See also:
Rimrock Mine.
- Coleman group (Midas)
- East pit
- Fox Mine (Pangburn property; Governor group)
- Governor Mine (Hunt property; Silver Fox Mine; Combination Mine; Florence Mine; Portland claims)
- Hatter prospect
- Hollister deposit (Ivanhoe/USX; Butte; Velvet; Clementine)
- Butte # 1 mine (Butte quicksilver Mine)
- Butte # 2 mine (Butte quicksilver mine)
- Butte Quicksilver mine (Butte No 1 & 2; pit 3 workings; Rand; Bowers; Mayflower; Velvet; Ivanhoe)
- Clementine Mine (Shoshone & Barringer Mine)
- Jackson & Surprise claims
- Lark group (Rattlesnake; Lucky Boy; Davis and Roseberry; Cinnabar group; Ivanhoe; Lark Quick)
- Mercury prospect
- Mountain King mine
- Old Timer Mine
- Redboy group
- Rimrock and Homestake Mines (Wilburg Mine; Ivanhoe Cinnabar Mine)
- Sheep Corral Mine
- Silver Cloud Mine (New Verde Mine)
- Unnamed Mercury prospects (IV-18)
- Velvet Mine
Articles that refer to this location:
Literature Referring To This Location:
Harrington, Edward. 2004.
Technical Report on the Rimrock Property, Ivanhoe Mining District, Elko County, Nevada, USA.
for Senator Minerals Inc, 418 East 14th Street, North Vancouver, BC V7L 2N8.
Vancouver, BC V5S 4G2: Reliance Geological Services Inc., 22 November 2004.
Harrington, Edward. 2004.
Technical Report on the Ivanhoe Creek Property, Ivanhoe Mining District, Elko County, Nevada, USA.
for Senator Minerals Inc, 418 East 14th Street, North Vancouver, BC V7L 2N8.
Vancouver, BC V5S 4G2: Reliance Geological Services Inc., 22 November 2004.
Smith, Christopher N., Stephen E. Kesler, Bjorn Klaue, and Joel D. Blum. 2005.
Mercury isotope fractionation in fossil hydrothermal systems.
No collections made at this location.
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Date and time this article was prepared:11:59:14 AM, 2/4/2025.