Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 768, Astragalus newberryi var. newberryi  


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  Fabaceae Astragalus newberryi newberryi
Scanned 22 Jan 2012.

Coll. No. 768, 22 Jan 2012, characters observed while keying: Perennial to 5 cm, generally of GB, rather than D, or CA-FP; Caudex base beset with old leaf bases; Pubesence simple, attached at basal end (rather than middle); Leaves bases persistent; Stipules not connate into a sheath; Leaflets 5, 3 mm wide, not spine-tipped, terminal leaflet jounted to mid-rib; Flowers pink-purple; Pods pubescent, obscuring pod surface, trichomes long wavy (maybe varying in length, but unable to distinguish separate short and long hairs).

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Other photos about Species - Fabaceae or Astragalus newberryi newberryi.


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