Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Coll. No. 3053, Rubus pubescens. |
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Photographed 26 December 2023.
Coll. No. 3053, 10 July 2023, characters observed: Creeping perennial, to 25 cm., without stolons; Stem, unarmed, villous, glabrate proximally; Stipules, 8 mm., leaf-like, lobed; Leaves, alternate, compound, ternate, leaflets, ovate, 68 mm. × 33 mm. wide, serrate above middle, margins villous, tips, acuminate on smaller leaflets, otherwise acute, adaxial, glabrous, abaxial, soft straight hairs on veins; Inflorescence, 2-4 flowers; Petiole, 12 mm., stipitate glandular; Flowers, actinomorphic, hypanthium present; Sepals, 4 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, joined at base, without bracteoles; Petals, 5 mm. × 2 mm. wide, spoon-shaped, free to hypanthium, white, fading pink; Stamens, many.
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Other photos about Species - Rosaceae or Rubus pubescens.
Date and time this page was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:40:12 PM |