Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor) in my Alameda, California garden. |
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In the summer of 1999, I noticed two butterfly larvae on the California Pipevine (Aristolochia californica) in my backyard. They each were black with yellow spots. I suspected that they could be larvae of the Pipevine Swallowtail, but they were gone before I could confirm my identification. Then on May 25, 2000, my wife found this butterfly on the Pipevine. It appears to have just hatched out. After several hours it flew away. Several days later we watched as a Pipevine Butterfly (the same one?) layed seven eggs in two spots on our Pipevine.
Other photos about Species or Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia californica.
Date and time this page was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:39:01 PM |