Eastern Mojave Vegetation Adobe Hills, Mono County, California.

Query: G.N.I.S.

See also: Adobe Hills Spillway.

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The Adobe Hills volcanic area is comprised of a sheetlike mass of overlapping olivine basalt flows that cover an irregularly shaped, generally east-west-trending area of approximately 800 square kilometers. This area, which extends eastward for approximately 60 kilometers from the eastern shore of Mono Lake, is roughly bisected by the California-Nevada border. The irregular sheet of basalt flows locally attains thicknesses of nearly 200 meters in its central part, where multiple flows overlap, but thins to individual flows, with thicknesses of less than 10 meters, along its northern and southern margins.Its highly irregular shape and subregional extent suggest an origin by numerous eruptions from a number of widely spaced centers. … (From: From: Wood and Kienle, 1990, Volcanoes of North America: United States and Canada: Cambridge University Press, 354p., p.256-262, Contribution by John C. Dohrenwend)

Elevation: 7657ft.

Literature Referring To This Location:

  • Hanson, Meri. 1978. From Walker Lake to Walker Pass with Fremont's Third Expedition: the Travel Journal of Edward Kern. Nevada Historical Society Quarterly. 21(1):56-65. {TAS}
  • Hildreth, Wes. 2004. Volcanological perspectives on Long Valley, Mammoth Mountain, and Mono Craters: several contiguous but discrete systems. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 136(3-4):169-198.
No collections made at this location.
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Date and time this article was prepared:11:58:51 AM, 2/4/2025.