Eastern Mojave Vegetation Flower of Heterotheca villosa  


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  Asteraceae, Heterotheca villosa nana
Scanned 10 August 2014.

Possibly var. nana.

There are visible scales outside the bristles on the mature fruit to right of center.

Perennial herb, to 50 cm.; Leaves, cauline alternate, entire, 1-veined, distal perpendicular to stems, hairs > glands; Heads solitary, with both ray and disk flowers; Phyllaries in 2+ series, unequal, to 7 mm.; Rays, 9 mm.; Pappus double, outer narrow scales ≤ 1 mm. (easier to see on mature fruit), inner bristles, 6.5 mm., white; Fruit, disk 3 mm., hairy.

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