Eastern Mojave Vegetation Pennsylvania Mine, Summit County, Colorado.

Query: G.N.I.S.

See also: Horseshoe Basin.

See also: Peru Creek.

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The Pennsylvania Mine was initially developed in 1879, according to the EPA, and produced gold, silver, lead, copper and zinc.

The mine is the largest anthropogenic contributor of heavy metals in the Snake River Watershed, which is the most impaired watershed in the state. Exposure to the metals can cause health problems in humans and wildlife.

Brian Lorch, the county's Open Space and Trails Department director, said the Pennsylvania property is owned by a small company called TransPacific Tourism of Colorado, which was formed by a Colorado couple specifically to buy the 169-acre property in 1990 and then sell it to foreign investors. The investors walked away after the mine's environmental problems became apparent, leaving the couple stuck with the property ever since, Lorch said. The county then worked with the landowners to create a restrictive covenant in 2008 that transferred all development rights off the property, he said, and the county would like to buy the land to protect it as open space if the mine is ever cleaned up enough that liability isn't an issue (Langley, 2015).

The EPA also plans to work with a private landowner who has owned the neighboring Jumbo Mine property for about 40 years. Because that property owner didn't cause the mine pollution, Paul Peronard EPA's on-scene coordinator said, the EPA will pay for the cleanup, which will likely cost less than a tenth of the Pennsylvania Mine reclamation (Langley, 2015).

Elevation: 10991ft, 3350m.

Articles that refer to this location:

  • County Road 260, Forest Road 214, “Peru Creek Road,” Summit County, Colorado: 38000
  • Field Notes: 28 Jun 2018

Literature Referring To This Location:

  • Langley, Alli. 2015. Summit County's toxic Pennsylvania Mine unlikely to blow like Gold King. Summit Daily. {TAS-pdf} Date retrieved: 1 July 2018: https://www.summitdaily.com/news/summit-countys-toxic-pennsylvania-mine-unlikely-to-blow-like-gold-king/
  • Laughlin, Breeana. 2013. Toxic Pennsylvania Mine cleanup under way in Summit County. Summit Daily. {TAS-pdf} Date retrieved: 1 July 2018: https://www.summitdaily.com/news/local/toxic-pennsylvania-mine-cleanup-under-way-in-summit-county/
  • Lovering, T. S. 1935. Geology and Ore Deposits of the Montezume Quadrangle, Colorado. Professional Paper 178. Washington, D. C.: United States Geological Survey, 1935. {TAS-pdf} Date retrieved: 1 July 2016: https://pubs.usgs.gov/pp/0178/report.pdf
  • Lovering, T. S., and E. N. Goddard. 1950. Geology and ore deposits of the Front Range. Professional Paper 223. Washington, D. C.: United States Geological Survey, 1950. {TAS-pdf} Date retrieved: 1 July 2018: https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/pp223
  • Queen, Jack. 2016. Mine near Keystone still causing trouble. Summit Daily. {TAS-pdf} Date retrieved: 1 July 2016: https://www.summitdaily.com/news/mine-near-keystone-still-causing-trouble/
  • Strain, Daniel. 2016. Cleaning Up the Past. Mines Magazine. {TAS-pdf} Date retrieved: 1 July 2018: http://minesmagazine.com/12773/
  • Todd, Andrew S., Diane M. McKnight, and Sabre M. Duren. 2005. Water Quality Characteristics for the Snake River, North Fork of the Snake River, Peru Creek, and Deer Creek in Summit County, Colorado: 2001 to 2002. Occasional Paper 57. Boulder CO: Instirute of Arctic and Alpine Research, 2005. {TAS-pdf} Date retrieved: https://instaar.colorado.edu/uploads/occasional-papers/OP57_todd_et_al.pdf
  • Trust for Land Restoration. 2004. Peru Creek Brownfield Assessment, Summit County, Colorado. Brownfields Assess,emt Demonstration Pilot. {TAS-pdf} Date retrieved: 1 July 2018: https://www.summitcountyco.gov/DocumentCenter/View/20236
No collections made at this location.
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Date and time this article was prepared:11:59:28 AM, 2/4/2025.