Eastern Mojave Vegetation Old cars protect the bank from erosion along Lewis Creek.  


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  Lewis Creek, San Benito County, California
Photograph taken 4-Feb-06.

At Lonoak, Lonoak Road crosses Lewis Creek and passes between Monterey and San Benito Counties. Here old cars have been placed along the creek banks to reduce erosion.

I have some photos of Lewis Creek a little further upstream that show a broad alluviated channel with a small stream in the middle, a sign that the stream is quite underfit, i.e., the sediment load far exceeds the carrying capacity of the stream. Lewis Creek drains a fairly large area that includes Priest Valley, following the San Andreas Fault Zone from there to this location in Lonoak. The combination of a large drainage area, steep topography, and ground-up rock in the fault zone, probably yields some high flood waters with large sediment loads on occasion, leading the local residents to try embedding the autos in the creek banks to reduce erosion.

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