic, color green, glabrous; Petals, 9 mm. × 1.8 mm. wide, spoon-shaped, margin entire, color lavender (when dry); Fruit, mature, 60 mm. × 1 mm. wide, appressed to rachis, glabrous.

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Coll. Nos. 3347.1 & 3350, Boechera stricta.

Photographed 28 December 2024.

Plants of Colorado

Boechera stricta (Graham) Al-Shebaz.  Drummond's Rockcress.

Unnamed Gulch on Forest Road 189, Lake County, Colorado. About 90 m. southwest of Forest Road 189, about 1 km. west of County Road 18 “East Tennessee Road,” 7.37 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Leadville. Openings in aspen forest, mixed with patches of big sagebrush and willows. 39.29809°N, 106.31723°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3091 m. Small slope, damp areas amongst willows, with Descurainia incisa. Coll. Nos. 3347.1, 3349, & 3350, made within 30 m. of each other, are the same taxon.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2024, issued: Jun 1, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3347.1 24-Jul-2024

Plants of Colorado

Boechera stricta (Graham) Al-Shebaz.  Drummond's Rockcress.

Unnamed Gulch on Forest Road 189, Lake County, Colorado. About 95 m. south of Forest Road 189, about 1 km. west of County Road 18 “East Tennessee Road,” 7.37 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Leadville. Openings in aspen forest, mixed with patches of big sagebrush and willows. 39.29801°N, 106.31688°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3095 m. Flowers white to light lavender. Sunny opening in willow thicket. Coll. Nos. 3347.1, 3349, & 3350, made within 30 m. of each other, are the same taxon.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2024, issued: Jun 1, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3350. 24-Jul-2024

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Coll. No. 479, ?

The grid spacing is 1/4 inch.

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Coll. No. 623.3

Scanned 11 June 2011.

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Unknown Brassicaceae.

Photographed 14 April 2016 at Ranson Edwards Homestead Open Space Park. Too early for fruit.

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Coll. No. 623.3

Scanned 15 December 2013.

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Coll. No. 853

Scanned 30 June 2013.

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Coll. No. 853

Scanned 30 June 2013.

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Brassicaceae Alyssum simplex

Coll. No. 1090, Alyssum simplex

Scanned 18 June 2015.

Coll. No. 1090, 30 Apr 2015, characters observed: Annual, tap-rooted, to 15 cm., stellate hairs throughout (typically doubly branched and 8-pointed); Leaves, cauline, 14 mm. × 3.5 mm., oblanceolate, margin entire, tip acute, sessile or vaguely short-petioled; Sepals, 4, 2 mm., deciduous in fruit; Petals, 2.9 mm, yellow fading white, tip slightly notched; Stamens, 2.6 mm.; Filaments, 2.3 mm., winged proximal 1.8 mm.; Fruit, round, 3.5 mm. dia., margin entire, compressed parallel to the replum; Ovules, 4 (most keys and descriptions say "2" when they give a specific number, but the genus is described as having 1-2[4] ovules).

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Coll. No. 1367, Alyssum simplex

Scanned 22 November 2016.

Annual, tap-rooted, to 12-30 cm., stellate hairy throughout (typically doubly branched and 8-pointed); Stem branched at base, ascending; Leaves basal, withered at flowering, appear compound, cauline, alternate, 14-28 mm. × 3.5-5.0 mm., oblanceolate, margin entire, tip acute, sessile or vaguely short-petioled; Inflorescence not bracted; Pedicels, in fruit, 4.5 mm.; Sepals, 4, 2 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, deciduous in fruit; Petals 2.9-3.0 mm., yellow fading white,clawed, entire to tip slightly notched; Stamens, 2.5-2.6 mm.; Filaments, 2.3 mm., winged proximal 1.5-1.8 mm., not toothed; Style persistent, 1.3 mm., few hairs at base; Fruit round, 3.5-5.0 mm. × 5.6 mm. wide, margin entire, compressed parallel to the replum, hairy, hairs thinning as fruit matures; Ovules, 4 (most keys and descriptions say 2 when they give a specific number, but the genus is described as having 1-2[4] ovules). (Described from Clyde Golden, 25 Jun 2011, Coll. No. 1090, 30 Apr 2015, and Coll. No. 1367, 24 May 2016).

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Fruit of Coll. No. 1090, Alyssum simplex

Photographed 10 June 2015.

Coll. No. 1090, 30 Apr 2015, characters observed: Annual, tap-rooted, to 15 cm., stellate hairs throughout (typically doubly branched and 8-pointed); Leaves, cauline, 14 mm. × 3.5 mm., oblanceolate, margin entire, tip acute, sessile or vaguely short-petioled; Sepals, 4, 2 mm., deciduous in fruit; Petals, 2.9 mm, yellow fading white, tip slightly notched; Stamens, 2.6 mm.; Filaments, 2.3 mm., winged proximal 1.8 mm.; Fruit, round, 3.5 mm. dia., margin entire, compressed parallel to the replum; Ovules, 4 (most keys and descriptions say "2" when they give a specific number, but the genus is described as having 1-2[4] ovules).

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Alyssum simplex

Scanned 14 February 2013. Collected by Clyde Golden, 25 Jun 2011.

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Alyssum simplex

Scanned 14 February 2013. Collected by Clyde Golden, 25 Jun 2011.

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Brassicaceae Arabis cobrensis

Dean Wm. Taylor's photo of Arabis cobrensis

Date of photo: Jul 20, 1998
Location: Glass Mountain Ridge, at head of Wilfred Canyon, reached via jeep roads from Kelty Meadows (Mono County, California, US)
Notes: vouchered by Dean Wm. Taylor #16852 (JEPS96806)
Permission to use: Commercial use by consulting firms is permitted contingent upon a small donation per image (on the order of $10) to www.Calflora.org (use PayPal), notify Dean W. Taylor of usage. All other usage of any size image is permitted without need to notify me: credit Dr. Dean Wm. Taylor, Jepson Herbarium Contact Dr. Dean Wm. Taylor caricologist[AT]gmail.com for more information.


Brassicaceae Arabis holboellii pinetorum

Arabis holboellii var. pinetorum, Collection No. 589

Photograph taken 15 June 2010 on the access road to the Robert Lane house.

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Brassicaceae Arabis pycnocarpa

Coll. No. 1872, Arabis pycnocarpa

Photographed 12 November 2018.

Coll. No. 1872, 23 May 2018, characters observed: Annual or short-lived Perennial, terrestrial herb, to 60 cm. tall; Stem, erect, leafy, proximal hairs simple, distal glabrous; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal, simple, petiole, 10 mm., indistinct, blade 45 mm. × 10 mm. wide, oblanceolate, pinnately toothed, hairs, forked, not dolabriform, cauline, sessile, basally lobed, lanceolate, proximal leaves have a mix of simple and forked hairs, mid- to distal-leaves are glabrous, margin, entire; Inflorescence, raceme, 65 mm. × 15 mm. wide, not bracted, not secund; Flowers, radial; Pedicels, 3 mm.; Sepals, #4, rows 1, 4.2 mm. × 1.2 mm. wide, lanceolate, chartaceous, glabrous; Petals, 5 mm. × 1 mm. wide, somewhat spoon-shaped, margin entire, color, white to cream; Stamens, #6, 5.2 mm.; Filaments, plain; Anthers, 1 mm., exserted; Ovary, 5 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide; Stigma, capitate, 0.6 mm. wide, ±= width of ovary base (Welsh, 1993); Fruit, pedicels, 6 mm., ascending, nearly appressed, glabrous; mature, 12-16 mm. × 0.8 mm. wide, ascending, nearly appressed, not inflated, glabrous.

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Coll. No. 1836, Arabis pycnocarpa

Scanned 1 November 2018.

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Brassicaceae Arabis pycnocarpa var. pycnocarpa

Coll. No. 1836, Arabis pycnocarpa var. pycnocarpa

Scanned 17 May 2018.

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Brassicaceae Barbarea vulgaris

Lyrate lower leaf of Coll. No. 1818, Barbarea vulgaris

Scanned 12 October 2018.

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Habitat of Coll. No. 1818, Barbarea vulgaris

Photographed 16 May 2018.

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Brassicaceae Berteroa incana

Habitat of Berteroa incana

Photographed 10 August 2014.

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Coll. No. 1056, Berteroa incana

Scanned 10 August 2014.

Annual terrestrial herb, to 50 cm.; Leaves, cauline, elliptical, 20 mm. × 5 mm.; Flowers, not bracteate; Petals, 4, white, deeply bilobed; Style, 1.4 mm. in young fruit; Fruit, elliptical, 7 mm. × 4 mm. wide × 2 mm. thick, flattened parallel to papery internal partition.

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Brassicaceae Boechera fendleri

Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1812, Boechera fendleri

Scanned 10 May 2018.

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Coll. No. 1812, Boechera fendleri

Scanned 10 May 2018.

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Habitat of Coll. No. 1839, Boechera fendleri

Photographed 17 May 2018.

There are at least six plants between the field press and the field notebook.

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Brassicaceae Boechera perennans

Coll. No. 270, Boechera perennans

Photographed 19 May 2015.

Coll. No. 270, 24 Apr 2001, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 60 cm., not scapose; Stem, proximal, hairy, nearly all stalked much-branched hairs; Leaves, mostly cauline, 31 mm. × 4 mm. wide, sessile, base sagittate, hairs branched, 5-6 branches, tree-like (stalked, stellate); Inflorescence, not 1-sided; Bracts, 0; Sepals, hairy; Petals, 9 mm. × 2.3 mm. wide, purple-tipped; Fruit, a silique, linear, 44 mm. × 1.9 mm. wide, length 23× width, ascending to horizontal to descending, glabrous, pedicel, glabrous, base straight to ascending.

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Brassicaceae Brassica nigra

Coll. No. 881, Brassica nigra

Photographed 11 July 2013.

Collection No. 881, 10 August 2012, characters observed while : Annual; Hairs simple; Glands 0; Leaves basal and cauline, both surfaces equally short straight hairy; Cauline leaves deeply lobed, sometimes appearing dentate, sessile but not basally lobed, sagittate, or clasping; Inflorescence not bracted, Pedicel in fruit 4 mm.; Sepals erect (not spreading or reflexed), Flowers radial; Petals 4, yellow, not dark-veined; Stamens 6, 4 long, 2 short; Style 4-5 mm.; Stigma entire; Fruit linear when young, segments 2, erect, ±appressed.

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Brassicaceae Brassica tournefortii

Sahara Mustard in the Lake Manix sediments

Photograph taken 23 April 2010.

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Brassica tournefortii “Sahara Mustard”

Photographed 17 April 2017.

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Brassicaceae Camelina microcarpa

Coll. No. 1876, Camelina microcarpa

Photographed 15 November 2018.

Coll. No. 1876, characters observed: Annual, terrestrial, herb, to 80 cm. tall; Stem, erect, mostly single, some branched mid-stem; Leaves, basal, absent or withered, cauline, #20-25, sessile, basally lobed, 62 mm. × 10 mm. wide, reduced above, lanceolate, hairs simple and forked; Inflorescence, to 200 mm. × 35 mm. wide, not bracted, not one-sided; Flowers, radial; Pedicels, 8 mm.; Sepals, #4, 2.4 mm. × 0.8 mm. wide, ovate, color, green, tip purplish, abaxially hairy; Petals, 4.0 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, oblong-spatulate, margin, entire, color, yellow; Stamens, #6, 3 mm.; Filaments, plain or maybe very narrowly winged; Anthers, 0.7 mm., ovate; Ovary, 1.8 mm. × 0.9 mm. wide; Style, 0.8 mm.; Stigma, capitate, 0.4 mm. wide; Fruit, pedicels, 15 mm., 3× than fruit, spreading, mature fruit, 5 mm. × 3.2 mm. wide, somewhat flattened, parallel to replum, coriaceous, short-winged, valve mid-vein apparent but not prominent; Seeds, many, 1.0 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, angled, papillate.

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Brassicaceae Capsella bursa-pastoris

Coll. No. 1336, Capsella bursa-pastoris

Scanned 7 November 2016.

Coll. No. 1336, 11 May 2016, characters observed: Annual, scapose, to 27 cm., hairs, sessile, stellate, 3-4 points, throughout; Leaves, basal, oblanceolate, 55 mm. × 16 mm. wide, deeply lobed, but not all the way to mid-rib; cauline, 4-5 stem leaves, lanceolate, 25 mm. × 10 mm. wide, base sagittate; Flowers, small, petals white; Fruit, obcordate, 4 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide.

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Brassicaceae Cardamine breweri

Coll. No. 506, probably Cardamine breweri

Scanned 16 March 2011. Background grid is 10 x 10 to the inch.

This collection is sterile and was discarded.

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Coll. No. 875, Cardamine breweri

Photographed 7 July 2013.

Coll. No. 875, 23 June 2012, characters observed whilst keying: Perennial herb, to 50 cm., erect, terrestrial, growing in a shaded streamside; Rooting at nodes; Hairs 0; Leaves cauline, compound, pinnate lobed, leaflets 3, lower cauline leaves withering at flowering; Flowers radial; Petals white, 5 mm. x 2.5 mm. wide, blade wider than claw; Stamens 6, 4 long 2 short; Ovary linear; Fruit a silique, linear 28 mm. x 1 mm wide, dehiscent by valves, not stipitate; Seeds 14, wingless.

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Brassicaceae Caulanthus cooperi

Coll. No. 531, Caulanthus cooperi

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

This images shows what I think is a persistent style.

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Coll. No. 531, Caulanthus cooperi

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

This image shows the clasping leaf.

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Coll. No. 531, Caulanthus cooperi sp. From Pine Canyon California.

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

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Brassicaceae Caulanthus crassicaulis

Collection No. 538, Caulanthus crassicaulis, from Wimmer Flat, San Rafael Swell, Utah.

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Collection No. 538. Caulanthus crassicaulis (Torr.) Wats. var. crassicaulis, on Cedar Mountain, at south edge of Wimmer Flat, along Emery County Route 206, 9.1 miles east of intersection of EM 206 and EM215, 28 km east of Castle Dale, Utah. with Frasera albomarginata. 6/6/2008 Wimmer Flat, Emery County, Utah. (Alameda).

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection No. 538, Caulanthus crassicaulis, from Wimmer Flat, San Rafael Swell, Utah.

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Collection No. 538. Caulanthus crassicaulis (Torr.) Wats. var. crassicaulis, on Cedar Mountain, at south edge of Wimmer Flat, along Emery County Route 206, 9.1 miles east of intersection of EM 206 and EM215, 28 km east of Castle Dale, Utah. with Frasera albomarginata. 6/6/2008 Wimmer Flat, Emery County, Utah. (Alameda).

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection No. 538, Caulanthus crassicaulis, from Wimmer Flat, San Rafael Swell, Utah.

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Collection No. 538. Caulanthus crassicaulis (Torr.) Wats. var. crassicaulis, on Cedar Mountain, at south edge of Wimmer Flat, along Emery County Route 206, 9.1 miles east of intersection of EM 206 and EM215, 28 km east of Castle Dale, Utah. with Frasera albomarginata. 6/6/2008 Wimmer Flat, Emery County, Utah. (Alameda).

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection No. 538, Caulanthus crassicaulis, from Wimmer Flat, San Rafael Swell, Utah.

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Collection No. 538. Caulanthus crassicaulis (Torr.) Wats. var. crassicaulis, on Cedar Mountain, at south edge of Wimmer Flat, along Emery County Route 206, 9.1 miles east of intersection of EM 206 and EM215, 28 km east of Castle Dale, Utah. with Frasera albomarginata. 6/6/2008 Wimmer Flat, Emery County, Utah. (Alameda).

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 316, Caulanthus crassicaulis

Photographed 10 November 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Caulanthus sierrae

Coll. No. 831, Caulanthus sierrae

Scanned 16 February 2013.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Chorispora tenella

Habitat of Coll. No. 1308, Chorispora tenella

Photographed 12 April 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 301, Chorispora tenella

Scanned 5 November 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 301, Chorispora tenella

Scanned 5 November 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1308, Chorispora tenella

Scanned 18 July 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1308, Chorispora tenella

Scanned 18 July 2016.

One important character is the shape of the fruit, i.e., tapered to a small tip.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Cleomella parviflora

Coll. No. 1016, Cleomella parviflora

Photographed 23 July 2013.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Cusickiella douglasii

Coll. No. 970, Cusickiella douglasii

Scanned on 12 Feb 2014.

Coll. No. 970, 22 May 2013, characters observed: Perennial herb to 2.5 cm., from a branched woody caudex, scapose; Leaves, 5-7 mm., entire, few short simple hairs; Inflorescence, bract absent; Fruit, 3.5 mm. × 2.7 mm. wide, 2-sided; Seed, #1-2, 2.5 mm.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Descurainia californica

Coll. No. 871, Descurainia californica

Scanned 7 May 2013.

Most of the siliques have a circum-silique dimple or crimp.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 871, Descurainia californica

Scanned 7 May 2013.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Descurainia sophia

Coll. No. 854, Descurainia sophia

Scanned 1 July 2013.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 935, Descurainia sophia

Photographed 3 March 2015.

Coll. No. 935, 20 May 2013, characters observed while keying: Annual, to 40 cm., not branched; Hairs, branches, 3–5; Leaves, cauline, sessile, not clasping, 17–23 mm., 2°–3° finely pinnately divided; Flowers, petals, yellow, 2.5 mm,; Fruit, a silique, 12 mm. × 0.6 mm. wide, pedicel 12 mm., diverging 30–45°, not flattened except when pressed; Seeds, multiseriate.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 854, Descurainia sophia

Scanned 1 July 2013.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 404, Descurainia sophia

Scanned 11 November 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Draba nemorosa

Overview of Coll. No. 1821, Draba nemorosa

Scanned 16 October 2018.

Coll. No. 1821, 16 May 2018, characters observed: Annual terrestrial herb, 11 to 25 cm., hairs vary: none, simple, forked, but not dolabriform; Stem, proximal, hairs simple and forked, distal, glabrous; Leaves, basal and cauline, Basal, simple, 12 mm. × 4.5 mm. wide, hairs forked; Cauline, #5-6, sessile, 11 mm. × 4 mm. wide, sparsely dentate, hairs, simple and forked; Inflorescene, raceme; Sepals, rows, #1, 1.3 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, ovate, color, green turning yellow, abaxial hairs wavy; Petals, 2 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, spoon-shaped, margin entire, color, yellow; Stamens, #4 or 6, 1.3 mm.; Anthers, 0.3 mm.; Style, very short; Fruit, pedicels, 20 mm., puberulent, body, 7 mm. × 2 mm. wide, ascending, short straight appressed hairs.

Article records that use this photograph:


Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1821, Draba nemorosa

Scanned 16 October 2018.

Coll. No. 1821, 16 May 2018, characters observed: Annual terrestrial herb, 11 to 25 cm., hairs vary: none, simple, forked, but not dolabriform; Stem, proximal, hairs simple and forked, distal, glabrous; Leaves, basal and cauline, Basal, simple, 12 mm. × 4.5 mm. wide, hairs forked; Cauline, #5-6, sessile, 11 mm. × 4 mm. wide, sparsely dentate, hairs, simple and forked; Inflorescene, raceme; Sepals, rows, #1, 1.3 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, ovate, color, green turning yellow, abaxial hairs wavy; Petals, 2 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, spoon-shaped, margin entire, color, yellow; Stamens, #4 or 6, 1.3 mm.; Anthers, 0.3 mm.; Style, very short; Fruit, pedicels, 20 mm., puberulent, body, 7 mm. × 2 mm. wide, ascending, short straight appressed hairs.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1821, Draba nemorosa

Scanned 16 May 2018.

Coll. No. 1821, 16 May 2018, characters observed: Annual terrestrial herb, 11 to 25 cm., hairs vary: none, simple, forked, but not dolabriform; Stem, proximal, hairs simple and forked, distal, glabrous; Leaves, basal and cauline, Basal, simple, 12 mm. × 4.5 mm. wide, hairs forked; Cauline, #5-6, sessile, 11 mm. × 4 mm. wide, sparsely dentate, hairs, simple and forked; Inflorescene, raceme; Sepals, rows, #1, 1.3 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, ovate, color, green turning yellow, abaxial hairs wavy; Petals, 2 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, spoon-shaped, margin entire, color, yellow; Stamens, #4 or 6, 1.3 mm.; Anthers, 0.3 mm.; Style, very short; Fruit, pedicels, 20 mm., puberulent, body, 7 mm. × 2 mm. wide, ascending, short straight appressed hairs.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Draba reptans

Coll. No. 1376, Draba reptans

Scanned 27 November 2016.

Coll. No. 1376, 29 May 2016, characters observed: Annual, from slender taproot, to 10 cm.; Leaves, basal, withered in fruit, entire, cauline, 0-1 pair per stem, 6 mm. × 2 mm. wide, entire, hairs branched; Pedicels, glabrous; Flowers, petals, color unknown; Fruit, distributed in upper ⅕-⅓ of rachis.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Erysimum capitatum

Erysimum capitatum in the Survey Field.

Photographed 23 April 2018.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1412, Erysimum capitatum

Photographed 5 December 2016.

Coll. No. 1412, 10 Jun 2016, characters observed: Biennial or short-lived perennial, to 33 cm., proximal hairs 2-rayed; Sepals, 9 mm.; Petals, 16-19 mm., orange; Anthers, 3.5-4.0 mm., Fruit, 34 mm. × 0.7 mm., ascending; Seed, unknown.

Weak evidence that this might be var. purshii were infraspecific taxa to be recognized in Colorado (Ackerman, 2015).

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1835, Erysimum capitatum

Scanned 1 November 2018.

Coll. No. 1835, 17 May 2018, characters observed: Perennial or at least biennial, terrestrial herb, hairs dolabriform throughout; Root, tap; Stem, erect, leafy, hairs as above; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal, simple, petiole, indistinct, ±10 mm., blade 50 mm. × 2.5 mm. wide, narrowly oblanceolate, 1-3 shallowly pinnate dentate, cauline, nearly sessile, 42 mm. × 2.5 mm. wide, ±linear, marginm entire; Inflorescence, raceme 130 mm. × 45 mm. wide, not bracted; Flowers, radial; Sepals, #4, rows, 1, 7 mm. × 1-1.5 mm. wide, narrow and wide pairs opposite; Petals, claw, 10 mm. + blade 6 mm. × 4 mm. wide, spoon-shaped, margin, entire, color, orange; Stamens, #6, 11 & 15 mm., tetradynamous (2 short, 4 long); Anthers, 4.5 mm.; Ovary, 4 mm.; Style, 9 mm.; Stigma, capitate; Pedicels, 5-6 mm., ascending; Fruit, 17 mm. × 1 mm. wide, ascending, hairy as above.

Article records that use this photograph:


Habit of Coll. No. 1835, Erysimum capitatum

Photographed 17 May 2018.

Article records that use this photograph:


Erysimum capitatum among Linaria dalmatica.

Photographed 27 April 2018.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Erysimum capitatum capitatum

Coll. No. 585, Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum

Photographed 11 April 2010.

Coll. No. 585, 7 Jul 2009, characters observed: Perennial, to 35 cm., not scapose; Hairs, most simple, some appear “double-ended,” presumably because they are sessile, and branched at the point of attachment; Stem, proximal not woody; Leaves, basal, 40 mm., oblanceolate, cauline, present, sessile, not basally lobed or clasping, simple; Inflorescence, not bracted, elongate; Pedicel, 4 mm.; Flowers, radial; Petals, claw 9 mm. + blade 5 mm. × 3 mm. wide; Stamens, 6, arrangement not clear; Ovary, 5 mm., linear; Style, 1.5 mm.; Fruit, 75 mm., not constricted between seeds, ascending; Seed, 2.2 mm. × 0.8 mm. wide, winged at tip.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 585, Sand Dune Wallflower (Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum) at East Craters Sand Flat

Photograph taken July 7, 2009.

Coll. No. 585, 7 Jul 2009, characters observed: Perennial, to 35 cm., not scapose; Hairs, most simple, some appear “double-ended,” presumably because they are sessile, and branched at the point of attachment; Stem, proximal not woody; Leaves, basal, 40 mm., oblanceolate, cauline, present, sessile, not basally lobed or clasping, simple; Inflorescence, not bracted, elongate; Pedicel, 4 mm.; Flowers, radial; Petals, claw 9 mm. + blade 5 mm. × 3 mm. wide; Stamens, 6, arrangement not clear; Ovary, 5 mm., linear; Style, 1.5 mm.; Fruit, 75 mm., not constricted between seeds, ascending; Seed, 2.2 mm. × 0.8 mm. wide, winged at tip.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 938, Erysimum capitatum ssp. capitatum

Photographed 20 May 2013.

This photograph was taken on the north slope near base of north limb of Bloody Canyon moraine, near Forest Road 01N106A, 0.2 miles west of Forest Road 01N17 “Farrington Siphon,” 5.2 miles by road south of Lee Vining,

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Hesperis matronalis

Coll. No. 1441, Hesperis matronalis

Photographed 13 December 2016.

Coll. No. 1441, 15 June 2016, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 50 cm., hairs, forked on stem, leaf, and sepal, but not fruit; Leaves, basal, withered at flowering, cauline, petiole 3-5 mm. + blade 100 mm. × 35 mm. wide, lanceolate, margin, small-toothed; Inflorescence, raceme; Sepals, #4, 5-6 mm., green, margins purple; Petals, #4, 13 mm. × 4 mm. wide, clawed, purple; Fruit, silique, 40 mm. × 0.6 mm. wide; Seed, 1.7 mm., brown, glabrous.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Lepidium campestre

Coll. No. 1413, Lepidium campestre

Photographed 5 December 2016.

Coll. No. 1413, 10 Jun 2016, characters observed: Annual, tap-rooted, to 35 cm., hairs simple throughout; Leaves, basal, petiole 10 mm. + blade 40 mm. × 12 mm. wide, oblanceolate, margin wavy, tip rounded, cauline, 21 mm. × 7 mm. wide, lanceolate, base auriculate, margin dentate (scalloped, though the term is rarely used); Inflorescence, terminal raceme, 72 mm. × 21 mm. plus several axillary racemes; Sepals, 1.2 mm. × 0.8 mm. wide, green, purple distally, margin chartaceous; Petals, 1.3 mm., white; Style, 1, 0.5 mm., persistent; Fruit, pedicel, horizontal, 5 mm., silicle, 4.5 mm. × 3 mm. wide, margin, winged, 0.2 mm. at middle, 1 mm. at apex.

Article records that use this photograph:


Auriculate leaf of Coll. No. 1607, Lepidium campestre

Scanned 29 November 2017.

The auricles are the little ear-shaped lobes at the base of the leaf.

Article records that use this photograph:


Fruit of Coll. No. 1607, Lepidium campestre

Scanned 29 November 2017.

The fruit at center left is the best example of apical wings giving the appearance of the fruit being notched.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Lepidium draba

Coll. No. 1874, Lepidium draba

Photographed 12 November 2018.

Article records that use this photograph:


Fruit of Coll. No. 1874, Lepidium draba

Scanned 12 November 2018.

Article records that use this photograph:


Habitat of Coll. No. 1366, Lepidium draba

Photographed 24 May 2016.

The grass is smooth brome (Bromus inermis Leyss.), itself an invasive species.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1366, Lepidium draba

Scanned 22 November 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Lepidium flavum

Coll. No. 729, Lepidium flavum

Scanned 31 Dec 2011.

Coll. No. 729, 31 Dec 2011, characters observed while keying: Annual glabrous throughout; Leaves basal withering, pinnately-lobed (found on only the largest specimen), cauline present, bases simple; Flowers radial; Petals yellow; Stamens 6; Ovary ovoid; Style exserted from fruit notch 0.6-0.9 mm; Fruit young erect, unsegmented, winged, mature dehiscent; Seeds 2.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 729, Lepidium flavum

Scanned 31 Dec 2011.

Coll. No. 729, 31 Dec 2011, characters observed while keying: Annual glabrous throughout; Leaves basal withering, pinnately-lobed (found on only the largest specimen), cauline present, bases simple; Flowers radial; Petals yellow; Stamens 6; Ovary ovoid; Style exserted from fruit notch 0.6-0.9 mm; Fruit young erect, unsegmented, winged, mature dehiscent; Seeds 2.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Lepidium fremontii

Collection No. 233, Lepidium fremontii var. lepidium, desert pepperweed.

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Lepidium perfoliatum

Coll. No. 1808, Lepidium perfoliatum

Photographed 10 August 2018.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1808, Lepidium perfoliatum

Scanned 10 May 2018.

Article records that use this photograph:


Habitat of Coll. No. 1808, Lepidium perfoliatum

Photographed 10 May 2018.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Nasturtium officiniale

Coll. No. 889, Nasturtium officiniale

Scanned 16 August 2013.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Noccaea fendleri glauca

Coll. No. 1085, Noccaea fendleri ssp. glauca

Scanned 14 June 2015.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Habitat of Coll. No. 1329, Noccaea fendleri var. glauca

Photographed 5 May 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Physaria chambersi

Collection No, 540, Physaria chambersi, from Cedar Mtn, Emery County, Utah

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection No, 540, Physaria chambersi, from Cedar Mtn, Emery County, Utah

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection No, 540, Physaria chambersi, from Cedar Mtn, Emery County, Utah

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Collection No. 540, Physaria chambersi, from Cedar Mtn, Emery County, Utah

Grid is 10x10 to the inch.

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria chambersi where Frasera albomarginata was found.

Photograph taken June 11, 2008.

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria chambersi in Left Hand Collet Canyon

Photograph taken June 7, 2008.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Physaria montana

Coll. No. 1081, Physaria montana

Scanned 13 June 2015.

Coll. No. 1081, 23 Apr 2015, characters observed: Perennial, rosette to 5 cm. dia., flowering stems to 14 cm., not in alpine environment, eastern slope, hairs stellate throughout; Leaves, basal, rosette, 9 mm. × 6.5 mm., ovate, entire, petiole, 12 mm., cauline, 10 mm., appearing secund, narrowly oblanceolate; Inflorescence, exceeding leaves; Pedicels, in fruit, ascending; Fruit, 5 mm. × 2 mm., ovate-elliptic, hairs stellate, apex entire (not notched, although these immature).

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1377, Physaria montana

Scanned 27 November 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1377, Physaria montana

Scanned 27 November 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Physaria vitulifera

Habitat of Physaria vitulifera and Escobaria sp. beside neighborhood trail.

Photographed 12 April 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1130, Physaria vitulifera

Scanned 5 October 2015.

Article records that use this photograph:


Habitat of Coll. No. 1796, Physaria vitulifera

Photographed 27 April 2018.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1345, Physaria vitulifera

Scanned 15 November 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Rorippa tenerrima

Coll. No. 1451, Rorippa tenerrima

Scanned 16 December 2016.

Coll. No. 1451, 22 Jun 2016, characters observed: Annual, to 15 cm., generally glabrous throughout; Leaves, basal unknown, cauline, largest, petiole 26 mm + blade 60 mm. × 24 mm. wide, oblanceolate in shape, deeply pinnately lobed, reduced above; Inflorescence, raceme, ebractwate; Sepal, 0.7 mm.; Petals, 0.8 mm., color unknown, drying purple; Stamens, #6; Fruit, 7 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, terete, ascending, not constricted, papillate; Ovules, #21

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Sisymbrium altissimim

Coll. No. 1845, Sisymbrium altissimim

Photographed 6 November 2018.

Coll. No. 1845, 18 May 2018, characters observed: Annual terrestrial herb, to 50 mm.; Roots, tap; Stem, erect, branched above, leafy, few simple hairs; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal compound, (petiole short if at all present), 120 mm. × 28 mm. wide, oblong, pinnately divided, few simple hairs on petioles, mid-ribs, and margins; cauline, nearly sessile, lanceolate, very finely pinnately divided; Flowers, radial; Sepals, #4, rows, 1, 3.5-4.5 mm. × 0.8 mm. wide, small hood-shaped appendage at tip; Petals, 7 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, margin, entire, color, yellow; Stamens, tetradynamous, 3.6, 5.2 mm.; Filaments, plain; Anthers, 2 mm.; Stigma, (weakly) 2-lobed; Fruit, 17 mm. × 0.5 mm. wide, ascending, glabrous.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Steptanthus inflatus

Squaw Cabbage (Streptanthus inflatus) along the Grass Valley Route.

A portion of the Grass Valley Route threads the boundary between the China Lake Naval Weapons Station and the Grass Valley Wilderness. This portion is known informally as the "Northwest Passage" as it is the only route through this area and avoids a lengthy detour. The Navy has built a stout barbed wire fence along the border, with a ditch and a berm just inside. These Squaw Cabbage (Streptanthus inflatus) have found the berm to be a preferred habitat, and are very grateful to the Navy.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Grass Valley Route - Central Mojave Desert: 14000.


Brassicaceae Streptanthus cordatus

Coll. No. 417, Streptanthus cordatus var. cordatus

Scanned 8 November 2012.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Streptanthus tortuosus

Coll. No. 676, Streptanthus tortuosus

Scanned 26 Oct 2011.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 676, Streptanthus tortuosus

Photograph taken 22 Jul 2010.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Thelypodium milleflorum

Coll. No. 579 Thelypodium milleflorum

Scanned May 6, 2010

Coll. No. 579, 7 Jul 2009, characters observed: Perennial (?), to 50 cm.; Hairs 0; Glands 0; Leaves, at least some cauline, basal, petioles unknown (should be ciliate), cauline, not basally lobed or clasping, all petioled, petiole ≤20 mm., blade, ovoid, largest 70 mm. × 40 mm. wide, reduced above, few dentate; Inflorescence, 7-12 cm., single spike per stem, Pedicel upcurved; Flowers, radial, bisexual, all parts spreading; Petals, white, oblanceolate (not linear), 9 mm.; Stamens 6, ±equal in length; Anthers curled >360°; Fruit, (immature) stalk 1.5 mm. + body 12 mm. + style 0.3 mm., erect (not appressed).

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 764, a Thelypodium milleflorum, near Hector Station.

Photograph taken 19 June 2011.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Thelypodium milleflorum, Coll. No. 579

Photograph taken July 7, 2009.

Coll. No. 579, 7 Jul 2009, characters observed: Perennial (?), to 50 cm.; Hairs 0; Glands 0; Leaves, at least some cauline, basal, petioles unknown (should be ciliate), cauline, not basally lobed or clasping, all petioled, petiole ≤20 mm., blade, ovoid, largest 70 mm. × 40 mm. wide, reduced above, few dentate; Inflorescence, 7-12 cm., single spike per stem, Pedicel upcurved; Flowers, radial, bisexual, all parts spreading; Petals, white, oblanceolate (not linear), 9 mm.; Stamens 6, ±equal in length; Anthers curled >360°; Fruit, (immature) stalk 1.5 mm. + body 12 mm. + style 0.3 mm., erect (not appressed).

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 764, Thelypodium milleflorum

Photographed 20 Jan 2012.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Thlaspi arvense

Coarsely dentate leaves of Coll. No. 1820, Thlaspi arvense

Scanned 15 October 2018.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 1365, Thlaspi arvense

Scanned 22 November 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Habitat of Coll. No. 1365, Thlaspi arvense

Photographed 24 May 2016.

Field determination, tentative.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Thlaspi arvense

Photographed 4 May 2016.

Article records that use this photograph:


Brassicaceae Turritis glabra

Coll. No. 1887, Turritis glabra

Photographed 19 November 2018.

Coll. No. 1887, 28 May 2018, characters observed: Short-lived (?) perennial, terrestrial, herb, 45 cm. to 90 cm. tall; Roots, tap. Stem, erect, #1, (1 of 4 specimens has 2 stems), leafy, proximal, simple and forked hairs, distal, glabrous; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal simple, petiole, 6 mm., blade, 60 mm. × 15 mm. wide, oblanceolate, hairs, simple and forked, margin, dentate, tip, obtuse; cauline, #20, sessile, lobed, 2.5 mm., 40 mm. × 10 mm. wide, lanceolate, reduced above, margin, entire, becoming glabrous distally; Inflorescence, raceme, 70 mm. × 11 mm. wide, not bracted, not one-sided; Pedicels (at anthesis), 3-4 mm., glabrous; Sepals, #4, 2.5 mm. × 1.1 mm. wide, ovate, green, margin chartaceous; Petals, 4.5 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, spatulate, margin entire, color, pinkish, fading lavender; Fruit, (24-) 80-85 mm. × 0.9 mm. wide, ascending-appressed, glabrous, flattened, parallel to replum, style, base 0.4-0.5 mm. wide, stigma, 0.8-0.9 mm. wide; Ovules, biseriate, many, 0.7 mm. × 0.3 mm. wide, tan, translucent, wing not apparent.

Article records that use this photograph:


Camelina microcarpa

Coll. No. 2936, Camelina microcarpa.

Photographed 1 November 2023.

Plants of the Douglas Mountain Study Area
Jefferson County Open Space, Colorado, USA

Camelina microcarpa Andrz. ex DC.  Little-Podded False Flax.

Guy Gulch, Jefferson County, Colorado. Douglas Mountain Study Area, area along Guy Gulch, north side of Jefferson County Road 70 and near western boundary, 17.6 km. northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.803°N, 105.3671°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2437 m. Simple and forked hairs; stem leaves auriculate, simple; petals 3.5 mm., yellow; fruit 6 mm.; valve midvein obscure. With Cercocarpus montanus and Ribes cereum.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2023, issued: Apr 10, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 2936. 6-Jun-2023

Article records that use this photograph:


Capsella bursa-pastoris

Coll. No. 2017, Capsella bursa-pastoris

Scanned 23 May 2019.

Article records that use this photograph:


Cardamine cordifolia

Coll. No. 3114. Cardamine cordifolia.

Photographed 11 January 2024.

Plants of Colorado

Cardamine cordifolia A. Gray.  Heartleaf Bittercress.

North Fork West Tennessee Creek, Lake County, Colorado. Right bank of North Fork of West Tennessee Creek, 530 m. east northeast of Lily Lake, 12.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Leadville. 39.352°N, 106.3622°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3205 m. Growing on the bank of creek with Micranthes odontoloma.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2023, issued: Jul 1, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3114. 18-Jul-2023

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 3348, Cardamine cordifolia.

Photographed 27 December 2024.

Plants of Colorado

Cardamine cordifolia A. Gray.  Heartleaf Bittercress.

Unnamed Gulch on Forest Road 189, Lake County, Colorado. About 100 m. southwest of Forest Road 189, about 1 km. west of County Road 18 “East Tennessee Road,” 7.37 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Leadville. Openings in aspen forest, mixed with patches of big sagebrush and willows. 39.29799°N, 106.31709°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3093 m. Bank of small creek in willows.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2024, issued: Jun 1, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3348. 24-Jul-2024

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 3114, Cardamine cordifolia.

Photographed 18 July 2023.

Plants of Colorado

Cardamine cordifolia A. Gray.  Heartleaf Bittercress.

North Fork West Tennessee Creek, Lake County, Colorado. Right bank of North Fork of West Tennessee Creek, 530 m. east northeast of Lily Lake, 12.7 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Leadville. 39.352°N, 106.3622°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3205 m. Growing on the bank of creek with Micranthes odontoloma.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2023, issued: Jul 1, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3114. 18-Jul-2023

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Descurainia incisa

Coll. No. 2464, Descurainia incisa ssp. incisa

Photographed 11 October 2021.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Descurainia incisa (Engelm.) Britton ssp. incisa.  Mountain Tansymustard.

Clear Creek Canyon Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Mouth of Clear Creek Canyon, south side, on the Welch Ditch above Clear Creek, at the mouth of a large gulch, 2.38 km. west of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.7521°N, 105.2418°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1779 m. Leaves bipinnately compound, few branched hairs and short-stalked glands present. Also collected nearby: Rhus trilobata, Ribes cereum, Cercocarpus montanus, Cotoneaster lucidus, Prunus virginiana and Rubus deliciosus.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2021, issued: Apr 1, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2464. 19-May-2021

Article records that use this photograph:


Descurainia incisa incisa

Coll. No. 3347, Descurainia incisa ssp. incisa.

Photographed 26 December 2024.

Plants of Colorado

Descurainia incisa (Engelm.) Britton ssp. incisa.  Mountain Tansymustard.

Unnamed Gulch on Forest Road 189, Lake County, Colorado. About 90 m. southwest of Forest Road 189, about 1 km. west of County Road 18 “East Tennessee Road,” 7.37 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Leadville. Openings in aspen forest, mixed with patches of big sagebrush and willows. 39.29809°N, 106.31723°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3091 m. Small slope, damp areas amongst willows.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2024, issued: Jun 1, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3347. 24-Jul-2024

Article records that use this photograph:


Descurainia pinnata brachycarpa

Coll. No. 2934, Descurainia pinnata ssp. brachycarpa.

Photographed 31 October 2023.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton ssp. brachycarpa (Richardson) Detling, Amer.Midl. Naturalist. 22: 509.  Western Tansymustard.

Magpie Gulch, Jefferson County, Colorado. Mount Galbraith Park, north side of Magpie gulch, about 400 m. west northwest of the parcel gate, 2.46 km. west northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.7607°N, 105.2421°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1892 m. Stem branched distally, stellate-hairy then glandular; leaves bi-pinnate; rachis glandular; sepals yellow; fruit fusiform, glabrous; seeds biseriate; valves distinct mid-vein; ovules 18±. Around the edges of a large patch of Rhus trilobata.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2023, issued: Apr 10, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo 2934. 31-May-2023

Article records that use this photograph:


Draba nemorosa

Coll. No. 2018, Draba nemorosa

Scanned 29 May 2019.

Article records that use this photograph:


Draba streptocarpa

Coll. No. 3031, Draba streptocarpa.

Photographed 17 December 2023.

Plants of the Douglas Mountain Study Area
Jefferson County Open Space, Colorado, USA

Draba streptocarpa A. Gray.  Twisted-fruit Whitlow-grass.

Guy Gulch, Jefferson County, Colorado. Deep shade of a small gulch tributary to Guy Gulch, 105 m. southwest of County Road 70, 1.19 km. northwest of Centennial Ranch house, 13.4 km. (geodesic) northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.8008°N, 105.3656°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2423 m. Fruit flat and twisted.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2023, issued: Apr 10, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3031. 3-Jul-2023

Coll. No. 3031, 3 Jul 2023, characters observed: Perennial (short-lived?), to 40 cm., hairs various combinations of simple and forked, but not dolabriform or stellate; Leaves, basal, withered, cauline, simple, sessile, lanceolate, 30 mm. ×7 mm. wide, diminishing gradually, margin entire; Inflorescence, raceme, ebracteate; Sepals, #4, 1 row, 2.4 mm. × 1 mm. wide, oblong, color, green, margin scarious, abaxially hairy; Petals, 3.5 mm. × 1.4 mm. wide, obovate, entire, yellow; Anthers, 0.4 mm., ovate; Style, 0.7 mm.; Stigma, capitate; Fruit, pedicels, 12 mm., ascending, body, 10.5 mm. × 2.2 mm. wide (4.77:1), pubescent (maybe slightly more pubescent along margin but not “glabrous with simple hairs along the margin”).

Article records that use this photograph:


Erysimum capitatum

Coll. No. 2474, Erysimum capitatum

Photographed 25 May 2021.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2306, Erysimum capitatum … lateral pair of sepals saccate basally …

Scanned 25 November 2020. The medial sepal that we should see in this image is missing. I assume it dehisced of its own accord.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2474, Erysimum capitatum

Photographed 25 May 2021.

Article records that use this photograph:


Hesperis matronalis

Hesperis matronalis in the ditch.

Photographed 3 June 2020.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


What the well-dressed botanist wears while chasing noxious weeds in the grass.

Photographed 3 June 2020.

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2808, Hesperis matronalis

Photographed 31 August 2022.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Hesperis matronalis L.  Dame's Rocket.

Ranson/Edwards Homestead Open Space Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Approximately 1.6 mi. west on CO Highway 72 from CO Highway 93 to Plainview Road, 0.8 mi. generally north on Plainview Road to a high pressure gas line service road, then 356 m.southeast to a terrace on the right bank of Coal Creek. 39.8828°N, 105.2599°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1934 m. Growing in a thicket of Prunus virginiana and Crataegus succulenta. Colorado Noxious Weed List B.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2022, issued: Apr 5, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2808. 15-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Lepidium draba

White Top plants arising from a rhizome.

Photographed 30 March 2023.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Lepidium latifolium

Weber & Randolph Coll. No. 17349, Lepidium latifolium

Collected 20 July 1984, Colorado, Jefferson, Just W of Hwy 6 S of junction with Golden Road. Usage Rights: CC BY-NC (Attribution-Non-Commercial) Image by University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection (COLO:V) URL: https://botanydb.colorado.edu/collections/individual/index.php?occid=83303 Accessed 10 April 2020.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Checklist Flora of Native and Naturalized Vascular Plants of Golden and Vicinity, Jefferson County, Colorado: Lepidium latifolium.


Lunaria annua

Coll. No. 2479, Lunaria annua

Photographed 17 October 2021.

Native and Naturalized Flora of the Golden Area, Jefferson County, Colorado

Lunaria annua L.  Money Plant.

Tucker Gulch (lower), Jefferson County, Colorado. On both banks of Tucker Gulch near the City of Golden Tucker Gulch Trail between 1st Street and 7th Place, 1.45 km. north northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.7651°N, 105.2252°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1756 m. Flower, with partially developed fruit. Nautralized.

Collected by permit: City of Golden, 2021, issued: Jan 27, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2479. 27-May-2021

Article records that use this photograph:


Nasturtium officinale

Inflorescence of Coll. No. 2133, Nasturtium officinale

Scanned 21 November 2019.

Article records that use this photograph:


Inflorescence of Coll. No. 2133, Nasturtium officinale

Scanned 21 November 2019.

Article records that use this photograph:


Noccaea fendleri glauca

Coll. No. 2782, Noccaea fendleri

Scanned 5 June 2022.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Noccaea fendleri (A. Gray) Holub ssp. glauca (A. Nelson) Al-Shehbaz & M. Koch.  Alpine Pennycress.

Windy Saddle Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Southeast corner of Windy Saddle Park, about 140 m. east of, and downslope from, the Buffalo Bill Museum, and 3.6 km. southwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.7337°N, 105.2372°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2202 m. Glabrous, basal rosette, clasping stem leaves auriculate, fruit flattened 90° to replum, petals white, Open forest, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Berberis repens, Frasera speciosa, Taraxacum officinale, small patch ± 60 plants. Subspecies glauca is the only infraspecific taxon known from Colorado.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2022, issued: Apr 5, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with Cindy Trujillo 2782. 17-May-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2037.1, Noccaea fendleri var. glauca

Scanned 30 July 2019.

Article records that use this photograph:



Physaria ×1?

Photographed 8 May 2021.

Article records that use this photograph:


General habitat of Coll. No. 3209.

Photographed 14 May 2024.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria sp. On Pierre shale.

Photographed 14 May 2024.

Observation #3554, made roughly at the same time as Coll. No. 3239.

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria ×1?

Photographed 8 May 2021.

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria ×1?

Photographed 8 May 2021.

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria montana

Coll. No. 2796, Physaria montana.

Photographed 9 July 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Physaria montana (A. Gray) Greene.  Mountain Bladderpod.

Edgar Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado. 138 m. east of the mine portal, 1.37 km. west northwest of the GNIS location of Idaho Springs. 39.7475°N, 105.5241°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2416 m. East-facing, moderately steep slope, with Juniperus scoparia and Cercocarpus montanus. Seven basal leaves removed for DNA analysis. The plants are all small here, perhaps because of the very dry April.

Collected by permit: Colorado School of Mines, Edgar Mine 2022, issued: May 31, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2796. 13-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


The other of two Physaria seen.

Photographed 29 May 2020.

Article records that use this photograph:


One of two Physaria seen.

Photographed 29 May 2020.

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria sp.

Where we found Physaria, either P. bellii or P. vitulifera.

Photographed 14 May 2024.

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria vitulifera

Habitat of Coll. No. 2803, Physaria vitulifera

Photographed 13 June 2022.

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria vitulifera beside the Lubahn Trail on South Table Mountain.

Photographed 7 July 2023.

Article records that use this photograph:

  • Lubahn Trail (northern segment of loop), Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado: along trail.
  • Field Notes: 7 Jul 2023.


Coll. No. 3241, Physaria vitulifera.

Photographed 5 July 2024.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901.  Roundtip Twinpod.

Hildebrand Ranch Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Just on the east slope of a small hogback mapped as Niobrara Fm., 965 m. west of Hildebrand Ranch Park parking lot, 2.15 km. south southwest of West Metro Fire Rescue Station 14. 39.55139°N, 105.12128°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1762 m. Three of six plants growing under Cercocarpus montanus, with Eriogonum umbellatum and Opunita polyacantha. These collections were made because of previous collections on nearby private land that are determined P. bellii (COLO201392, COLO201400).

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2024, issued: Mar 6, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3241. 14-May-2024

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria vitulifera on the edge of the Welch Ditch.

Photographed 3 June 2020.

Article records that use this photograph:


Basal leaves of Coll. No. 2804, Physaria vitulifera.

Photographed 16 August 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901.  Roundtip Twinpod.

Edgar Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado. 61 m. north of the main portal of the Edgar Mine, 1.54 km. northwest of the GNIS location of Idaho Springs. 39.7481°N, 105.5254°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2430 m. Three caudices of (maybe) one plant. Growing in fractures of rocks in a road cut. No other taxa in this cut. Approximate topotype of Physaria vitulifera (P. A. Rydberg, s.n., 26 Aug 1895, NY185631, NY185632, RM1987). Eight basal leaves removed and distributed to KHD for DNA analysis.

Collected by permit: Colorado School of Mines, Edgar Mine 2022, issued: May 31, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2804. 13-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2804, Physaria vitulifera

Photographed 13 June 2022.

Article records that use this photograph:


Two basal leaves of Physaria.

Scanned 27 April 2020. Leaves taken from two different plants in Kinney Run.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 3239, Physaria vitulifera.

Photographed 5 July 2024.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901.  Roundtip Twinpod.

Hildebrand Ranch Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. East-facing slope below a flat. Unclear whether we are in Niobrara Fm. or on the Pierre Shale. 815 m. west of Hildebrand Ranch Park parking lot, 2.10 km. south southwest of West Metro Fire Rescue Station 14 39.55156°N, 105.11959°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1739 m. Fine-grained calcareous sandstone with Musineon divaricatum, Helianthis pumilis, Delphinium sp., and Cercocarpus montanus. These collections were made because of previous collections on nearby private land that are determined P. bellii (COLO201392, COLO201400).

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2024, issued: Mar 6, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3239. 14-May-2024

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 3240, Physaria vitulifera.

Photographed 5 July 2024.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901.  Roundtip Twinpod.

Hildebrand Ranch Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Top of an east-facing slope below flat. Unclear whether we are in Niobrara Fm. or on the Pierre Shale. 835 m. west of Hildebrand Ranch Park parking lot, 2.10 km. south southwest of West Metro Fire Rescue Station 14. 39.55153°N, 105.11978°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1746 m. Fine-grained calcareous sandstone with Musineon divaricatum, Helianthis pumilis, Delphinium sp., and Cercocarpus montanus. These collections were made because of previous collections on nearby private land that are determined P. bellii (COLO201392, COLO201400).

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2024, issued: Mar 6, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3240. 14-May-2024

Article records that use this photograph:


Basal leaves of Coll. No. 2801, Physaria vitulifera.

Scanned 14 August 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901.  Roundtip Twinpod.

Edgar Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado. 155 m. southwest of the portal, 1.58 km. west northwest of the GNIS location of Idaho Springs 39.747°N, 105.5265°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2444 m. Single plant in a clump of Carex inops var. heliophila at the base of a Cercocarpus montanus. Approximate topotype of Physaria vitulifera (P. A. Rydberg, s.n., 26 Aug 1895, NY185631, NY185632, RM1987). Eight basal leaves were removed and delivered to KHD for DNA analysis.

Collected by permit: Colorado School of Mines, Edgar Mine 2022, issued: May 31, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2801. 13-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2803, Physaria vitulifera

Photographed 13 June 2022.

Article records that use this photograph:


Habitat of Coll. No. 2801, Physaria vitulifera

Photographed 13 June 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901.  Roundtip Twinpod.

Edgar Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado. 155 m. southwest of the portal, 1.58 km. west northwest of the GNIS location of Idaho Springs 39.747°N, 105.5265°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2444 m. Single plant in a clump of Carex inops var. heliophila at the base of a Cercocarpus montanus. Approximate topotype of Physaria vitulifera (P. A. Rydberg, s.n., 26 Aug 1895, NY185631, NY185632, RM1987). Eight basal leaves were removed and delivered to KHD for DNA analysis.

Collected by permit: Colorado School of Mines, Edgar Mine 2022, issued: May 31, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2801. 13-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Habitat of Coll. No. 2797, Physaria vitulifera

Photographed 13 June 2022.

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria vitulifera at the Edgar Mine.

Photographed 31 May 2022.

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria vitulifera at the Edgar Mine.

Photographed 31 May 2022.

Article records that use this photograph:


Fruit of Coll. No. 2797, Physaria vitulifera

Scanned 9 July 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901.  Roundtip Twinpod.

Edgar Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado. 134 m. east of the mine portal, 1.38 km. west northwest of the GNIS location of Idaho Springs. 39.7475°N, 105.5242°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2416 m. East-facing, moderately steep slope, with Juniperus scoparia and Cercocarpus montanus. Eight basal leaves removed for DNA analysis. Approximate topotype.

Collected by permit: Colorado School of Mines, Edgar Mine 2022, issued: May 31, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2797. 13-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Basal leaf of Coll. No. 2797, Physaria vitulifera

Scanned 9 July 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901.  Roundtip Twinpod.

Edgar Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado. 134 m. east of the mine portal, 1.38 km. west northwest of the GNIS location of Idaho Springs. 39.7475°N, 105.5242°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2416 m. East-facing, moderately steep slope, with Juniperus scoparia and Cercocarpus montanus. Eight basal leaves removed for DNA analysis. Approximate topotype.

Collected by permit: Colorado School of Mines, Edgar Mine 2022, issued: May 31, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2797. 13-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2797, Physaria vitulifera

Photographed 9 July 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901.  Roundtip Twinpod.

Edgar Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado. 134 m. east of the mine portal, 1.38 km. west northwest of the GNIS location of Idaho Springs. 39.7475°N, 105.5242°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2416 m. East-facing, moderately steep slope, with Juniperus scoparia and Cercocarpus montanus. Eight basal leaves removed for DNA analysis. Approximate topotype.

Collected by permit: Colorado School of Mines, Edgar Mine 2022, issued: May 31, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2797. 13-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2804, Physaria vitulifera.

Photographed 16 August 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901.  Roundtip Twinpod.

Edgar Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado. 61 m. north of the main portal of the Edgar Mine, 1.54 km. northwest of the GNIS location of Idaho Springs. 39.7481°N, 105.5254°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2430 m. Three caudices of (maybe) one plant. Growing in fractures of rocks in a road cut. No other taxa in this cut. Approximate topotype of Physaria vitulifera (P. A. Rydberg, s.n., 26 Aug 1895, NY185631, NY185632, RM1987). Eight basal leaves removed and distributed to KHD for DNA analysis.

Collected by permit: Colorado School of Mines, Edgar Mine 2022, issued: May 31, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2804. 13-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2801, Physaria vitulifera.

Photographed 14 August 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901.  Roundtip Twinpod.

Edgar Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado. 155 m. southwest of the portal, 1.58 km. west northwest of the GNIS location of Idaho Springs 39.747°N, 105.5265°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2444 m. Single plant in a clump of Carex inops var. heliophila at the base of a Cercocarpus montanus. Approximate topotype of Physaria vitulifera (P. A. Rydberg, s.n., 26 Aug 1895, NY185631, NY185632, RM1987). Eight basal leaves were removed and delivered to KHD for DNA analysis.

Collected by permit: Colorado School of Mines, Edgar Mine 2022, issued: May 31, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2801. 13-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2803, Physaria vitulifera.

Photographed 15 August 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901.  Roundtip Twinpod.

Edgar Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado. 141 m. northwest of the primary portal, 1.65 km. west northwest of the GNIS location of Idaho Springs 39.748°N, 105.5266°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2444 m. Growing on a dirt mining road berm. Approximate topotype of Physaria vitulifera (P. A. Rydberg, s.n., 26 Aug 1895, NY185631, NY185632, RM1987). Eight basal leaves removed and distributed to KHD for DNA analysis.

Collected by permit: Colorado School of Mines, Edgar Mine 2022, issued: May 31, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2803. 13-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Basal leaves of Coll. No. 2803, Physaria vitulifera.

Photographed 16 August 2022.

Plants of Colorado

Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901.  Roundtip Twinpod.

Edgar Mine, Clear Creek County, Colorado. 141 m. northwest of the primary portal, 1.65 km. west northwest of the GNIS location of Idaho Springs 39.748°N, 105.5266°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2444 m. Growing on a dirt mining road berm. Approximate topotype of Physaria vitulifera (P. A. Rydberg, s.n., 26 Aug 1895, NY185631, NY185632, RM1987). Eight basal leaves removed and distributed to KHD for DNA analysis.

Collected by permit: Colorado School of Mines, Edgar Mine 2022, issued: May 31, 2022, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2803. 13-Jun-2022

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria sp., probably P. vitulifera growing on an outcrop of Morrison Formation.

Photographed 7 June 2021.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2509, definitely a Physaria, maybe P. vitulifera or P. X1.

Photographed 7 June 2021.

Article records that use this photograph:


Habitat of Coll. No. 1828, Physaria vitulifera.

Photographed 16 May 2018.

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria vitulifera × bellii

Coll. No. 2509, Physaria vitulifera × bellii

Scanned 7 November 2021.

This specimen sent to JCOS.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Physaria vitulifera × bellii.  Twinpod Hybrid.

Dinosaur Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado. On the Dakota Ridge Trail, 180 m. north of Alameda Parkway, 11.8 km south of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.677°N, 105.193°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1916 m. Five or six plants under Cercocarpus montanus, and between two branches of the Dakota Ridge Trail.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2021, issued: Apr 1, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2509. 7-Jun-2021

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2509, Physaria vitulifera × bellii

Scanned 7 November 2021.

This specimen sent to KHD.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Physaria vitulifera × bellii.  Twinpod Hybrid.

Dinosaur Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado. On the Dakota Ridge Trail, 180 m. north of Alameda Parkway, 11.8 km south of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.677°N, 105.193°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1916 m. Five or six plants under Cercocarpus montanus, and between two branches of the Dakota Ridge Trail.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2021, issued: Apr 1, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2509. 7-Jun-2021

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2509, Physaria vitulifera × bellii

Scanned 7 November 2021.

This specimen sent to CS.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Physaria vitulifera × bellii.  Twinpod Hybrid.

Dinosaur Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado. On the Dakota Ridge Trail, 180 m. north of Alameda Parkway, 11.8 km south of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.677°N, 105.193°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1916 m. Five or six plants under Cercocarpus montanus, and between two branches of the Dakota Ridge Trail.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2021, issued: Apr 1, 2021, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2509. 7-Jun-2021

Article records that use this photograph:


Possible Physaria vitulifera × bellii.

Photographed 13 April 2023.

Location records that use this photograph:

Article records that use this photograph:


Physaria X1

Fruit of Coll. No. 2292.1, Physaria X1

Scanned 9 November 2020.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Physaria X1.  Twinpod Hybrid.

South Valley Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Between the Coyote Song Trail and the sandstone cliffs on the east side of the park, 4.66 km. west northwest of Chatfield Farms, Denver Botanic Garden. 39.5579°N, 105.1407°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1835 m. Stiff sandstone-derived soil below cliffs, nearly bare of vegetation. Nearby: Quercus gambelii, Cryptantha virgata, Lappula occidentalis, Mertensia lanceolata, Collinsia parviflora, and Toxicoscordion paniculatum.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2020, issued: Apr 13, 2020, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2292.1 20-May-2020

Article records that use this photograph:


Coll. No. 2292.1, Physaria X1

Scanned 9 November 2020.

Plants of Jefferson County Open Space
Jefferson County, Colorado

Physaria X1.  Twinpod Hybrid.

South Valley Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. Between the Coyote Song Trail and the sandstone cliffs on the east side of the park, 4.66 km. west northwest of Chatfield Farms, Denver Botanic Garden. 39.5579°N, 105.1407°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 1835 m. Stiff sandstone-derived soil below cliffs, nearly bare of vegetation. Nearby: Quercus gambelii, Cryptantha virgata, Lappula occidentalis, Mertensia lanceolata, Collinsia parviflora, and Toxicoscordion paniculatum.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2020, issued: Apr 13, 2020, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2292.1 20-May-2020

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Rorippa alpina

Coll. No. 2002, Rorippa alipna

Scanned 25 January 2019.

Coll. No. 2002, 25 July 2018, characters observed: Perennial terrestrial herb, erect, 5 cm. to 20 cm. tall, with caudex, glabrous throughout; Leaves, basal, withered, cauline, petiole, 20 mm., blade 35 mm. × 20 mm. wide, lyrate, with 2 or 4 lobes, toothed ¾ to mid-rib, tip, rounded; Inflorescence, raceme, elongating; Sepals, #4, 1.7 mm. × 0.6 mm. wide, ovate, green; Petals, 1.6 mm. × 0.5 mm. wide, spoonshaped, margin, entire, yellow; Fruit, 3 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, >3× longer than wide, ascending, uninflated, glabrous; Ovules (seeds), at least #7.

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Rorippa palustris

Coll. No. 1938, Rorippa palustris

Photographed 17 December 2018.

Coll. No. 1938, 14 June 2018, characters observed: Annual (or short-lived perennial), herb, wet habitats, 45 cm. to 50 cm.; Hairs, mostly glabrous, except few simple hairs on proximal stem, and margins of auricles; Roots, tap, and fibrous, rooting from proximal nodes; Stem, leafy; Leaves, cauline, petiole, unclear, blade, 50 mm. × 12 mm. wide, lyrate-pinnatifid, tips, acute, spinulose, auriculate, auricles, 1.5-2 mm., margin sparsely ciliate; Inflorescence, axillary racemes, 35 mm. × 7 mm. wide; Flowers, radial; Sepals, #4, 1 row, 0.7 mm., tip, acuminate, color, yellow, glabrous; Petals, 0.6 mm. × 0.3 mm. wide, spoon-shaped, margin, entire, color, yellow; Stamens, #6; Filaments, color, lavender; Fruit, mature, 3 mm. × 1.4 mm. wide, ovate-oblong, spreading, not inflated, glabrous. In Weber & Wittmann (2012), keys directly to R. sphaerocarpa in Brassicaceae Key A at couplet 17, then gets lost at couplet 5 in their key to Rorippa, over the question of whether the plant is erect or decumbent. In Ackerfield (2015), keys fairly easily to R. palustris, the only question being whether the stem is hirsute. In Harrington (2nd ed., 1964), keys easily to R. islandica, for which Harrington gives R. palustris as a synonym.

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Inflorescence of Coll. No. 1938, Rorippa palustris

Scanned 17 December 2018.

Coll. No. 1938, 14 June 2018, characters observed: Annual (or short-lived perennial), herb, wet habitats, 45 cm. to 50 cm.; Hairs, mostly glabrous, except few simple hairs on proximal stem, and margins of auricles; Roots, tap, and fibrous, rooting from proximal nodes; Stem, leafy; Leaves, cauline, petiole, unclear, blade, 50 mm. × 12 mm. wide, lyrate-pinnatifid, tips, acute, spinulose, auriculate, auricles, 1.5-2 mm., margin sparsely ciliate; Inflorescence, axillary racemes, 35 mm. × 7 mm. wide; Flowers, radial; Sepals, #4, 1 row, 0.7 mm., tip, acuminate, color, yellow, glabrous; Petals, 0.6 mm. × 0.3 mm. wide, spoon-shaped, margin, entire, color, yellow; Stamens, #6; Filaments, color, lavender; Fruit, mature, 3 mm. × 1.4 mm. wide, ovate-oblong, spreading, not inflated, glabrous. In Weber & Wittmann (2012), keys directly to R. sphaerocarpa in Brassicaceae Key A at couplet 17, then gets lost at couplet 5 in their key to Rorippa, over the question of whether the plant is erect or decumbent. In Ackerfield (2015), keys fairly easily to R. palustris, the only question being whether the stem is hirsute. In Harrington (2nd ed., 1964), keys easily to R. islandica, for which Harrington gives R. palustris as a synonym.

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Coll. No. 3148, Rorippa palustris.

Photographed 18 January 2024.

Plants of the Douglas Mountain Study Area
Jefferson County Open Space, Colorado, USA

Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser.  Bog Yellow-Cress.

Guy Gulch, Jefferson County, Colorado. North of Guy Gulch, accessed by a ranch road off of Pyrenees Lane, meadow 27 m. northeast of the line shack, 1.08 km. west southwest of Mt. Tom, 13.8 km. (geodesic) northwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.813°N, 105.36333°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2606 m. Streambed, waterlogged but not flowing.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2023, issued: Apr 10, 2023, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3148. 26-Jul-2023

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Date and time this article was prepared: 2/4/2025 12:02:50 PM