![]() | Rush Creek, Mono County, California. |
Gazetteer Query: G.N.I.S. See also: Rush Creek (in Horseshoe Canyon). Rush Creek (Upper). See also: Grant Lake. Rush Creek (in Horseshoe Canyon).
Stream draining the June Lakes Basin into Mono Lake. This section refers to the portion below Grant Lake and above Test Station Road.
Articles that refer to this location:
Literature Referring To This Location:
Area Plant Lists that contain this location: Species collected at or near this location. This list summarizes plants collected or observed at this specific, named location. It does not include plants collected or observed at nearby named or unnamed locations. It may be more instructive to use the Area Lists that contain this location.
Asteraceae Astereae Symphyotrichinae Symphyotrichum spathulatum (Lindl.) G. L. Nesom. Western Mountain Aster (TAS) Eupatorieae Brickellia oblongifolia Nutt. linifolia (D. C. Eaton) B. L. Rob. Narrowleaf Brickellbush (Oth) Gnaphalieae Gnaphalium palustre Nutt. Western Marsh Cudweed (TAS) Boraginaceae Tiquilia nuttallii (Hook.) A. T. Richardson. Nuttall's Crinklemat (TAS) Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium glaucum L. Oakleaf Goosefoot (Oth) Chenopodium leptophyllum (Moq.) Nutt. ex S. Watson. Narrowleaf Goosefoot (TAS) Elaeagnaceae Shepherdia argentea Nutt. Buffalo Berry (TAS) Fabaceae Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindl. confertus (Kellogg) C. P. Sm. Crowded Lupine (Oth) Lamiaceae Mentha arvensis L. Wild Mint (TAS) Onagraceae Epilobium ciliatum Raf. ciliatum. Fringed Willowherb (Oth) Eremothera boothii (Douglas) W. L. Wagner & Hoch boothii. Booth's Evening Primrose (TAS) Orobanchaceae Castilleja minor (A. Gray) A. Gray minor. Lesser Indian Paintbrush (Oth) Phrymaceae Erythranthe guttata (Fisch. ex DC.) G.L. Nesom. Seep Monkeyflower (Oth) Mimetanthe pilosa (Benth.) Greene. Downy False-Monkeyflower (TAS) Polemoniaceae Eriastrum wilcoxii (A. Nelson) H. Mason. Wilcox's Woollystar (TAS) Polygonaceae Eriogonum ampullaceum J. T. Howell. Mono Buckwheat (Oth) Eriogonum davidsonii Greene. Davidson's Buckwheat (TAS) Ranunculaceae Ranunculus aquatilis L. diffusus With. Threadleaf Crowfoot (TAS+Oth) Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh. Alkali Buttercup (Oth) Rosaceae Potentilla biennis Greene. Biennial Cinquefoil (TAS) Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC. tridentata. Antelope Bitterbrush (TAS) Salicaceae Salix exigua Benth. hindsiana (Benth.) Dorn. Sandbar Willow (Oth) Solanaceae Nicotiana attenuata Torr. Coyote Tobacco (TAS) Cyperaceae Amphiscirpus nevadensis (S. Watson) Oteng-Yeb. Nevada Bulrush (Oth) Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla. (Oth) Carex pellita Muhl. ex Willd. Wooly Sedge (Oth) Cyperus squarrosus L. Bearded Flatsedge (TAS) Eleocharis macrostachya Britton. Common Spike-Rush (Oth) Schoenoplectus acutus (Muhl. ex Bigelow) Á. Löve & D. Löve occidentalis (S. Watson). Hardstem Bulrush (Oth) Schoenoplectus pungens (Vahl) Palla. Threesquare (Oth) Juncaceae Juncus mexicanus Willd. Mexican Rush (Oth) Juncus nevadensis S. Watson nevadensis. Nevada Rush (Oth) Juncaginaceae Triglochin maritima L. Seaside Arrowgrass (Oth) Poaceae Aveneae Agrostis gigantea Roth. Redtop (Oth) Agrostis scabra Willd. Rough Bentgrass (Oth) Beckmannia syzigachne (Steud.) Fernald. American Sloughgrass (Oth) Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf. Rabbit's-Foot Grass (Oth) Cynodonteae Distichlis spicata (L.) E. Greene. Saltgrass (Oth) Eragrostideae Muhlenbergia asperifolia (Nees & Meyen ex Trin.) Parodi. Alkali Muhley (Oth) Poeae Poa secunda J. Presl secunda. Sandberg Bluegrass. (Oth) Puccinellia nuttalliana (Schult.) Hitchc. Nuttall's Alkali Grass (Oth) Triticeae Hordeum jubatum L. jubatum. Foxtail Barley (Oth) Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton foliosus Raf. Leafy Pondweed (Oth)
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M, Date and time this article was prepared:5:07:35 PM, 2/22/2025. |