Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Coll. No. 1172, Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis |
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Scanned 3 November 2015. Coll. No. 1172, 25 Jun 2015, characters observed: Emergent aquatic herb, to 20 cm., probably annual, glandular hairy throughout; Leaves, opposite, sessile, 24 mm. × 6 mm. wide, oval, margin entire; Inflorescence, an elongated terminal raceme; Bracts to 12 mm, reduced above; Pedicel (in fruit) 0.6-1.0 mm.; Sepals, 4.5-5.0 mm., outer pair slightly larger; Flowers, small, corolla white; Capsule, 4.5 mm. × 5 mm. wide, notched 0.3 mm.; Style, very short, ±0.1 mm.
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Date and time this page was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:39:56 PM |