Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 3305, Castilleja rhexifolia  


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  Orobanchaceae Castilleja rhexifolia
Photographed 13 December 2024.

I came pretty close to determining this as Castilleja miniata × rhexifolia.

Plants of the Coal Creek Canyon Study Area
Jefferson County Open Space, Colorado, USA

Castilleja rhexifolia Rydb.  Splitleaf Indian Paintbrush.

Coal Creek Canyon Study Area, Lacey Parcel, Jefferson County, Colorado. Lower end of a north-facing meadow, on southeast-facing slope, 175 m. south of Coal Creek, 1.53 km. west northwest of Coal Creek Canyon Fire Station #3, 14.9 km. north northwest of Golden. 39.87734°N, 105.2947°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2089 m. Stem strigillose rather than canescent; flowers with a pinkish cast. Open meadow with Achillea millefolia, Artemisia dracunculus, A. ludoviciana, Heterotheca villosa, Symphyotrichum laeve, Monarda fistulosa, Potentilla fissa, and Carex inops var. heliophila.

Collected by permit: Jefferson County Open Space, 2024, issued: Mar 6, 2024, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 3305. 19-Jul-2024

Coll. No. 3305, 19 Jul 2024, characters observed: Stem, strigillose, not tomentose or canescent; Bract, 17 mm., red with pink-ish cast, lateral lobes distal ⅓, tips acute; Calyx, 16 mm. adaxial (AKA above? back?) fused 9 mm., abaxial (AKA below? front?) fused 7 mm., ∴ abaxial cleft > adaxial cleft; Corolla, tube 10 mm. + beak 10 mm. = 20 mm.

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