Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 766, Linanthus inyoensis  


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  Polemoniaceae Linanthus inyoensis
Scanned 20 Jan 2012.

Coll. No. 766, 20 Jan 2012, characters observed while keying: Annual, to 3 cm; Stem thread-like; Leaves basal opposite, cauline alternate; Infloresence in loose racemes; Pedicels 1-2 mm; Calyx 2.5 mm, membranous, rupturing as capsule matures, sparse gland-dotted hairs; Flowers 5 mm, 2 x calyx, (interior of flower glabrous, no pubesence or rings of hairs); Corolla funnel-form, 5 mm, tube and limb roughly equal; Stamens 5, equally inserted; Filament bases hard to see, but nothing hairy visible at base of flower; Pollen yellow.

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