Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 808, Festuca perennis  


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  Poaceae Festuca perennis
Scanned 29 May 2013.

Coll. No. 808, 8 May 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual, to 75-90 cm; Roots fibrous; Stem herbaceous; Nodes dark and constricted; Internodes hollow; Leaf blades and sheath differentiated; Blade soft; Sheath open; Ligule membraneous, short (1 mm); Inflorescence 3-many, spike, > leaves, spikelets many, alternate; Compresson lateral (unremarkable); Disarticulation unknown; Spikelets similar, 1/node, sessile, 2-many flowered, length 15-20 mm; Florets, 12-13 per spikelet, lowermost pistillate; Glumes, upper, 10 mm, 5 veins prominent abaxially, lower absent except in terminal spikelets; Lemma veins 5, awns 1, to 10 mm.

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