Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Coll. No. 2580, Penstemon procerus var. procerus. |
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Photographed 8 December 2021.
Coll. No. 2580, 12 July 2021, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 20 cm., caulescent, ascending; Leaves, cauline, opposite, lower, petiole 23 mm. + blade 39 mm. × 10 mm. wide = 62 mm., elliptical, entire, glabrous, upper, sessile, 22 mm. × 4 mm. wide, lance-linear, entire, glabrous; Inflorescence, barely hispid but not frankly glandular, verticillasters, #1-4, symmetrical, densely flowered; Flowers, some reflexed or “declining,” 6 mm., blue, stamens, staminode, and style all crowded in throat; Calyx, 4 mm., lobes mostly free, green center with erose chartaceous margins; Corolla, 5.5 mm., blue-violet, floor white with blue guides and gold hairs; Stamens, 4; Staminode, tip gold hairy; Anthers, sacs, 0.8 mm., glabrous; Style, persistent; Fruit, capsule, 3.5 mm. × 3 mm. wide. The short corollas and reflexed or declined flowers suggest P. procerus, whereas the scarious margins of the sepals suggest P. rydbergii (see Weber & Wittmann, 2012).
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Date and time this page was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:39:55 PM |