Eastern Mojave Vegetation Flower of Coll. No. 3352, Silene menziesii.  


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  Caryophyllaceae Silene menziesii
Scanned 6 January 2025.

Plants of Colorado

Silene menziesii Hook.  Menzies' Campion.

North Fork West Tennessee Creek, Lake County, Colorado. Hillslope between Lily Lake and North Fork West Tennessee Creek, about 425 m. east of Lily Lake, and 520 m. northwest of the crossing of FR 131 by the Colorado Trail, 12.2 km. north northwest of Leadville, 108 km. west southwest of Golden. 39.3504°N, 106.36382°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 3221 m. Perennial, rhizomatous. Open lodgepole forest floor, with Vaccinium scoparium.

Collected by permit: Pike San Isabel National Forest, 2024, issued: Jun 1, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3352. 25-Jul-2024

Coll. No. 3352, 25 July 2024, characters observed: Perennial of forest floor, to 10 cm., rhizomatous; Leaves, cauline, opposite, sessile, 31 mm. × 7 mm. wide, adaxially glabrous, abaxially short curved hairs, margin entire, ciliate, purple; Flowers, upper axils, pedicel, 8 mm., glandular; Calyx, tube 5 mm. + lobes (#5) 1.7 mm., veins, #10, glandular; Hypanthium (??), disk-like (??) Carphophore, 1 mm.; Petals, 9 mm. × 3 mm. wide, clawed?, notched, white fading to light yellow, united at base (??); Anthers, #10?, didymous?, white, inserted; Ovary, superior, 3 mm. × 1.8 mm., Styles, #3, exserted.

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