Eastern Mojave Vegetation Coll. No. 2194.1 Mertensia ciliata  


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  Boraginaceae Mertensia ciliata
Photographed 3 February 2020.

Plants of Colorado

Mertensia ciliata (Torr.) G. Don.  Tall Fringed Bluebells.

Trout Creek Pass, Chaffee County, Colorado. Along Chaffee County Road 311, about 0.8 mi. west of its intersection with US Highway 285 at Trout Creek Pass, 149 km. southwest of the GNIS location of Golden. 38.9082°N, 105.9889°W. WGS 1984 Elev. 2883 m. Collected with Hymenoxys richardsonii var. floribunda, Tetradymia canescens, Geranium caespitosum, Penstemon barbatus, Galium boreale, and Achnatherum Eriocoma hymenoides.

Collected by permit: Pike-Isabel National Forest, 2019, issued: Mar 8, 2019, to: Tom Schweich.

Tom Schweich 2194.1 5-Aug-2019

Coll. No. 2194.1, 5 August 2019, characters observed: Perennial herb, to 40-45 cm.; Stem, herbaceous, green, glabrous; Leaves, basal, withered, cauline, alternate, petiole 50 mm. + blade 125 mm. × 27 mm. wide, reduced above, lanceolate, mid-rib prominent, lateral veins evident, pustular foveate adaxially, margins strigulose (ciliate?); Inflorescence, cymose; Pedicel, 1-2 mm., elongating to 5 mm. in fruit; Calyx, lobes, #5, 2 mm., fused 0.5 mm., interior strigose; Corolla, 3-4 mm., fused, white to blue, ring of hairs near base (0.5 mm.), Stamens, #5, in throat; Filaments, attached ≤fornices, ≤anthers; Anthers, 1.2 mm.; Style, #1, 4 mm., elongating to 6 mm. in fruit; Fruit, nutlet, nominally #4, but sometimes only #2 develop; 2 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, attachment lateral, adaxially keeled above scar, margin without bristles or prickles.

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