Eastern Mojave Vegetation Mono Mills, Mono County, California.

Query: G.N.I.S.

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Mono Mills
To meet the ever increasing demand for lumber and cord wood the Bodie Railway and Lumber Company was formed in February 1881. Timber was harvested from various tracts to the south. It was milled at this site and then shipped to Bodie on the railroad via Warm Springs and Lime Kiln. The sawmill was a two story structure capable of producing 80,000 board feet in a 10 hour shift (when the crew was sober) and was powered by a 16 inch steam engine. With the development of electricity at Green Creek and reduced gold production in Bodie, Aurora, and Masonic, the demand for lumber and fuel wood diminished and Mono Mills was abandoned in 1917.
Dedicated September 9, 1989
Bodie Chapter No. 64
E. Clampus Vitus

Elevation: 7356ft, 2242m.

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Literature Referring To This Location:

Area Plant Lists that contain this location:

Species collected at or near this location.

This list summarizes plants collected or observed at this specific, named location. It does not include plants collected or observed at nearby named or unnamed locations. It may be more instructive to use the Area Lists that contain this location.

  • TAS – The plant was collected by Tom Schweich.
  • Oth – The plant was collected by someone, but not Tom.
  • Obs – The plant was observed, but not collected.


Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf. Jeffrey Pine (Oth)


Cymopterus cinerarius A. Gray. Gray Springparsley (Oth)



Artemisia tridentata Nutt. tridentata. Big Sagebrush (Oth)



Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird oreophila (A.Nelson) G.L.Nesom & G.I.Baird. Rubber Rabbitbush (Oth)

Ericameria parryi (A. Gray) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird aspera (Greene) G. L. Nesom & G. I. Baird. Rough Rabbitbrush (Oth)


Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. viscidiflorus. Yellow Rabbitbrush (Oth)



Hulsea vestita A. Gray. Pumice Alpinegold (Oth)

Hulsea vestita A. Gray vestita. Pumice Alpinegold (Oth)


Senecio spartioides Torr. & A. Gray. Broomlike Ragwort (Oth)


Cryptantha circumscissa (Hook. & Arn.) I. M. Johnst. Cushion Cryptantha (Oth)

Cryptantha oxygona (A. Gray) Greene. Sharpnut Cryptantha (Oth)

Phacelia Juss. Phacelia (Oth)

Phacelia bicolor Torr. ex S. Watson bicolor. Two-Color Phacelia (Oth)

Phacelia hastata Douglas ex Lehm. compacta (Brand) Cronquist. Compact Phacelia (Oth)

Tiquilia nuttallii (Hook.) A. T. Richardson. Nuttall's Crinklemat (Oth)


Erysimum capitatum (Hook.) Greene. Sanddune Wallflower (Oth)


Lupinus breweri A. Gray grandiflorus C. P. Sm. Matted Lupine (Oth)

Lupinus duranii Eastw. Mono Lake Lupine (Oth)


Mentzelia congesta Torr. & A. Gray. United Blazing Star (TAS+Oth)

Mentzelia monoensis J. M. Brokaw & L. Hufford. Mono Craters Blazing Star (Obs)


Camissonia parvula (Torr. & A. Gray) P. H. Raven. Lewis River Suncup (Oth)

Gayophytum decipiens H. Lewis & Szweyk. Deceptive Groundsmoke (Oth)

Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & A. Gray. Pinyon Groundsmoke (Oth)


Orobanche corymbosa (Rydb.) Ferris. Flat-Top Broomrape (Oth)


Diplacus mephiticus (Greene) G.L. Nesom. Skunky Monkey Flower (Oth)


Aliciella monoensis J. M. Porter. (Oth)

Eriastrum wilcoxii (A. Nelson) H. Mason. Wilcox's Woollystar (Oth)

Linanthus pungens (Torr.) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson. Granite Prickly Phlox (Oth)


Eriogonum davidsonii Greene. Davidson's Buckwheat (Oth)

Eriogonum nudum Douglas ex Benth. deductum (Greene) Jeps. Naked Buckwheat (Oth)

Oxytheca dendroidea Nutt. dendroidea. (Oth)


Calyptridium umbellatum (Torr.) Greene. (Oth)


Nicotiana attenuata Torr. Coyote Tobacco (Oth)



Stipa hymenoides Roem. & Schult. Indian Rice Grass (Oth)


Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey californicus (J. G. Sm.) J. P. sm. Squirreltail Grass (Oth)

Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey elymoides. Squirreltail Grass (TAS+Oth)

Elymus triticoides Buckley. Beardless Wildrye (Oth)

Total number of taxa: 37
Native Taxa:
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Exotic Taxa:
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Nativity Undetermined:
(default font, italic)
Listed Weeds:
Identified as Weed
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Date and time this article was prepared:4:50:05 PM, 9/22/2024.