Eastern Mojave Vegetation Letters -- 1998


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Jim Pittman to Tom Schweich, 9/1/1995

Fri, 15 Sep 1995 23:10:50 -0400.

Swertia albomarginata is also found in the New York Mountains of the East Mojave Desert Preserve and has appeared on a plant list for Clark Mtn even though I've not seen it there. Mary DeDecker reports it appearing in the Last Chance Mtns and Dry Mtn in the northern Mojave desert. It seems to be a limestone endemic but I wouldn't think it to be a relic - it's too widespread.

Jim Pittman, jmpii@aol.com


Locations: South Table Mountain.  

John Armstrong to Loraine Yeatts, 3/27/1998

Colorado Natural Heritage Program
College of Natural Resources
254 General Services
Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-6021
(970) 491-1309
FAX: (970) 491-3349

?March 27, 1998

Loraine Yeatts
Golden CO 80401

Dear Loraine:

The Colorado Natural Heritage Program (CNHP) is in receipt of your request for information regarding the potential for rare or imperiled butterflies in the South Table Mountain area of Jefferson County.

Though there appears to be little information regarding South Table Mountain itself, there is substantial documented occurrences of rare of imperiled butterflies and/or their indicator host plants in the immediate area. This suggests that there is at least the potential for rare or imperiled butterflies on and around the mountain itself.

Several of the butterflies observed in the area are quite rare. Both the Arogos skipper (Atrytone arogos) and Ottoe skipper (Hesperia ottoe) have been observed in the area and are regarded as globally rare. They are both associated with tall grass prairie remnants that are in relatively undisturbed condition and in particular those areas with populations of big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii).

Any gulches or ravines in the area that support hops (Humulus lupulus), including portions of Clear Creek and other areas that are sunny and are composed of scree or loose rock, are potential habitat for the hop-feeding azure (Celastrina humulus). This species is endemic to the Colorado Front Range and is also considered to be globally rare.

Schryver's elfin (Callophrys mossii schtyveri) also occupies habitats similar to the hop-feeding azure and has the potential of occurring in the South Table Mountain area. This sub-species is regarded as vulnerable in the state. In more shrubby habitats that include species such as mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus montanus), there is the potential for the mottled dusky wing (Erynnis martialis) a butterfly which has a disjunct distribution along the Front Range. This butterfly is also considered vulnerable in the state.

For a more in-depth account of rare or imperiled butterfly species that might occur in the South Table Mountain area, a detailed inventory would be required. Given the amount of information assembled on surrounding areas regarding these species, the potential of important habitat for the conservation of these species likely warrants further investigation.

While the information contained herein represents a thorough search of CNHP data sources, any absence of data does not necessarily mean that other natural heritage resources do not occur on or adjacent to the project site, but rather that our files do not currently contain information to document their presence. Also, although every attempt is made to provide the most current and precise information possible, please be aware that some of our sources provide a higher level of accuracy than others, and some interpretation may be required. CNHP's datasystem is constantly updated and revised. Please contact CNHP for an update on this natural heritage information if a significant amount of time passes before it is used.

If you have additional questions regarding the South Table Mountain area, please don't hesitate to contact me directly at 970 491 7331 or our staff invertebrate zoologist, Phyllis Pineda at 970 491 7911.


John Armstrong
Environmental Review Coordinator

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Date and time this article was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:35:47 PM