Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 354, Cirsium neomexicanum  


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  Asteraceae Cirsium neomexicanum
Scanned 27 October 2013.

Coll. No. 354, 20 April 2004, characters observed while keying: Annual or biennial, to 60 cm., Stem, tomentose, ribbed; Leaves, alternate, 40 mm., sessile, not clasping, lanceolate, spiny lobed (not compound), both surfaces wooly; Inflorescence, solitary heads, no flowers with strap-shaped corollas, flowers of 1 kind; Involucre to 25 mm. × 60 mm. wide; Phyllaries, in many series, abaxial face without, or with very small, resinous ridge, outer margins variously minutely decorated (with hairs, spines, and cilia), inner entire, tip spines 8 mm.; Receptacle, simple bristles, 4 mm.; Corolla, tube 13 mm. + throat 7 mm. + lobes 9 mm.

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