![]() | Lookout Mountain, Jefferson County, Colorado. |
Gazetteer Query: G.N.I.S. See also: Golden. See also: Windy Saddle Park.
With the new version of GNIS, the location has been moved approximately 500 m. to the south, i.e, the top of a hill south of Cedar Lake or Golden Reservoir from the location of Buffalo Bill's grave.
Articles that refer to this location:
Area Plant Lists that contain this location:
Species collected at or near this location. This list summarizes plants collected or observed at this specific, named location. It does not include plants collected or observed at nearby named or unnamed locations. It may be more instructive to use the Area Lists that contain this location.
Dryopteridaceae Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. Brittle Bladderfern (Oth) Pinaceae Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco glauca (Beissn.) Franco. Douglas Fir (Oth) Apiaceae Lomatium orientale J.M. Coult. & Rose. Salt-and-Pepper (Oth) Araliaceae Aralia nudicaulis L. Wild Sarsaparilla (Oth) Asteraceae Anthemideae Achillea millefolium L. Common Yarrow (Oth) Astereae Astranthiinae Townsendia grandiflora Nutt. Largeflower Townsend Daisy (Oth) Conyzinae Erigeron compositus Pursh. Cutleaf Daisy (Oth) Erigeron vetensis Rydb. Early Bluetop Fleabane (Oth) Solidagininae Solidago nemoralis Aiton decemflora (de Candolle) Brammall ex Semple. Gray Goldenrod (Oth) Solidago simplex Kunth. Sticky Goldenrod (Oth) Symphyotrichinae Symphyotrichum laeve (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve geyeri (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom. Smooth Blue Aster (Oth) Symphyotrichum porteri (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom. Smooth White Aster (Oth) Cichorieae Lactucinae Prenanthes racemosa Michx. Purple Rattlesnake Root (Oth) Microseridinae Agoseris parviflora (Nutt.) D. Dietr. Steppe Goat-Chicory (Oth) Eupatorieae Liatris punctata Hook. Dotted Blazing Star (Oth) Gnaphalieae Antennaria parvifolia Nutt. Small-Leaf Pussytoes (Oth) Antennaria rosea Greene. Rosy Pussytoes (Oth) Helenieae Gaillardiinae Gaillardia aristata Pursh. Blanketflower (Oth) Heliantheae Helianthinae Helianthus annuus L. Common Sunflower (Oth) Helianthus pauciflorus Nutt. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) O. Spring & E. Schilling. Stiff Sunflower (Oth) Heliomeris multiflora Nutt. multiflora. Showy Golden Eye (Oth) Madieae Arnicinae Arnica cordifolia Hook. Heart-Leaf Leopardbane (Oth) Senecioneae Senecio integerrimus Nutt. Columbia Ragwort (Oth) Berberidaceae Berberis repens Lindl. Creeping Barberry (Oth) Boraginaceae Cryptantha virgata (Porter) Payson. Miner"s Candle (Oth) Lithospermum incisum Lehm. Narrowleaf Stoneseed (Oth) Mertensia lanceolata (Pursh) DC. Prairie Bluebells (Oth) Brassicaceae Camelina microcarpa Andrz. ex DC. Little-Podded False Flax (Oth) Erysimum asperum (Nutt.) DC. Western Wallflower (Oth) Erysimum capitatum (Hook.) Greene. Sanddune Wallflower (Oth) Noccaea fendleri (A. Gray) Holub glauca (A. Nelson) Al-Shehbaz & M. Koch. Alpine Pennycress (Oth) Physaria montana (A. Gray) Greene. Mountain Bladderpod (Oth) Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901. Roundtip Twinpod (Oth) Caprifoliaceae Symphoricarpos rotundifolius A. Gray. Roundleaf Snowberry (Oth) Caryophyllaceae Cerastium arvense L. strictum Gaudin. Field Chickweed (Oth) Cornaceae Cornus sericea L. Creek Dogwood (Oth) Ericaceae Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Sprengel. Bearberry (Oth) Pyrola asarifolia Michx. Liverleaf Wintergreen (Oth) Fabaceae Lupinus argenteus Pursh argenteus. Loosely Flowered Silver Lupine (Oth) Oxytropis lambertii Pursh. Purple Locoweed (Oth) Trifolium hybridum L. Alsike Clover (Oth) Thermopsis rhombifolia (Nutt. ex Pursh) Nutt. ex Richardson divaricarpa (A. Nelson) Isely. Spreadfruit Goldenbanner (Oth) Gentianaceae Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinners. Showy Prairie Gentian (Oth) Geraniaceae Geranium caespitosum James. Pineywoods Geranium (Oth) Geranium richardsonii Fisch. & Trautv. Richardson's Geranium (Oth) Grossulariaceae Ribes aureum Pursh. Golden Currant (Oth) Ribes cereum Douglas. Wax Currant (Oth) Hydrangeaceae Jamesia americana Torr. & A. Gray americana. Fivepetal Cliffbush (Oth) Loasaceae Mentzelia multiflora (Nutt.) A. Gray. Adonis Blazing Star (Oth) Montiaceae Claytonia lanceolata Pallas ex Pursh. Lanceleaf Springbeauty (Oth) Claytonia rosea Rydb. Rocky Mountain Springbeauty (Oth) Onagraceae Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub. Fireweed (Oth) Oenothera albicaulis Pursh. Whitest Evening Primrose (Oth) Oenothera coronopifolia Torr. & A. Gray. Crownleaf Evening Primrose. Hierba de San Juan. (Oth) Orobanchaceae Castilleja integra A. Gray. Wholeleaf Indian Paintbrush (Oth) Plantaginaceae Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill. Dalmatian ToadFlax (Oth) Penstemon secundiflorus Benth. Sidebells Penstemon (Oth) Penstemon virens Pennell ex Rydb. Front Range Beardtongue (Oth) Penstemon virgatus A. Gray asa-grayi (Crosswh.) Dorn. Upright Blue Beardtongue (Oth) Polemoniaceae Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V.E. Grant candida (Rydb.) V.E. Grant & A.D. Grant. Scarlet Gilia (Oth) Polygonaceae Fallopia convolvulus (L.) A.Löve. Black Bindweed (Oth) Polygonum douglasii Greene. Douglas Knotweed (Oth) Polygonum engelmannii Greene. Engelmann's Knotweed (Oth) Rumex acetosella L. Sheep Sorrel (Oth) Primulaceae Androsace septentrionalis L. Pygmyflower Rockjasmine (Oth) Dodecatheon pulchellum (Raf.) Merr. Beautiful Shootingstar (Oth) Lysimachia ciliata L. Fringed Loosestrife (Oth) Ranunculaceae Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd. Red Baneberry (Oth) Anemone canadensis L. Canadensis Anemone (Oth) Anemone cylindrica A. Gray. Candle Anemone (Oth) Anemone multifida Poir. multifida. Pacific Anemone (Oth) Aquilegia coerulea E. James. Colorado Blue Columbine (Oth) Aquilegia saximontana Rydb. Rocky Mountain Columbine (Oth) Clematis columbiana (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray. Rock Clematis (Oth) Clematis hirsutissima Pursh. Hairy Clematis, Sugar Bowls (Oth) Delphinium carolinianum Walter virescens (Nutt.) R.E. Brooks. Plains Larkspur (Oth) Delphinium nuttallianum Pritz. Twolobe Larkspur (Oth) Pulsatilla nuttalliana (DC.) Bercht. & J. Presl. Pasque Flower (Oth) Rhamnaceae Ceanothus fendleri A. Gray. Fendler's Ceanothus (Oth) Rosaceae Amelanchier utahensis Koehne. Utah Service-Berry (Oth) Crataegus succulenta Schrad. ex Link. Fleshy Hawthorn (Oth) Fragaria virginiana Mill. Virginia Strawberry (Oth) Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. dumosus (S. Watson) Maxim. Ex J. M. Coult. Rock Spiraea (Oth) Physocarpus monogynus (Torr.) J.M. Coult. Mountain Ninebark (Oth) Prunus pensylvanica L. f. Pin Cherry (Oth) Prunus virginiana L. Chokecherry (Oth) Rosa acicularis Lindl. sayi (Schwein.) W. H. Lewis. Say's Acicular Rose (Oth) Rubus deliciosus Torr. Delicious raspberry (Oth) Rubus idaeus L. strigosus (Michx.) Maxim. American Red Raspberry (Oth) Salicaceae Salix irrorata Andersson. Dewystem Willow (Oth) Santalaceae Arceuthobium vaginatum (Willd.) J. Presl cryptopodum (Engelm.) Hawksworth & Wiens. Pineland Dwarf Mistletoe (Oth) Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. pallida (A. DC.) Piehl. Pale Bastard Toadflax (Oth) Sapindaceae Acer glabrum Torr. Rocky Mountain Maple (Oth) Acer negundo L. Box Elder Maple (Oth) Saxifragaceae Heuchera bracteata (Torr.) Ser. Bracted Alumroot (Oth) Micranthes rhomboidea (Greene) Small. Diamondleaf Saxifrage (Oth) Scrophulariaceae Scrophularia lanceolata Pursh. Lanceleaf Figwort (Oth) Violaceae Viola canadensis L. Canadian White Violet (Oth) Viola pedatifida G. Don. Prairie Violet (Oth) Alliaceae Allium textile A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr. Textile Onion (Oth) Anthericeae Leucocrinum montanum Nutt. ex A. Gray. Star Lily (Oth) Cyperaceae Carex deweyana Schwein. Dewey sedge (Oth) Iridaceae Sisyrinchium montanum Greene. Rocky Mountain Blue-Eyed Grass (Oth) Liliaceae Calochortus gunnisonii S. Watson. Gunnison's Mariposa Lily (Oth) Lilium philadelphicum L. Wood Lily (Oth) Prosartes trachycarpa S. Watson. Roughfruit Fairybells (Oth) Melanthiaceae Toxicoscordion paniculatum (Nutt.) Rydb. Foothill Death Camas (Oth) Orchidaceae Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes. Fairy Slipper (Oth) Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. Longbract Frog Orchid (Oth) Corallorhiza maculata (Raf.) Raf. Summer Coralroot (Oth) Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. pubescens O. W. Knight. Greater Yellow Lady's Slipper (Oth) Goodyera oblongifolia Raf. Western Rattlesnake Plantain (Oth) Poaceae Eragrostideae Muhlenbergia montana (Nutt.) Hitchc. Mountain Muhly (Oth) Paniceae Panicum miliaceum L. Proso Millet (Oth) Triticeae Hordeum brachyantherum Nevski. Meadow Barley (Oth) Ruscaceae Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link amplexicaule (Nutt.) LaFrankie. Feathery False Lily of the Valley (Oth) Smilacaceae Smilax lasioneuron Hook. Blue Ridge Carrionflower (Oth)
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M, Date and time this article was prepared:11:59:19 AM, 2/4/2025. |