Eastern Mojave Vegetation Fruit of Coll. No. 2243, Crepis capillaris  


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  Asteraceae Crepis capillaris
Scanned 15 Sep 2021.

Plants of Colorado

Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr.  Smooth Hawk's-Beard.

Little Scraggy Peak, Jefferson County, Colorado. Buffalo Creek Recreation Area, northeast slopes of Little Scraggy Peak, 2.04 km. southwest of the Little Scraggy trailhead, 61.2 km. south of the GNIS location of Golden. 39.3363°N, 105.2671°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2439 m. Ligulate, yellow, only one seen. Area generally disturbed by minerals prospecting, fuels reduction, and mountain biking recreation.

Collected by permit: Pike-Isabel National Forest, 2019, issued: Mar 8, 2019, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2243. 16-Sep-2019

Coll. No. 2243, 16 September 2019, characters observed: Annual(?) herb, 30 cm.; Stem, young, villous; Leaves, cauline, alternate, auriculate, petiole, 10-12 mm., blade 35 mm. × 5 mm. wide, reduced distally, oblanceolate, tomentose near base, adaxially glandular hairy, margin dentate, tip acute; Inflorescence, heads #4-5 per stem, showy, not overtopped by leaves; Peduncles, 35 mm.; Involucre, 7 mm. × 5 mm. wide; ovoid; Phyllaries, equal, 2 series, 7 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, green, glandular-stipitate, margins, ±flat; Flowers of 1 kind; Ray flowers (ligules), many, tube 2.5 mm. + blade 6 mm. × 0.6 mm. wide, yellow; Pappus, simple capillary bristles, falling as a unit, 4.5 mm., ±equal, smooth.

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